Strong Confidence, Open a New Bureau | Spring Tide Surges and Power Surges —— Developing Confidence from Six Stories

  Everything is reviving and thriving.

  In a scene full of enthusiasm and vitality, Xinhua News Agency reporters recently visited Zhejiang’s production workshops, ports and docks, professional markets and scientific research institutes intensively, and felt the fundamentals of China’s economic improvement in silent but powerful stories; Experience the strong pulse of "confidence flow" in the rolling forward of import and export flow, intellectual flow, innovation flow and consumption flow.

   Feel the great potential of China’s foreign trade in "one in and one out"

  — — Story 1: "Return" Raja

  With curly black hair and wheat skin, Raja, a heavy-eyed Indian businessman, was busy in Yiwu China Commodity City early in the morning. He picked up the goods on the shelves, observed and compared them, and quickly recorded relevant information with his mobile phone.

  "I haven’t been back for three years, and I miss it here too much." Raja smiled with joy.

  Yiwu China Commodity City has the reputation of "world supermarket". In the market with a business area of over 6 million square meters, there are 75,000 merchants and 2.1 million kinds of commodities, with a daily passenger flow of 200,000, and 15,000 resident foreign businessmen at peak times.

  Affected by the epidemic, the bustling market in the past was deserted, especially for foreign businessmen, who were inconvenient to come to China and could only communicate with merchants through screens and telephones, which had a great impact on business.

  "My business has dropped by nearly 30% in these three years, and China people like to say ‘ Seize the day ’ It is too in line with my current mood. " This businessman, who has been engaged in Sino-Indian trade for more than 20 years, booked an air ticket to China for the first time after the epidemic prevention and control entered a new stage.

  Toys, stationery, artificial flowers, luggage … … Raja’s shopping list is long and varied. It is for this reason that he increasingly feels that he can’t live without Yiwu, a super-large market.

  "We will set up a trading company in Yiwu this year, bring more friends to purchase, and plan to buy 400 containers of goods! China products with frequent new products, high quality and beautiful price will definitely sell well in my country. " Raja said.

  The return of "Rajas" makes the merchants in Commodity City more confident. Lu Qingrong, the owner of Jingrong Toys, said: "The merchants and orders are wave after wave. The orders received in the beginning of the year have already been arranged in May and June. It is estimated that the sales this year will increase by 30% over the previous two years."

  The data shows that the number of resident foreign businessmen in Yiwu has risen steadily, and now it has exceeded 10,000. In January this year, China-Europe trains in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province started 240 trains and sent 20,140 TEUs, with a year-on-year increase of 172.1%.

  Raja (right), an Indian businessman, buys in a toy shop in Yiwu China Commodity City (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi on February 2, 2023).

  — — Story 2: Chen Xiaojun who spans 40,000 kilometers.

  From the United States to France, the Netherlands, Norway, and then to Cambodia, since November last year, Chen Xiaojun has been taking the company team around the clock, with a round trip of nearly 40,000 kilometers.

  Ligao Holding Group, founded by Chen Xiaojun, has an annual output of 30 million bags. However, affected by the epidemic, the luggage industry has been hit hard, and so has Ligao. How to break the game? Go out!

  "If the customer returns the drink cup, he can change it to 1 euro." This detail of Norwegian street drinks shop deeply touched Chen Xiaojun: green and low carbon is not only an initiative, but also a big business opportunity.

  Not only Europe, but also some countries in other regions are vigorously promoting packaging recycling and carbon reduction monitoring. A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have included green and low carbon in their development plans, which is rare in the past.

  This "going out to sea" after a lapse of three years prompted Chen Xiaojun to respond quickly.

  After returning to China, he immediately formed a team and put himself into a new track — — Using recycled materials to make green luggage with replaceable and repairable parts and easy reuse.

  Since the beginning of this year, the orders of the old customers of Ligao have increased by more than 30% on average, and their confidence in holding the leading position in the industry has been further enhanced.

  The data shows that in December last year, Zhejiang government and enterprises joined forces and moved from time to time, and "went out to sea" 20 groups in a single month, obtaining new orders of more than 18 billion yuan. In 2022, the import and export scale of Zhejiang Province reached a record high, of which 3.43 trillion yuan was exported, up 14.0% year-on-year.

  Feel the vigorous driving force of China’s high-quality development under the tide of innovation

  — — Story 3: "Birthday" is the grand corridor of 80 science and technology subjects.

  Where is "Zhongguancun" and "Zhangjiang" in Zhejiang? Hangzhou Chengxi Kechuang Corridor! Shi Huang Kai has a firm answer in his heart.

  Shi Huang Kai is the deputy director of the Hangzhou West Science and Technology Corridor Management Committee. This large corridor starts from Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University in the east and ends at Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University in the west, with a total length of 39 kilometers and an area of about 416 square kilometers.

  This corridor, the position is not small. Five laboratories in Zhejiang Province, including Zhijiang Laboratory and Xihu Laboratory, have gathered 2,597 state-level high-tech enterprises, 80 state-level science and technology platforms and 520,000 professional and technical personnel.

  "Every working day here, 80 new science and technology subjects can be added, which provides a steady stream of power for high-quality economic development." Shi Huang Kai said.

  At present, Hangzhou Chengxi Science and Technology Corridor is accelerating the cultivation of new economic growth poles by relying on the advantages of innovation foundation. Since its establishment seven years ago, the added value of the large corridor industry has increased from 106.33 billion yuan to 311.98 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 20.5%, of which the contribution rate of high-tech industries has exceeded 75%.

  The data shows that in 2022, scientific apparatus, Zhejiang Province achieved a zero breakthrough, Zhijiang Laboratory was incorporated into the national laboratory system, and 10 provincial laboratories and 10 provincial technological innovation centers completed the layout, and the driving force of science and technology innovation became stronger and stronger.

  In the Zhijiang Laboratory Computing and Data Center located in the Kechuang Corridor in the west of Hangzhou, engineers monitor the running status of the server cluster through the "Zhijiang Cloud" system (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi on June 23, 2022).

  — — Story 4: Cars that "change lanes and overtake"

  "In the past, we felt that it was fashionable to drive imported cars from Europe and America. Now the main market for new energy vehicles we export is Europe." Chen Guanliu’s face was filled with pride when he mentioned the change of car’s "flow direction".

  Chen Guanliu is the deputy director of manufacturing of Lingke Automobile Yuyao Factory. Among the domestic high-end automobile exports of more than 250,000 yuan, the Lexus automobile market ranks first.

  Engaged in the automobile industry for 17 years, in Chen Guanliu’s view, it is too difficult for China’s traditional fuel vehicles to catch up with Europe and the United States in an all-round way, but on the brand-new track of new energy vehicles, we have kept pace with the European and American automobile industries in many aspects, and even have advantages in intelligent driving and power system.

  Lingke is located in the super factory in Yuyao, Ningbo. All production rhythms are calculated according to "seconds" or "minutes": 4 seconds, 6,000-ton punching machine goes up and down once, and two sets of body plates are punched out; In 63 seconds, four flexible robots drive high-precision cameras to measure 80 points of the whole vehicle; 526 robots flew up and down, and the spot welding automation rate of more than 5,800 solder joints reached 100%. In 60 minutes, 45 cars were rolled off the assembly line.

  "Even if the production is at full capacity, the overseas orders of the factory have been scheduled after April this year." Chen Guanliu said, "This is confidence and confidence."

  The data shows that: seize major opportunities in advance and lay out the track of emerging industries. With the new energy automobile industry as the representative, four trillion-level advanced industrial clusters, 15 billion-level characteristic industrial clusters and a number of tens of billions of "new star" industrial clusters are rising rapidly in Zhejiang.

  Workers carry out the inspection process before going offline in the assembly workshop of Lingke Automobile Yuyao Factory in Zhejiang Province (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi on January 5, 2023).

  Feel the bright future of China consumption in the booming market.

  — — Story 5: The Wulin Road of "Restoring Fire"

  With the bright moon in the sky, the Wulin night market in Hangzhou began to be lively. Neon lights, people come and go.

  Drilling into the music and food snack city, the trendy music is mixed with the sounds of pots and pans and the sizzling hot oil, which makes people’s appetite greatly. Mr. and Mrs. Yao Xiaolin from Jilin, while greeting the customers who came in and out, were busy tipping spoons and taking orders.

  "I’m really busy. I have to hire someone." Yao Xiaolin said that from the Spring Festival to now, the popularity of Wulin Road is getting higher every day, and the business is getting better every day.

  Liu Mingxia, the owner of the pet shop, didn’t expect that the business of his new store on Wulin Road was so hot that he couldn’t get off work until early morning every night. Seeing more and more young people visiting the night market with kittens, she is planning the next branch.

  Wulin Road is a famous consumer street in old Hang Cheng. According to statistics, since the Spring Festival this year, the average traffic volume of Wulin passers-by has been close to 80,000 per day, double that of last year.

  "Definitely not bad!" Deng Liying, who has opened a clothing store in Wulin Road for 23 years, is full of confidence in the future.

  The data shows that the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, in conjunction with various departments, recently launched the "Zhejiang Lai Consumption Boosting Year 2023" campaign, striving for more than 1,000 consumption promotion activities at the provincial, city and county levels and launching more than 10,000 enterprises throughout the year, driving sales to exceed 400 billion yuan.

    Feel the continuous improvement of business environment from "closing on the same day"

  — — Story 6: Lu Liuliu with peace of mind

  "Name of event: company establishment registration; Legal time limit for settlement: 20 working days; Time limit for commitment to settle accounts: online within 24 hours and offline on the same day; Number of visits to the service site: 0 times. "

  Log on to Zhejiang Government Affairs Service Network and open the page of "Company Registration". Lu Liuliu, who applied for starting a company for the first time, drummed his heart: It is said that Zhejiang has a good business environment. Is it really so good?

  Lu Gang, a 54-year-old man, retired from an enterprise in Shengzhou, Shaoxing, and he planned to register a company and sell some small household appliances on the cross-border e-commerce platform to earn foreign exchange.

  Application, articles of association and identification … … According to the process, when Lao Lu fills in the form one by one, he clicks Submit. At the same time, "data running" replaces "manual running", and pieces of data flow rapidly in tax, social security, medical insurance, provident fund and other systems.

  The data in the optical fiber runs fast. The application submitted in the morning was notified by SMS when I woke up in the afternoon. The next morning, the business license was accompanied by the courier ringing the doorbell and arrived at the door. From beginning to end, I didn’t spend a penny and didn’t run in the government service hall.

  From "running by all departments" to "running at most once" and then "not running at all", the "No.1 Reform Project" to implement the business environment was written into the work report of the Zhejiang provincial government, and it was also written into local laws and regulations, which became a stable policy.

  The data shows that there are more than 9.4 million market players in Zhejiang Province. According to the proportion of permanent residents, there is one boss in every seven people in Zhejiang.

  Economic story, human warm current.

  Whether in Zhejiang or other places, one touching story gathers into the spring tide of China’s economy, surging with the power of stability and improvement. (Reporter Wu Huanqing, Shang Yiying, Fang Wenyu, Lin Guangyao)

[The story of China people] These place names of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway actually come from this! Tears running after watching!

  China Youth Network Golmud August 15th(Reporter Lu Guanqiong) There are thousands of roads in the world, but there is such one, which makes countless young people dream and make up their minds to take a trip in this life. It is the Qinghai-Tibet Highway leading to the roof of the world.

  As people know, this road is full of mystery, because it is hard to walk, across the snowy area and stretches over the plateau. But few people know that it was a general who pioneered this "heavenly road" at the earliest, and his life was integrated with this road!

  "Life is bound to die, but there are roughly three kinds of death in life, which are nothing more than old age, illness and death. I don’t want to lie in bed and die of old age and illness, but I am willing to die in a combat position. "

  In the autumn of 1994, when his ashes were scattered by his family to the vast Kunlun Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Wan Li suddenly began to snow all over the sky. Wrapped in silver, the loyal soul is gently covered. Throughout his life, he realized his last wish to sleep with the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and returned to this place where he fought bloody battles.

  His name is Mu Shengzhong-the father of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway with outstanding achievements, General Tianlu, and the founder of Golmud, a military city. He led officers and men to cut off 25 snow-capped mountains, which lasted for 7 months and 4 days, built the highest highway in the world and wrote the legend of a city and even a country.

  In the spring of 1953, Tibet encountered an unprecedented food famine, and tens of thousands of PLA troops entering Tibet were in danger of running out of food. The Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China decided to set up a grain transportation column, and Mu Shengzhong, then political commissar of the Tibet detachment of the Northwest Military Region, was ordered to take on the arduous task of transporting grain and supplies to the troops in Tibet.

  The team set out from Golmud, Qinghai, freezing cold, howling wind, lack of oxygen in the plateau, starving, trudging up and down the snow-capped mountains and canyons, and turning over the Kunlun Mountain to fight the disease. It took more than seven months to go back and forth, transporting 2 million Jin of grain, at the expense of more than 30 people, and more than 4,000 camels fell down one after another. All this hurt Mu Shengzhong’s heart.

  He had a strong idea: to aid Tibet’s construction, we must build an unimpeded road!

  This year, Peng Dehuai just returned from the Korean battlefield. Mu Shengzhong took the opportunity to go to Beijing for a meeting and went to see the old chief specially. During the talk, Mu Shengzhong reported to Mr. Peng the difficulty of transporting grain from Qinghai to Tibet with animals, and suggested that the road must be repaired!

  "This is the second time you have walked into Tibet. Can you build roads on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?" Peng Dehuai is also thinking about this issue after hearing Mu Shengzhong’s briefing. He walked to the front of the map and stared at the western half of the motherland for a long time, sighing: "Such a large area of land is a blank of roads!"

  With the approval of the central authorities, Mu Shengzhong began careful preparations. In May 1954, the Qinghai-Tibet Highway finally started. Thousands of construction workers live in tents, drink ice water and chew dry buns together in a deserted place, working day and night. Many people suffer from strange diseases and are covered with purple spots because they have not eaten vegetables for a long time.

  The plateau is short of oxygen, and there is no time to delay. They used picks, shovels and hammers to dig through frozen soil and sand-stained stones, and built a wooden bridge in the Rift Valley in three days by using earth methods. Mu Shengzhong also personally ventured to test the quality of the bridge by car. He moved the stone road in the biting ice water, and his feet were so swollen that he couldn’t even put on his shoes … …

  In October, the road construction team drove up the Tanggula Mountain, the "life forbidden zone". The mountain pass is more than 5300 meters above sea level, and the oxygen content in the air is only half of that in the mainland. Not to mention working, even walking on it will make you feel dizzy, chest tightness and asthma. Because of the bad weather, road builders are often attacked by hail. Whenever the snow comes, they cover their faces with shovels; When hail comes, cover your head with a tin bucket or a clay basket. The army of road builders fought here for 20 days and nights with amazing perseverance.

  During this period, Mu Shengzhong didn’t leave the construction site for a day. He threw a sledgehammer during the day and slept in a tent at night. His lips were chapped and his face was black and purple. Just then, the superior sent a telegram to inquire about the loss of thousands of camels in the transportation corps. Emotional Mu Shengzhong grabbed a sledgehammer and dumped it for seventy or eighty times in one breath: "If there is a road, how can so many camels die?" The determination to build the Qinghai-Tibet Highway cannot be shaken. Even if I die, I will head for Lhasa! "

  In fact, at the beginning of the determination to build a highway, someone asked Mu Shengzhong, where is Golmud? Mu Shengzhong thrust the spade into the soil and replied, "Golmud is at your feet. Where is our tent, where is Golmud! " Perhaps, from the beginning, he was determined to lay down his life to keep his promise. When building roads, Mu Shengzhong once carved "Mu Shengzhong’s Tomb" on his spade. He told his comrades, "If I die on this road, this is my tombstone. Wherever the road is built, please bury me … …”

  In barren and cold areas, everything is creation. Many place names along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway were originated in Mu Shengzhong, so they go wherever they are built. For example, the famous Tuotuo River. Because of the sand, when people go into the river, the sand immediately covers their feet like a shoe cover. Mu Shengzhong named this river "Taotao River", and the translator translated it into "Tuotuo River". There are also "Snow River", "Little Jiangnan", "Twelve Steps Mountain" and "Freezing Spring" … … Mao Zedong also praised these place names for their revolutionary optimism.

  And some place names are for remembering. On the way to the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, a camel worker surnamed Han in Ningxia died of illness and fatigue, which made Mu Shengzhong burst into tears. "Good brother, you left too early! The worst days are over, and Lhasa is just around the corner. I wanted to put a big red flower on you in Lhasa, but you didn’t even wait for this day … … This place is called Hantan! "

  In order to carve out this road leading to the roof of the world, more than 3,000 martyrs stayed in the snowy plateau forever.

  Under the leadership of Mu Shengzhong, the Qinghai-Tibet Highway is more than 1,000 kilometers long from Golmud to Lhasa, which was successfully completed in just seven months and four days, creating a miracle of the new China highway construction. The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway has put an end to the modes of transportation that Tibet has used for thousands of years, such as plank roads, zip lines and camel backs, and changed the long-term closure of Tibet.

  In 1982, Mu Shengzhong, who was over 70 years old, returned to Golmud. He wanted to see the Qinghai-Tibet Highway that haunted him. Standing on the Kunlun Mountain, the white-haired general charged: "After my death, you scatter my ashes on the Kunlun Mountain, and let the rumble of cars on the Qinghai-Tibet Highway accompany me to sleep." In 1994, the old general "returned" as he wished and finally merged with the snow-capped mountains.

  Golmud, born of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, has developed into the second largest city in Qinghai Province. China Youth Network reporter Lu Guanqiong photo

  American traveler Paul Taylor once wrote in his book Traveling in China: "With the Kunlun Mountains, the railway will never reach Lhasa." Before his death, Mu Shengzhong knew that it was necessary to rely on railways to fundamentally overcome the difficulties in entering Tibet. In October, 1955, Mu Shengzhong led four engineers from Northwest Design Branch of the Ministry of Railways to conduct on-the-spot investigation on the feasibility of building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway for three months. On July 1, 2006, when the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which runs side by side with the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, opened the first train to Lhasa, the old general who was buried in the foothills of Kunlun Mountain must be very pleased.





The first secretary of the "Yellow Peach" who carried the goods live broadcast cried everyone with the story of life poverty alleviation.

At 8: 30 am on November 29, 2019,
Yanling county, Hunan province,
A dispatch meeting for tackling poverty is being held.

When Huang Shiyan, secretary of the county party committee, began to speak,
People here found something strange:
Huang Shuji voice lost its former sonority,
Speak feebly!

"Poverty alleviation is the top priority, overriding.
Poverty alleviation can’t wait! "

This is the last sentence that Huang Shiyan said at the meeting.
No one thought,
This sentence that he always talks about,
It turned out to be his concern for colleagues present.
The last entrustment!

After the meeting, Huang Shiyan went back to the dormitory to rest.
When his colleagues went to the dormitory to call him,
Only to find him half leaning against the bed,
Fists clenched on the chest, head down,
My body is getting cold … …

Dark and heavy poverty
Like a weight on his mind.

Huang Shiyan was born in Youxian County, Hunan Province in 1964.
Originally named Huang Shiyan.

When he was in senior three,
Accidentally read a poem by Liu Yuxi.
"In the old days, Wang thanked Tang Qian Yan and flew into the homes of ordinary people",
He hopes that he can realize his ambition,
We should also do practical things for the people and take root in them.
So I changed my name to "Huang Shiyan".

On June 25th, 2011,
Huang Shiyan, 47.
Came to Yanling County, Hunan Province as the county party secretary.
He insisted that "the mountain is not as high as the instep,
The road is not as long as the foot. "
I visited as soon as I took office.
There are 11 townships and 54 poor villages in the county.

However, the scenes in front of him made him lose:
Most villagers in Shuilong Village, Chuanxing Township
Living in a thin adobe house, surrounded by people,
Whenever flash floods occur,
The house will be flooded;

The villagers in Aotou Village, xiacun town worked hard to grow fruits.
Because it can’t be shipped,
I had to sell it at a low price of two yuan a kilogram.
Working hard every year is equal to being busy in vain.

In 2010, farmers in the county
The per capita net income is only 2970 yuan.

Poverty, such as "gangrene"
Wrapped around this barren land,
Walking all the way,
Huang Shiyan’s eyes were moist,
This extreme poverty,
Dark, heavy poverty,
Like a weight on his chest.

A strong sense of guilt
Come to his mind:
Yanling county is an old red area.
Is an important part of Jinggangshan revolutionary base area,
Yanling county does not get rid of poverty and take off its hat for a day.
I’m sorry for 200,000 people in the old liberated areas for one day.
I’m even more sorry for those who are buried here.
More than 30,000 revolutionary heroes and heroes!

"Platform for the common people,
What am I afraid of? "

What exactly does that depend on?
Can we let the people in the county live a good life?

On July 29th, 2011,
Huang Shiyan came to Shanlong Village.
At the home of a peach farmer, Chen Yuangao,
When he heard about this yellow peach tree in front of him,
When you can earn 7 thousand yuan a year,
Opened his mouth wide in surprise … …

He was overjoyed to learn agriculture:
This is our cash cow in Yanling County!

Lead everyone to plant yellow peaches,
Huang Shiyan is not a slap in the face.
Provide professional technical support,
Build an industrial service platform,
In order to build the brand of yellow peach in Yanling,
He even shouted on the platform at the "Yellow Peach Conference" several times!

He was privately advised not to be too high-profile,
He said, "Stand for the common people,
What am I afraid of? "

Except for the yellow peach,
Huang Shiyan leads the people of Yanling.
It has become a real industry.
Planting 43,000 mu of pollution-free vegetables,
15,200 mu of tea, 290,000 mu of camellia oleifera,
346,000 mu of bamboo shoots and bamboo forests, 14,000 mu of medicinal materials,
Breeding 1.5 million Yanling white geese … …

The road to poverty alleviation is neither smooth nor smooth.
It’s not done overnight!
Only talk about poverty alleviation,
Can’t be done!

Huang Shiyan has always been convinced that,
Really helping the poor must really go on!
He set the rules for himself:
One week must be set aside every month.
Visit the poor and ask questions, rain or shine.

But a survey in May 2012,
Let him, who has been the county party secretary in Yanling for one year,
"I am suddenly ashamed and self-blaming!"

"Even if the pot sells iron,
Let the people live in new houses. "

On that day, Huang Shiyan came.
When investigating Lishuzhou Village at the foot of Maofeng Mountain,
I found this beautiful scenery,
Very suitable for developing tourism.
Beautiful countryside turned out to be a village without electricity!

Because there is no electricity,
I don’t even have a cell phone signal.
When he saw 25 families in the village,
Usually, lighting and farming can only rely on a simple one.
When a miniature flush generator is used,
His face suddenly darkened … …

"What age,
I cann’t believe we still have villages without electricity,
As a cadre in party member,
This is sorry for the people!
No matter how hard it is, we must connect Lishuzhou Village with electricity! "

This usually gentle county party secretary
Left a sentence on the spot.
Hit the floor’s hard words!

On the morning of September 12, 2013,
Lishuzhou power grid is officially closed for power transmission!
Ending the days when there was no electricity for decades,
The people are all very happy,
They finally took a fancy to TV,
Using a mobile phone,

In 2014, Huang Shiyan found that,
There are 14,900 villagers’ houses in the county.
There are security risks.
Can fully solve the need to invest 600 million yuan,
The fiscal revenue of Yanling in that year was only 700 million yuan.

In the face of tight funds
Dangerous houses where people live,
He once again released "malicious words" at the conference:
Even if the pot is selling iron,
We should also let ordinary people live in new houses.

In order to raise funds for building houses,
Huang Shiyan takes the lead in saving money:
The old county compound will not be decorated for the time being.
Office furniture that has fallen out of paint will not be replaced.

In the end, Yanling County was dried up one by one.
It is related to the food and clothing of each family.
More important to the real life of every ordinary person:
More than 15,000 rural residents live in new houses;
1602 kilometers of rural roads were rebuilt and built;
All the people in the county drank safe drinking water … …

In 2018, Huang Shiyan came to Yanling County.
In the eighth year as secretary of the county party Committee,
In this year, Yanling County finally took off its hat.
Become the first batch of poverty-stricken counties in the province.

The people’s pockets are bulging,
Smile more, live happier,
But Huang Shiyan’s body,
But there has been a serious problem … …

He really came to get rid of poverty.
Also to get rid of poverty … …

In fact, Huang Shiyan is interested in his body.
Is aware of it.

At a small meeting at 3 pm on November 22,
Huang Shiyan already felt chest pain,
But I didn’t care

The 24th is the weekend,
He celebrated his wife’s birthday a day earlier,
At that time, no one thought,
It turned out that he and his wife,
The last reunion with the whole family … …

On November 25,
On the morning of his birthday,
Accidentally received a message from Huang Shiyan:
"Wife, love you."

Huang Shiyan is a square man,
After 30 years of marriage,
This is the first time to say to his wife:
Wife, love you,
Love you in my heart!

But what the wife doesn’t know is,
On the evening of the 24th,
The husband rushed from Zhuzhou to Yanling overnight.
Because of the severe pain in the stomach
Almost stayed up all night;
What is even more unexpected is that,
She spent thirty years waiting for this sentence:
Wife, love you,
It turned out to be her husband’s last confession.
At this point, the time left for Huang Shiyan.
There are only five days left … …

November 29, 2019,
After presiding over the last dispatch meeting for tackling poverty,
Said it once at the end
After "poverty alleviation work can’t wait",
Huang Shiyan, who is only 56 years old,
With the career he cares most about,
And the most uneasy people,
Gone forever … …

At 5 o’clock in the morning the next day,
Hundreds of cadres and the masses who got the news
Spontaneously came to the county compound.
See off their amiable and respectable good secretary.

The farewell scene was filled with grief,
Someone choked and lost his voice,
Someone caressed the coffin and wept bitterly … …

He really came to get rid of poverty,
It is also to get rid of poverty.
Let go of fame and fortune,
Just for the common people.

Nobody is willing to die,
But Communist party member is not afraid of death!

Huang Shiyan is gone,
That book is marked as "Liao Chengyun"
Yanling county precision poverty alleviation handbook,
Still in the most conspicuous place on the desk;
93-year-old party member Zhang Zhaoxiu
Two biographies of Marx sent to him.
Lying quietly on his bookshelf;

And the one that came to Yanling in 2011.
Colleagues bought him a new teacup,
For nine years, in a thick layer of tea dirt,
He smelled of tea that had accompanied him day and night … …

When people walked into the dormitory of the county party secretary,
I can’t help but get red-eyed again.
The house where he lives is so shabby and old.

Huang Shiyan lived in the dormitory building before his death.

Write here,
We can’t help but wonder,
If time could be turned back,
Will he spare a little more time,
Spend more time with your family;
Can he spare a little more time,
Take care of yourself!

However, there are no ifs in the world.
Even if we give him another chance,
We firmly believe that he will still choose to be selfless … …

China today,
Wrote "the most successful story of poverty alleviation".
Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up,
More than 800 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty;
"Precision poverty alleviation" is for the whole world.
Getting rid of poverty offers new possibilities,
Contributed to the cause of poverty reduction in the world
China’s wisdom and China’s plan for reference.

However, behind such a "miracle",
It is the front line of nearly 3 million people fighting in the country
Dedication of poverty alleviation cadres and the first secretary;
They leave the city, their families,
Leave the familiar job,
Retrograde to the mountain, take root downward,
They firmly grasped the hand of every villager in difficulty,
Put all your efforts into it.
Spilled it into the soil under your feet.

Although we have never seen their faces,
Don’t know their names,
But they are all carved on the monument of the Chinese nation.
A hero worthy of our eternal memory!

[Look-there is a story on Friday] This is a question about choice and rights. Three women told their stories.

  July 11, 2019 is the 30th World Population Day, with the theme of "25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development: accelerating the process and fulfilling the promise", which advocates making persistent efforts on the basis of the framework of the International Conference on Population and Development and raising awareness of how the choices and opportunities of girls and women have changed since the Conference.
  Twenty-five years ago, the Third International Conference on Population and Development was held in Cairo. More than 15,000 delegates from 182 countries and regions attended the conference. The Programme of Action adopted at the end of the conference made a commitment: "To formulate a new action agenda for empowering women to ensure their full participation in the social, economic and political life of their communities at all levels."
  The pursuit of rights and choices is a continuous process. Twenty-five years ago, due to the lack of contraceptives and economic and institutional obstacles, hundreds of millions of women could not enjoy the reproductive choices brought by contraceptives, and they could not choose whether to get pregnant, when to get pregnant, how often to get pregnant and who to get pregnant. Today, women’s social status has improved, and more and more women have truly realized their reproductive choices. They pay more attention to their personality independence and become an indispensable force to promote social development.
  "I’m glad I helped so many women."

  Tafta • Sharjah is one of the six women mentioned in the 2019 edition of the State of World Population Report. Her experience has witnessed the change of women’s rights in her country.
  Tafta • Sharjah is from Albania. When she was a teenager, she always wanted to go to university to study and become a doctor. However, due to various reasons, it did not happen. After graduating from high school, she attended a one-year course to train nursing midwives, which really changed her life track.
  After the training, Tafta was assigned to a remote village lacking medical facilities, medical personnel and medical supplies. Despite the difficult conditions, she is always full of enthusiasm for pre-natal care, delivery and baby care … … "I helped a lot of people, because many deliveries were carried out at home — — There were not so many medical centers at that time. I am very happy that I have helped so many women. "
  Tafta has two children. She bluntly said that if it weren’t for family economic reasons, she would have given birth to more. Later, when she was pregnant again, like the eastern European women of that era, she chose to have an abortion.
  The chaos in the early 1990s also had its positive side. A large number of Albanians have flooded into Italy and Greece and come into contact with new ideas and new ways of working and living. Tafta said: "We started to contact with another world and diverse perspectives. Before that, all we heard was the argument that everything outside Albania was bad."
  Now, life in Albania is improving, she said. She believes that her daughter and grandchildren will have more choices and opportunities. On the one hand, today’s contraceptives have been supplied free of charge on a large scale; On the other hand, her little daughter has become a police officer — — This fully reflects the changing of the old concept of gender equality.
  Tafta has been fighting cancer, and she is determined to watch her granddaughter grow up and stick to it. "I don’t want the tumor to take away my best things," she said. "As long as I have energy, I will try my best to help others."
  "In colleges and universities in China, I hope more students can participate in youth and healthy peer education."

  Young people provide endless creativity for social development, but with the early sexual maturity and the delay of marriage age, young people are facing the challenges brought by severe reproductive health problems. According to a national survey released in 2010, 22.4% of people aged 15-24 in China have had sex, and more than 20% of young women who have had premarital sex have experienced unwanted pregnancy. More than 50% of young people have unmet needs for reproductive health services to varying degrees. The reproductive health of young people is becoming one of the important factors affecting the healthy development of young people in China.
  Young people are more accustomed to getting knowledge about sexual and reproductive health from friends and classmates who have similar experiences and background knowledge. In mid-2004, a national youth organization — — China youth network was founded under the initiative and organization of China Family Planning Association (CFPA). It became the first youth volunteer organization in China to carry out peer education on sexual and reproductive health for young people aged 10-24 and advocate sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  He Shanshan, a student in Tsinghua University, is one of the core members of china youth network. She has been a volunteer for five years. When she was just a volunteer for adolescent health, He Shanshan encountered many difficulties. "Sometimes when we carry out activities at school, we will encounter situations where no one participates or the school does not support it. Some college students have misconceptions about sex and reproductive health. It is also difficult to change. I was impressed once when we talked about the specific use of condoms in a university. Some students stood up and slammed the door because they didn’t understand us. "
  When talking about people’s misunderstanding of sex education, He Shanshan said: "We advocate comprehensive sex education and provide suitable sex education for children of all ages from 5 to 18. For young people, not only talk about sex, but tell them how to know their bodies and deal with intimate relationships. Gender equality is equality between men and women, and men’s rights also need to be protected. We must break the stereotype of gender. "
  Speaking of the changes in these five years, He Shanshan said: "In the past, the content of sex education was to teach girls to say ‘ No ’ Now we are more telling girls how to protect themselves and communicate with their partners if they don’t want children or get sick. Every girl should have the right to choose the size of her family and the interval between giving birth to children, rather than becoming a fertility tool. "
  Last October, as a youth representative of the IPPF Asia Region, He Shanshan went to Kuala Lumpur to attend the regional council and met Joshua from Tonga, an Oceania island country. He was the representative of the last IPPF Asia Region, and He Shanshan took the baton from him. He brought good news. In June 2018, he was awarded the "Queen Young Leader Award" by Queen Elizabeth II. When Joshua was in high school, because his friends had suffered from sexually transmitted diseases, he realized that sexual and reproductive health was affecting the healthy lives of young people in Tonga, so he began to participate in the training of comprehensive sex education. Since then, he has been doing his best until he handed over the baton to He Shanshan. There are still many global youth health volunteers with similar experiences. They have been subtly influencing everyone around them with their understanding, care and sense of responsibility.
  "We not only represent the youth and the country, we are working hard for the whole cause, and the international environment is very friendly, which has always encouraged our young people to speak out." He Shanshan said.
  "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" gathers the power of upward growth.

  Hu Lan (third from left) is at the event site.

  "How do women protect themselves in the face of partner pressure? Let me tell you a story that happened around me … …” In the auditorium of a factory in Longgang District, Shenzhen, a "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project is going to the "story sharing" link. The narrator of the story is Xiaoxue, a volunteer of the youth health project and a working girl who came to Shenzhen from Hunan.
  The lights gradually dimmed, and the crowd gradually became quiet. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue’s thoughts returned to the unforgettable experience of her best girlfriend eight years ago with soft music: in her early twenties, at the best age of her life, Xiaoxue’s girlfriend suffered an unexpected pregnancy. Her so-called boyfriend chose to escape because he was at a loss. Xiaoxue accompanied her best friend to a small clinic and had an induced abortion. Less than a year later, the same situation was staged again. Because she was afraid of the eyes of the people around her, her best friend chose to go to a small clinic with poor medical and health conditions, and repeated surgical injuries caused great harm to her body and mind, which also laid a hidden danger for Xiaoxue’s best friend’s marriage and childbearing life.
  When the story was finished, the music stopped and the scene was quiet. Xiaoxue broke the silence: "At that time, we were very young, and no one taught us about sex. We didn’t know how to protect ourselves. The fluky psychology and partner pressure when getting along with close partners all caused great harm to many women like my best friend. After listening to the story, I believe everyone should have their own answers." This is a fragment of the "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project entering the factory to carry out activities.
  “‘ Dance of youth and healthy life ’ It is an international youth project jointly introduced to China by the China Family Planning Association and the United Nations Population Fund. It is a youth project with music and dance as the carrier, psychological model activities as the foundation, and sexual and reproductive health as the core of knowledge to guide young people to establish positive sexual concepts and attitudes towards life. " Hu Lan, the organizer of this activity, is the deputy stationmaster of Fuchengao Community Workstation in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, and she is also the trainer of the international headquarters of the "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project. She told CCTV reporters that she is interpreting comprehensive education in a way that young people like, affecting not only women but also men.
  A factory doctor once took Hu Lan’s hand and said, "I really hope your activities can be carried out for a long time. There are too many female workers, and they need to strengthen their awareness of self-protection." Hu Lan said that some factory leaders hope to add the content of sex and reproductive health education to the induction training of new employees. She saw that more and more people in society realized the importance of sex education.
  The activities organized by Hu Lan not only entered the community factory, but also reached the middle school students. "In the past, when talking about gender topics in physical health classes in primary and secondary schools, teachers would say: ‘ Look at these two pages for yourself ’ . Now we have the opportunity to enter the school, not only to talk about knowledge points, but also to transmit an idea, which is welcomed by students. "
  In recent years, news such as "teenage pregnancy" and "children being sexually abused" have been exposed in the media. Parents and schools generally recognize the necessity of sex education, but there are still ambiguous attitudes about the way and degree of sex education, and even take evasive actions.
  At present, Hu Lan’s community still enters primary and secondary schools with short-term and decentralized themes, such as "welcoming adolescence", "preventing sexual harassment" and "staying away from AIDS", or carries out project activities in schools that are very supportive of project activities as a whole class.
  At the same time, Hu Lan also expressed his confusion. With the adjustment of the national population policy and the shift of the focus of local government work, the grassroots youth health education team is unstable. Many social workers can no longer engage in youth health education because of job adjustment, so they can only participate in it in their spare time.
  Take the area where Hu Lan is located as an example. In 2016, there were 225 young pioneers in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen for rotation training, and a core youth pioneer team of 30 people was formed to carry out youth health education activities in streets with a population of about 500,000. After the institutional adjustment, 80% of the staff are currently diverted to other departments. At present, only the members of the core team of the project are relatively stable, and the data is just a microcosm of the loss of local basic youth health education personnel. Although there is a constant inflow of fresh blood, the cost of time and technology has affected the development of youth health education.
  In sharp contrast to the sharp drop in personnel, schools, enterprises and community service centers that have conducted youth health education have a rising practical need for youth health education.
  As a person who has served in the front line of the community for a long time, Hu Lan and his colleagues have seen too many real cases. They carefully prepare and carry out every activity with enthusiasm and expectation. Instead of flowery words and many grand slogans, what they have is a heart full of sincerity and social responsibility. Hu Lan said that the children’s "seeking help" when they encounter troubles, the trust of community residents and the support of teachers and leaders who care about the cause of youth health education have all given them great motivation to work. "A single spark can start a prairie fire." Hu Lan said that she would like to be that little flame, hot and strong. (Text/Feng Songyi)