Yang Mi completely gave up "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker"? The end didn’t even post on Weibo, and the play was perfunctory outside the play

No matter how many recommendation spots were stuffed, how many hot-searched "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker · Moon Red" was not very well broadcast from start to finish. The platform quickly overshot and finally made a sum of money to send it away.

After the finale, all the actors in the play, Gong Jun, Guo Xiaoting, Zhang Linghe, Chen Turin, etc., posted Weibo to say goodbye to their roles, which was obviously a unified publicity activity for the entire crew. Then, everyone found that Yang Mi, the heroine, did not say a word, and the latest Weibo was a new ice cream brand she endorsed. Whether it was good or bad, Yang Mi’s attitude towards the play was perfunctory from the play to the outside.

No expression on the face, no light in the eyes

After watching this entire drama, everyone would find that Yang Mi had shown a textbook-level demonstration of finishing a play with one expression. Moreover, not only did his expression not move, but even his eyes did not seem to wake up, just like ordinary people were forced to go to work every day.

You can often see that when the audience complains that the actor of an idol drama does not understand the role properly, he will turn into a dead fish face, and he will play a drama with one expression throughout the whole process, and dare not make big movements on the facial features. Yang Mi’s role in Tu Shan Honghong this time is Tu Shan’s boss and a royal sister. It is right for her to act a more cold and cold feeling. However, cold and cold should not have motionless eyes.

The exhaustion and unwillingness to shoot in Yang Mi’s eyes couldn’t be concealed, she didn’t want to pretend at all, she just finished the whole play with a rotten look in her eyes. In the eyes she looked at Gong Jun, we couldn’t feel the slightest bit of love from this character for another character. The so-called highlight scene, the tenderness of the two people, the light she sent out, and the eyes she held on to death were like a mother. To be honest, her eyes persuaded too many viewers who wanted to come in and watch love.

When filming "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom", Yang Mi starred in Bai Qian Shangshen, who was also considered to be relatively aloof and cold, with an expression written on his face that looked down on the world, but at that time, Yang Mi still had a play in his eyes, his eyes could still be turned, and his eyelids could still be lifted.

The audience had already pointed out this feeling in "The Eighth Law of Love". At that time, when Yang Mi was filming this drama, there were a lot of small movements on his body, but his eyes were lax, and the straight lines in his eyes were written: Work is really grueling.

He was injured in an accident while filming a variety show

During the filming of "Fox Demon Matchmaker · Moon Red", there was another major event that made Yang Mi fans want to scroll the entire Internet first, that is, during the recording of "The Great Escape Room" variety show, Yang Mi’s most beautiful eyes were injured and sutured.

Although we look back now, Yang Mi’s injury doesn’t seem to be very serious, but at that time, the entire crew stopped filming directly because of Yang Mi’s variety show, and Yang Mi did disappear for a long time before returning to work.

This matter is not to feel sorry for Yang Mi’s injury, saying that she is very dedicated, but we can find that Yang Mi, after being scolded by everyone for rolling the show a few years ago, chose to worry about the pressure of public opinion, did not go back and forth between the two crew, and chose another way, which is to shoot variety shows in the space of filming. Not rolling the show, but also rolling the variety show, which is nothing. Until "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker · Yuehong" flipped the car and delayed the progress of the crew.

In contrast to this, in Harbin 1944, Yang Mi’s attitude towards the latter was completely different.

When filming "Harbin 1944", Yang Mi invited an acting teacher and a crew. Even if she didn’t have a scene to shoot, she stood alone in the crew to see how others were doing. What about filming "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker · Moon Red"? Hurry up and finish filming, she wants to leave.

The attitude is obvious propaganda half give up

Since the beginning of June, Yang Mi has not participated in any promotion of "Fox Demon Matchmaker · Yuehong" on Weibo, and has obviously given up on the drama. This is not because of the poor broadcast performance of the drama, she chose to give up, but from the beginning, her attitude towards the drama was very ordinary.

When the entire crew went to promote "Hello, Saturday", she was absent as the first heroine, and only participated in one press conference during the entire broadcast process. We can continue to compare the attitude and state of this promotion with "Harbin 1944".

Yang Mi was interviewed for "Harbin 1944" all day long, and used a lot of power to publicize it. He painted cakes for fans on various occasions, saying how wonderful her performance in this drama would be, but he didn’t mention "Fox Demon" at all. Her interview was not nonsense, and the audience did clearly feel the difference in her acting skills between the two dramas. The acting performance on "Harbin 1944" was a wrong set of questions. At least he wrote the paper, but he answered it wrong. "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker · Yuehong" was simply a white paper.

Six departments interviewed eight online car-hailing platforms, and the number of rides per day will be limited

  Beijing Evening News (Reporter Sun Hongyang) Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, MIIT, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the General Administration of Market Supervision jointly interviewed eight online ride-hailing platform companies, including Didi Chuxing, Shouqi Car-hailing, Shenzhou Youche, Cao Cao Chuxing, Meituan Chuxing, Autonavi, Didi Chuxing, and Hello Chuxing.

  Since the second half of this year, there have been many new situations and new problems in the development of online car-hailing and ride-hailing markets, involving various aspects such as industry safety and stability, which have attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Cai Tuanjie, deputy director of the Department of Transportation Services of the Ministry of Transport, said that this is a reminder interview, which aims to listen to the opinions and suggestions of platform companies, and remind and supervise the safety production and maintenance of stability of various enterprises to better meet the needs of the masses for travel.

  The interview pointed out that if Hitch is really a "tailwind", the platform companies engaged in Hitch must strictly abide by the relevant regulations on Hitch management. The relevant platform companies must strictly adhere to the safety bottom line, do a good job in the review and dynamic monitoring of the technical performance of the online vehicle and the driver’s background, protect the user’s personal privacy, and ensure safety from the source; to establish and improve the passenger’s rapid response processing mechanism, timely and effective handling of emergencies, especially involving safety emergencies, the platform company shall bear the responsibility of first compensation for safety accidents; to comply with the nature of the ride, it must be based on the driver’s own travel needs, and the travel information must be released in advance. The ride-sharing vehicle is selected by the same fit passengers with the same travel route. The ride-sharing behavior must not be for profit, but only share part of the travel cost with the passengers or assist each other for free. It is strictly forbidden to engage in illegal operations in the name of ride-sharing, and there must be a certain limit on the number of rides per car per day, which is

  The interview also proposed to further accelerate the pace of online car-hailing compliance. All online car-hailing platform companies should take the initiative to cooperate with local management departments, organize qualified drivers and vehicles to apply for online car-hailing licenses as soon as possible in accordance with relevant regulations, strictly implement the relevant requirements of background verification, remove unqualified personnel and vehicles, and strictly prohibit the distribution of orders to vehicles and drivers without business qualifications. Operate in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

  In addition, some aggregation platforms have recently encountered new problems such as access to non-compliant online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers, engaging in illegal online car-hailing operations in the name of "aggregation". Aggregation platforms should strengthen the review and verification of the business qualifications of connected online car-hailing platform companies, and urge online car-hailing platforms to strictly check the qualifications of vehicles and drivers, and jointly assume the responsibility of safety protection and the responsibility of solving passenger complaints.

  All platform companies should immediately investigate their own hidden problems such as "rental purchasing" and infringement of driver rights and interests, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  The interview also put forward relevant requirements for each platform company on cyber security, personal information protection, road traffic safety management, public safety risk prevention, online car-hailing price behavior and market competition behavior.

New opportunities in the food and beverage industry are attracting investment from a higher starting point

  For all walks of life, 2022 is a cold winter, and the macro situation is constantly changing. This uncertainty also stirs people’s lives, making brands and consumers face unpredictable changes. After going through the extraordinary 2022, in the new 2023, "recovery and growth" will become the key words that consumer brands hope to seize. The prospects of the food and beverage industry are also gradually repairing, and new consumption trends will emerge. In recent years, the high-profile soda brand Dayao is moving closer. It continues to attract investment with outstanding strength, injecting full confidence into distribution agents.

  Win-win logic: Sincere investment promotion, Wang fried the beginning

  When time-honored brands and new forces compete together, the domestic soda market is surging and bustling, bringing more opportunities to dealers. At the same time, how to choose the right products and choose the right products in the dazzling soda market has also become an important problem that dealers must solve. The popularity of the "big soda" category is a recognized trend, and the mainstream position of the big kiln in the "big soda" has been confirmed by the market. The sales are fast, the sales volume is high, and the profits are rising. Naturally, it has become the "Nugget Code" that brands and dealers follow.

  For the creation of the distribution market, Dayao always adheres to "win-win situation for manufacturers and wealth sharing", and seriously considers the interests of dealers. For dealers who really want to join, Dayao adopts a "four-dimensional evaluation system", that is, the ability base, soft factors, industry status, and cooperation willingness are comprehensively selected in four dimensions, and a 3-month cooperation trial is also carried out to reduce risks for dealers. For dealers who have reached a cooperation, Dayao has carried out 1v1 face-to-face auxiliary management and other methods to set up a variety of agency policies and profit guarantees for dealers, such as material support, brand promotion support, award promotion, etc., to provide dealers with 360-degree all-round and no dead ends services, helping dealers quickly open the beverage market and achieve a win-win situation.

  Value Return: Prudent Consumption, Convenience is King

  Of course, the prerequisite for investment promotion is the outstanding brand and products, which can create greater profits or value for dealers. Otherwise, no matter how friendly the policy is, it will be in vain.

  In the past year, the downturn in the economic environment has brought inflation, rising living costs and stagnant wages. Coupled with brands seeking new breakthroughs through raw material mining and technology development, products on the market have to raise prices to obtain cost benefits. Mintel 2023 global consumer insights data also shows that in China, compared with the beginning of 2022, the proportion of consumers who say they are "very confident" about their economic situation has continued to decline, from 36% in February to 24% in November.

  Although consumer attitudes are more cautious, the public’s emphasis on daily nutrition is increasing, and time-saving, labor-saving, and delicious products are more popular. For example, in the process of eating, perhaps large bottles of soda can meet the needs of customers and achieve the pleasure of drinking. In order to allow more consumers to enjoy the refreshing atmosphere and joyous experience of this kind of drinking, the big kiln has launched a 520ml large-capacity glass bottle, which is very suitable for daily drinking, but the price is almost the same as that of many brands in 240ml glass bottles, which has given the big kiln’s products a price advantage and won the favor of consumers. Big kiln drinks appear in almost every large and small restaurant in the country.

  Personalized customization: fit the audience, trend first

  With the continuous iteration and upgrading of consumer demand, new consumer groups continue to grow, and diverse and personalized consumer demand is constantly emerging. More and more young consumers not only want to eat delicious, drink enjoyable, but also want to have fun. In order to meet the consumption concept of young consumers who pay attention to product appearance and healthy taste to the greatest extent, Dayao Beverage has fully launched a strategic route. In product packaging, Dayao has launched new PET packaging products, focusing on the trend of youth and portability. Dayao has also innovated and upgraded the taste of its products, launching new products including "Dayao Lixiang", "Chayuanxiang Juice Gas Tea" and "Dayao Fruit Steam" series, and continues to create a trendy drink explosion. In order to achieve in-depth communication with consumers, the big kiln also held a "Who is the king of the big kiln" competition, "the passion on stage is dazzling, the passion off the stage is playing CALL", which is interesting, cool and down-to-earth to gain consumer recognition.

  In 2021, Dayao officially started the road of brand marketing upgrade with the category positioning of "big soda, drinking big kiln", which made people inside and outside the industry shine. In 2022, Dayao identified Wu Jing as the spokesperson and quickly grafted his "positive energy attribute" onto the brand, which made Dayao soda glow with new potential and swept the country. In order to continue the good cooperation in the past year, Dayao and Wu Jing joined hands again to aim for new marketing in 2023 and embark on a new journey.

  Opportunities and challenges coexist in the food and beverage industry. Brands should focus more on their own products, values and consumer interactions to cultivate internal strength in order to seize the opportunity. Dayao will advance from a high starting point to enhance the brand value. If you are interested in joining Dayao, you can pay attention to the official website of Dayao (www.dayaoyinpin.com) and the official account of "Dayao Beverage" to learn more and start the road of win-win in 2023.

  Image source: Dayao official

Jinjialing Financial District: "Digital Finance" sets sail first

Since the beginning of this year, Jinjialing Financial District has been particularly active in the field of digital financial application innovation.

In July, Bank of Qingdao launched the first electronic factoring business in the country, providing factoring financing for small and micro enterprises through the digital supply chain finance platform. Based on this model, Bank of Qingdao will vigorously serve vegetables, eggs, aquatic products and other suppliers to farmers, agricultural product processing, agricultural technology and other enterprises to help rural revitalization.

In May, three financial district institutions, including Bank of Qingdao, Qingdao Flash Payment Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Shujin Public Service (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., were selected for the second batch of "scenario application laboratories". "Digital finance" became the common "label" of the three declaration projects. In the "petri dish" of new technologies, new formats, and new models, Jinjialing Financial District has become a unique landscape with "digital finance".

In April, Shandong Guosheng Microloan Co., Ltd. issued small digital RMB loans to a hotel and an individual respectively. The two loans not only relieved the financing party’s urgency of capital turnover, but also became the earliest digital RMB microloan scenario in the country, expanding the scope of use of digital RMB.

This set of "monthly spectrum" is a marker point for the development of digital finance in Jinjialing Financial District, marking the drip-by-drip achievements and development paths of digital finance in Qingdao. Digital finance is the foundation for the construction and development of digital economy and digital city, and has become the focus of various cities. On the surging tide, there is Qingdao’s brave figure. As the place where Qingdao Financial Institution Group and financial technology gather, Jinjialing Financial District is taking the lead in tasting the sweetness of digital finance.

On August 28, Jinjialing Financial District will usher in the Digital Finance Construction Summit Forum with the theme of "Digital Gathering in Qingdao, Rongzhi Sailing". At that time, industry experts and scholars will gather at Qingdao Haitian Financial Center Hotel to discuss the digital transformation of the financial industry, make suggestions for the high-quality development of Jinjialing Financial District’s "Digital Finance Pioneer Zone", and accumulate more experience for digital finance to better serve the digital economy.

Consolidating the foundation: the agglomeration of financial technology companies

Digital finance is the use of digital technologies such as big data, 5G, and blockchain to reduce transaction costs, alleviate information asymmetry, and strengthen risk management. The development of digital finance cannot be separated from the agglomeration of financial technology enterprises.

At present, the financial district has gathered a number of financial technology enterprises and research institutions such as Qingdao Flash Payment Information Technology Co., Ltd., Wan Chain Index (Qingdao) Information Technology Co., Ltd., Jiantou Data Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd., CCID Research Institute, etc. There are 49 financial technology enterprises, and the digital transformation and innovation of "Bank +" Financial Institution Group are endless, and they jointly support the construction base of digital finance.

In 2019, Qingdao was approved to become one of the national fintech application pilot cities, exploring the use of new-generation information technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data to improve the quality and efficiency of financial services. As early as 2017, Flash Payment, which focuses on supply chain financial services, was established, and the angel round received 20 million yuan in financing. Up to now, Flash Payment has provided digital technology services to more than 6,600 enterprises, and the cumulative supply chain financial transaction volume has exceeded 57 billion yuan. It has provided innovative solutions and technology and operation services for many core supply chain financial enterprises, commercial factoring, financial leasing, financial companies, banks and other customers. There are many industry leaders in deep cooperation, such as Qingdao Metro, Luhua Capital, Shanghai Shentong Metro, Suzhou City Investment, etc.

On the main track of supply chain finance, the development of digital finance, the financial technology enterprises in Jinjialing Financial District "have their own unique skills". The Wanchain Index, which is good at using big data for corporate credit portrayal, has achieved a good result of helping small and micro enterprises to raise 2.30 million yuan in 35 minutes. Through excellent big data computing and analysis capabilities, the Wanchain Index has raised more than one billion yuan for many small and medium-sized enterprises a year; Shandong Jiantou Technology, which uses "3D reality modeling" to explore new financial scenarios, reduces financing costs and risks through the "visible" and "identifiable" auxiliary financing of collateral. Jiang Mingying, chairperson of the company, once said that Shandong Jiantou Technology has overcome the accuracy and cost problems of "3D reality modeling", achieved efficient, fast and intelligent acquisition, and seized the opportunity in technology.

Digital RMB is one of the "new infrastructures" for the high-quality development of the digital economy and financial industry. The Financial Institution Group in Jinjialing Financial District frequently "tasted" new application scenarios of digital RMB. In May 2022, Qingdao Julang Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. launched the first "digital RMB + digital financial leasing" business in China, and issued financial leases to enterprises in the form of digital RMB to Qingdao Aierjiajia New Materials joint stock company, a national-level specialized and special "little giant" enterprise. The intelligent characteristics of digital RMB have improved financial efficiency. At the same time, the leasing assets are managed digitally in the after-sales and leaseback process, and the risk prevention and Client Server capabilities are improved.

Effectiveness: Deeply empowering the real economy

Financial activity means economic activity, and financial stability means economic stability.

Digital finance is still financial in nature, and its value is reflected in empowering subjects that cannot be reached by traditional finance through technological means, turning the impossible into possible, and promoting the high-quality development of the real economy.

Digitalization has given "inclusive" wings to banks and other Financial Institutions Groups, with the help of artificial intelligence, big data computing and other technologies, to reduce customer acquisition costs, improve the coverage of financial services, and help financial services achieve "sinking" services.

With the blessing of science and technology, data has opened the "wall-breaking action" and become a tool for leveraging financing. China Merchants Bank Qingdao Branch cooperates with the Municipal Big Data Bureau to use decision tree, neural networks and other technologies to build a credit model and demand model for small and micro enterprises, and build a Data Warehouse Interim for financial services for small and micro enterprises, effectively reducing customer acquisition costs. According to information released by the Qingdao Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China recently, this year, China Merchants Bank Qingdao Branch has accumulated 309 new customers through this model, reducing customer acquisition costs by 30%, increasing customer acquisition efficiency by 35%, and issuing loans cumulatively 309 million yuan.

Big data computing power not only improves the quality and efficiency of financial services, but also helps Financial Institution Group to better prevent financial risks. Bank of Qingdao integrates 500,000 pieces of data from multiple data sources to build a risk control rule base and automated decision-making tool for small and micro enterprises’ financial service scenarios, realizes automatic early warning and rapid disposal of various risks, and promotes the transformation of the risk control system from manual decision-making to data decision-making. After the system is launched, 3,140 risk control decisions in loans are automatically made, and more than 5,960 post-loan warning signals are detected, involving about 240,000 customers.

The use of digital technology has helped Financial Institution Group better empower emerging industries. As of the end of April, there were more than 5,000 high-tech enterprises in Qingdao. As talent-intensive enterprises, high-tech enterprises are restricted in financing means. On March 30, Industrial Bank Qingdao branch granted 20 million yuan of credit to Qingdao Kejie Robot Co., Ltd. under the "talent loan" to help enterprises increase R & D and innovation. In the approval of this business, Industrial Bank Qingdao Branch applied an independent innovation "technology flow" evaluation system, from 17 dimensions such as talent labels, intellectual property rights, R & D investment, and science and technology innovation competitions, to accurately quantify the scientific research achievements of scientific and technological talents and the scientific and technological innovation strength of enterprises. This greatly simplifies the information and processes required for traditional credit issuance, and provides enterprises with priority credit without guarantee, so as to strengthen their technological and financial strength with financial technology.

Build an ecology: turn on the financial "traffic light"

Technology helps financial services multiply, but there should be clear boundaries for the integration of finance and technology. While encouraging innovation and ensuring the quality of financial services, financial risks should also be prevented and financial order should be maintained. The "traffic light" system necessary for the development and growth of digital finance is also gradually clear in Jinjialing Financial District.

The most important thing in supervision is the construction of financial rule of law. Since the beginning of this year, the main person in charge of Qingdao Intermediate Court has visited Jinjialing Financial District many times. In April, the Qingdao Intermediate Court and the Financial Management Commission signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, and the two parties agreed to establish a regular contact mechanism to carry out in-depth cooperation in resolving financial disputes and preventing financial risks, and accelerate the construction of Qingdao’s financial rule of law. In June, the Qingdao Intermediate Court’s financial trial workstation was located in the Jinjialing Financial District. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court said that through the workstation, a high-quality judicial service demonstration base will be built, and efforts will be made to achieve local absorption of judicial needs, local resolution of disputes in the financial district, local provision of judicial services, and local development of circuit trials. By giving full play to the radiating effect of judicial assistance to financial support for the real economy, it will provide judicial protection for the high-quality development of the financial district and the legal business environment

The professional financial and legal service industry has grown in Jinjialing Financial District. Recently, Guantao Zhongmao Law Firm Qingdao branch settled in Jinjialing Financial District. The firm’s business involves financial innovation and capital markets, international trade and WTO, intellectual property protection, corporate restructuring and bankruptcy, traditional commercial litigation and many other financial fields. Its Beijing headquarters has been honored by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. As of the first half of the year, the number of law firms in Jinjialing Financial District has reached 61, building an "iron wall" for financial legal services and financial order maintenance.

Synchronized with the supervision and layout of the red light system, the Jinjialing Financial District Management Committee has given the green light to the policy, striving for the opportunity of the first trial for the Financial Institution Group in the district, and at the same time creating a good ecology, and constantly promoting the progress of the construction of the "Digital Finance Pioneer Zone". In April this year, Jinjialing Financial District issued the "2022 Action Plan for the Construction of the Digital Finance Pioneer Zone", proposing to take the application scenario construction as a breakthrough point, aiming at the "seven major tasks", and strive to gather industries, improve the ecology, innovate the pilot, and optimize the environment, so as to make Jinjialing Financial District a digital finance pioneer zone with wealth management characteristics. In June, the Qingdao Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China and the Qingdao Local Financial Supervision Administration jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Supporting the Establishment of a Financial Technology Pilot Demonstration Zone", explicitly supporting the Jinjialing Financial District to build a digital finance pilot zone and further expanding the scale and influence of the digital finance industry.

At the Digital Finance Summit Forum held on August 28, the Digital Finance Industry Alliance and Digital Finance Scenario Application Laboratory led by the Financial Management Commission will be inaugurated, creating a new stage and opportunities for the development of the digital finance industry in Jinjialing Financial District.

The nine-story platform starts from the soft soil. According to the relevant person in charge of the Jinjialing Financial District Management Committee, digitalization is a new impetus for the transformation and upgrading of the financial industry. The construction of the "Digital Finance Pioneer Zone" in Jinjialing Financial District has laid a solid foundation and taken off in an all-round way. In the next step, the Jinjialing Financial District Management Committee will strive for more policies and cheap conditions for the Financial Institution Groups and financial technology enterprises in the district, attract more high-quality digital finance-related projects to settle down, and develop and expand the digital finance industry in the interaction between government and enterprises, so as to help the construction of digital Qingdao to a new level.

(Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter, Ding Qianqian, correspondent, Sui Hua)

Hot review: Why did the movie "Hua Qiangu" lose its reputation at the box office?

In the past few days, the movie "Hua Qiangu" has continued to arouse discussion among netizens. On the one hand, after 10 days of the movie’s release, the box office has just broken through the 6 million mark, which is far lower than the prediction of 17 million to 40 million before the release; on the other hand, the movie’s reputation and ratings are dismal, and it was even rated as "the first bad start of the year" by CCTV Movie Channel. The box office and word-of-mouth are both lost, and behind them are new changes such as film and television drama creation and publicity that are worth thinking about.

In 2015, the TV series "Hua Qiangu" based on the online novel of the same name broke many records such as viewership and broadcast volume. Not only are the "Bone Painting Couple", Killing Qianmo, Sugar Treasure, Ni Mantian and other related characters deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the theme song and interlude in the play are widely sung, and even the "Power of the Great Desolation" in the play has become a hot stalk of the year in one fell swoop. The drama version "Hua Qiangu" successfully developed the online text IP and created the Xianxia Ancient Idol track, which is still the "white moonlight" in the minds of many audiences. So, with its back to the top IP and sitting on the "audience filter", how did the movie version "Hua Qiangu" end up in such a situation?

Looking at the online and offline evaluations, it is not difficult to find that most fans of both novels and dramas dislike the movie version – the former feels that the adaptation is "unsuitable to the soil" and the logic depends on "brain supplementation"; the latter is confused about the plot and says it is difficult to understand. In terms of content, compared with the detailed restoration of 50 episodes of the TV series, the length of the movie is limited. By stuffing the detailed and rich novel plot into the capacity of 97 minutes, the narrative rhythm of the movie version seems to be doubled, omitting many key turns and transitions, making the characters and stories fall into the rut of upgrading and fighting monsters.

On the other hand, it is a matter of form. Objectively speaking, in recent years, domestic film and television dramas have generally been improving, and the audience’s aesthetic level has also been constantly improving. As a fairy and hero movie released in 2024, the movie version "Hua Qiangu" not only failed to give the audience artistic enjoyment and technological shock in the special effects presentation, but even lagged behind the 2015 drama version in some places, which inevitably disappointed the audience.

Due to the poor box office and reputation, the film director Zhang Chao apologized for the haircut video, which once again pushed the film into a frenzy of discussion. Zhang Chao Li said that the box office is now sorry for the producers and team partners, and four years of hard work and dedication have not been rewarded. Unfortunately, many netizens did not buy this apology, believing that the director’s move was equivalent to "sad-fishing".

In the end, the audience is running for IP, plot and characters, and will not simply buy it for their feelings. Compared with 2015, Ancient Idol + Xianxia can collide with fresh sparks. In recent years, all kinds of Xianxia Ancient Idol film and television works have come out one after another, which itself is not so fresh and attractive. If it cannot be presented with more creative designs and better quality, the film version not only cannot "borrow light", but also faces the comparison and doubts brought by "pearl jade first".

Whether it is a movie or a TV series, the feedback from the market and the audience has repeatedly explained the simple and important truth: by occupying the "big IP" and inviting traffic stars, even if the plot is full of loopholes and the special effects are flashy, they can top the charts. The era of fans is over. Quality is the must-kill skill forever. Creation with ingenuity, sincere presentation, and high-quality works are the last word. Only by truly respecting the production team and the audience can we truly win respect and harvest success.

"Coming to the Light and Glorious to the World" was released in Eta Ursae Majoris-Hefei Station

On the evening of March 5th, Eta Ursae Majoris, the "400,000-class flagship SUV of wisdom and luxury", made its debut in Hefei.

Before the opening ceremony, the Eta Ursae Majoris flight show (stunt show) with wonderful lighting interpretation created a warm atmosphere for the guests present at the conference, and also made them feel the excellent handling quality of Eta Ursae Majoris models. The scene was full of climax and excitement.

At 18:30, the magnificent lighting show of Wenfeng Building, which echoes the main venue, was officially staged. After an exciting countdown, the listing and release of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris-Hefei Station officially kicked off.

At the event site, the leaders of Xingtu Marketing Center, many dealer partners in Xingtu Central China Region, and many invited starlight friends and media coffees gathered together. The highly anticipated Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris will soon unveil its mystery under the witness of many guests and media friends.

At the press conference, Liu De, director of the operation department of the key account director in charge of the Central China Region of Xingtu Marketing Center, brought a wonderful speech to everyone.

Mr. Liu said that Xingtu, as a high-end brand of Chery, is also a strategic brand of Chery, shouldering the important mission of leading Chery to accelerate change, make breakthroughs and fully embrace the era of green smart cars. Xingtu is the spire of Chery Group’s brand pyramid, and it should go straight into the sky!

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, the flagship SUV with 400,000-class wisdom and luxury, is not only the first strategic model in the era of Starway brand 2.0, but also the first model of Chery Group’s "Eta Ursae Majoris 202.5 billion science and technology strategy", which is the best embodiment of the innovative spirit of "Technical Chery" in the new era.

"Users create together" is Starway’s leading idea of "customer-centered" at present. In this Eta Ursae Majoris listing and release session, two car owners’ representatives from Hefei area were invited to jointly unveil it with Starway’s leaders, which shows that Starway attaches great importance to customers and really envies others!

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris officially appeared on the market in Hefei. Liu Hualin, product line quality director of Chery Automobile User Co-creation and Product Management Center, introduced the highlights of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris in detail, which made the "400,000-class smart and luxury flagship SUV" deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

Then, Li Ning, Marketing Director of Xingtu Marketing Center in Central China, announced the listing price and preferential policies of Eta Ursae Majoris for all the guests: the new car was launched with six models of 400T TGDI two-wheel drive and 400T TGDI four-wheel drive, with the price range of 152,800-202,800 yuan. Judging from the previous professional media evaluation, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has the leapfrog strength to comprehensively benchmark the 400,000 joint venture luxury SUV. Combined with the people-friendly price and rich configuration level announced this time, it is believed that after listing, it will quickly set off a "luxury equal rights" movement in the 200,000-yuan SUV market, leading the Starway brand to establish a new pattern of independent high-end market.

⑥ Star-fixing Ceremony: Free road rescue for the first car owner for life.

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris has been receiving much media attention since it was blindly ordered and pre-sold. At today’s press conference, Mr. Qian Wei, a well-known host of Anhui Traffic Radio, also came to the scene to share his view of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and express his best wishes to Starway brand and Eta Ursae Majoris.

At the press conference, the first batch of car owners’ representatives from Central China were also invited to the scene. Under the witness of many guests, Xingtu held a grand delivery ceremony for them.

Before the end of the event, the leaders at the scene took a group photo with the car owners’ representatives and our media partners, and jointly recorded the wonderful moments that belonged to Eta Ursae Majoris.

It is worth mentioning that in the afternoon of the same day, the "Eta Ursae Majoris 1 Hit 7" special comparative test drive experience camp was held on the spot. Many invited customers and media friends who are interested in Eta Ursae Majoris participated in the test drive on the spot, and verified the excellent reliability and quality control ability of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris with their own experience.

[written at the end]

Judging from the market results of "hot before listing", the product positioning of Xingtu brand for Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris’s "400,000-class smart and light luxury flagship SUV" is not an armchair strategist, and the key lies in the precise product strategy of "breaking through the purchasing power of doubling the car price". Today, the automobile market in China is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Joint-venture luxury brands have shown signs of fatigue in terms of product change, market demand and user concept. China brand has started to rise strongly through independent innovation technology, and gradually mastered the discourse power and pricing power of the mainstream family car market. At present, there is an urgent need for a product that can show national pride and has the value of high-end cars in China, and Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is such a model with a product value of 400,000, which is comparable to the joint venture luxury SUV brand.