H3C: ABC deep integration empowers digital transformation

On December 16, 2019, the "9th China Cloud Computing Standards and Applications Conference" hosted by the China Electronics Standardization Institute was held in Beijing. The conference, with the theme of "Innovation Driven, Open Source Leading", lasted two days and covered two main forums and six sub-forums.

At the conference site, experts from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, State Administration for Market Regulation, National University of Defense Technology, Xinhua Three, Alibaba, Tencent and other units all gave speeches and discussions on the topics of enterprise cloud, open-source ecological construction, and enriching and improving the cloud evaluation system.

After the meeting, the 51CTO reporter was fortunate to interview Ou Coral, the chief engineer of Xinhua Group’s cloud number product line, and asked him to make an in-depth interpretation of the development trend of cloud computing and the road of Xinhua Three’s ABC integration.

Future technology development trends, lock in "ABC deep integration"

For the development trend of cloud computing, Ou Coral’s view is that "ABC deep integration" is the development trend of future technologies. In IDC’s 2019 global cloud forecast report, keywords such as digital native IT, cloud + AI @edge, super application, customization/verticalization, and hybrid cloud also confirm the inevitable trend of ABC deep integration.

Ou Coral said that the development trend of cloud computing is rooted in the innovation requirements of AppCloud, and the integration of a new generation of information technology cloud platform can easily provide basic power for enterprise AppCloud, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing deep integration has become the best choice for enterprise cloud technology selection.

For the ABC platform of "cloud digital intelligence" integration advocated by H3C, Ou Coral emphasized that it is based on the full-stack cloud platform, deeply integrates various technical capabilities such as AI, big data, IoT and cloud scene-based capabilities in various industries, based on the powerful computing power and massive storage provided by the cloud digital platform, and uses data intelligent analysis as a means to deeply mine the potential value of data, create more and new business opportunities for customers, and provide an ABC integrated integration platform with full-stack technical capabilities and full life cycle service capabilities for accelerating enterprise digital transformation.

For a long time, H3C has been cultivating in the toB enterprise network market, and has unique advantages in terms of industry business understanding ability, industry scenario ability and industry customer accumulation. Moreover, H3C Group has a full range of digital infrastructure capabilities such as computing, storage, network, and security. Starting from the underlying infrastructure, to the intermediate platform of ABC integration, and then to the intelligent upper application, it can help customers in thousands of industries to achieve smarter business decisions, more timely business response, more agile business deployment, more reliable business guarantee and safer business environment in the process of digital transformation.

ABC integration platform three advantages, empowering "digital transformation"

The ABC Fusion platform has been released for just half a year, and has been highly recognized by users in various industries such as medical care, education, and finance. Ou Coral revealed that the market focus of the ABC Fusion platform in the future is to continue to focus on industry customers, clarify industry business attributes, delve into customer business logic, and explore the bonding points between the ABC Fusion platform and customer business, so as to build more practical and scenario-based industry cloud solutions with strong bonding with customer business scenarios.

Regarding the advantages of the ABC Fusion platform, Ou Coral said that there are three main advantages.

First, the flexibility of the platform architecture; artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing three major technologies are deeply integrated, big data provides data services, cloud computing provides computing power services, artificial intelligence provides algorithm services, computing power, algorithms, and data three capabilities are delivered flexibly on demand, flexibly adapted to the cloud transformation of enterprise business, and jointly support future-oriented digital business. Simply put, all the capabilities required by customers are provided in the form of services. For users, big data and AI services can be purchased on demand.

Second, AI-ready intelligence; processing big data in the cloud with AI, carrying AI capabilities in the cloud, empowering big data analytics with AI, providing a simple and efficient ABC integration platform for enterprise digital transformation and supporting the development of smart applications. A very intuitive example of the education industry is that in the application of standardized examination rooms, candidates do not need identity certificates such as ID cards or admission cards, but use the facial recognition algorithm of the ABC fusion platform to directly brush their faces to enter the venue; in smart teaching applications, with the help of the visual analysis service, speech transcription service and natural language processing (NLP) algorithm of the ABC fusion platform, real-time analysis of students’ classroom behavior and expression data, as well as teaching interaction process data, help school leaders better grasp the classroom teaching process, and support teaching and research personnel to carry out teaching improvement auxiliary diagnostic services.

Third, it is safe and reliable. H3C has been committed to independent research and development in line with the national strategy and trusted cloud-related standards and norms of the cloud platform, in accordance with the Central Network Information Office, MIIT and other relevant cloud computing security guidance documents and standards, to provide a complete cloud security compliance programs and services, including cloud platform security architecture design and deployment, cloud security assessment, Cloud as a Service security audit evaluation and other service support, to ensure that the user’s cloud platform to meet the cloud security compliance requirements, to meet the financial, medical, education and other different industries security standards.

Finally, Ou Coral said that in the face of the future 5G-supported intelligent interconnection of all things, Xinhua three cloud computing will focus on two directions in the future, one is hybrid cloud, to meet the urgent needs of building a public cloud and private cloud dual-mode IT cloud environment in the process of enterprise cloud; the other is edge cloud, which develops edge cloud that supports consumer and industry innovative business applications, pushes related Cloud as a Service to the edge in a lightweight way, and combines the model of central cloud modeling analysis and edge cloud real-time decision-making to better meet the key needs of enterprise digitalization in connection, real-time and intelligence in the era of intelligent connection of all things.

Xinhua Sanyun has grown in practice, accumulated in practice, and led in practice. It has successively undertaken the construction of 15 national and ministerial government affairs clouds, 22 provincial government affairs clouds, more than 300 municipal and county government affairs clouds, 5 provincial health clouds, and more than 20 municipal health clouds. It has created a series of benchmark industry cases such as Sichuan Provincial Government Cloud, CNOOC Enterprise Cloud, Tsinghua University Education Cloud, State Grid Power Regulation Cloud, People’s Bank of China Clearing Center, and Beijing TV Station. At present, Xinhua Sanyun has more than 8,000 cloud value customers in government affairs, education, enterprise, medical and health care, finance, power and energy and other related fields. In the future, H3C Cloud Computing will continue to focus on the industry market and the government and enterprise market. Through more than 20 years of industry experience, it will help industry customers’ businesses and processes adapt to changes in the external market more quickly and efficiently, and promote continuous innovation in production methods.