China International Airlines: After the season change, Air China’s China-US route will increase to 14 flights per week.

  China Securities Network News According to China International Aviation official micro-news, after the season change, Air China’s China-US route will increase to 14 flights per week. From March 31st, Air China’s American route will add three flights a week, including two flights from Beijing to new york, with flight number CA981/2 and Boeing 747. Beijing-Los Angeles added a new class with flight number CA983/4 and Boeing 777.

Cancel the restrictions on the movement of used cars nationwide, interpreted by the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce-accelerating the release of consumption potential in the used

  Core reading

  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption", proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in all regions". In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said in an interview with this reporter that after the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country, and the supply of automobile products in various places will be more abundant, which will enhance the adaptability between supply and demand and better meet the demand for automobile consumption.

  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures"), proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in various regions". What is the background for the "Several Measures" to cancel the policy of restricting the movement of used cars? What new measures are there to accelerate the active second-hand car market? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce.

  Second-hand cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country.

  Restricting the removal of used cars has always been a prominent problem that restricts the construction of a unified national automobile market. In the past few years, the State Council has deployed many times, and relevant departments and localities have conscientiously implemented it, and continued to promote the cancellation of the policy of restricting the movement of used cars, and achieved positive results.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, some enterprises and the masses have reported that since the implementation of the national sixth emission standard for new cars nationwide, a few places have "added policy" to used cars, requiring foreign countries to transfer used cars to meet the national sixth emission standard, and vehicles with national fifth emission standards are not allowed to move in. At the same time, there are still some places that violate the existing regulations of the state and restrict the movement of used cars that meet the emission standards of in-use cars, which hinders the free circulation of used cars across regions, restricts the operation of enterprises and inhibits the automobile consumption demand of the masses, which has been strongly reflected by all parties.

  In order to solve these problems, in May, the State Council issued a "package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy", which clearly required that the policy of restricting the movement of used cars be completely abolished. The "Several Measures" have further refined and implemented this to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible. The first is to clarify the scope requirements. That is to say, it is required to implement this policy nationwide, including key areas for air pollution prevention and control, and promote the free circulation of used cars that meet the national five emission standards. The second is to clarify the time requirements. In a few areas, the policy of lifting the restriction on relocation has made slow progress. In order to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible, it is further clarified that this measure will be fully implemented from August 1 this year.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, according to the analysis of relevant institutions, at present, the flow of used cars in China generally presents a regional feature from first-and second-tier cities to third-and fourth-tier cities. After the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize the free circulation throughout the country, promote the rich supply of automobile products in various places, enhance the adaptability between supply and demand, better meet the demand for automobile consumption, satisfy people’s yearning for a better life, and achieve good economic and social benefits.

  The person in charge said that the Ministry of Commerce will closely follow the progress of the implementation of local policies with relevant departments, do a good job of supervision and inspection, and ensure that the policies are fully implemented and effective as soon as possible.

  Thoroughly get through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars.

  Used cars are an important link in the whole life cycle of automobiles. Invigorating the circulation of used cars can revitalize the stock of cars and increase the consumption of new cars, which plays a very important role in promoting the consumption of cars.

  China’s car ownership has exceeded 300 million, ranking first in the world. After the car ownership reaches a certain level, the second-hand car market begins to increase in volume, which is the universal law of automobile consumption in the world. In 2021, China’s second-hand car trading volume reached 17.59 million, less than 6% of the car ownership, far below the proportion of the international mature car market. The problems of cross-regional restrictions on the movement of second-hand cars, unclear commodity attributes, and limited distribution business have seriously hindered the development of the second-hand car market.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, on the basis of systematic combing and extensive investigation, the Ministry of Commerce has put forward a series of measures to comprehensively develop the circulation of used cars, hoping to completely break through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars, so that used cars can gradually standardize transactions, circulate freely and consume with confidence like new cars. These measures cover almost all aspects and fields of second-hand car circulation, from the registration of market entities to filing, to the accounting treatment and invoice issuance of second-hand cars, and then to the cross-regional circulation and transfer registration of vehicles. In addition to the total cancellation of the relocation restriction policy, the "Several Measures" also includes the following aspects — —

  Support the development of distribution business and promote scale development. Enterprise distribution mode is the main circulation channel of the mature international used car market, accounting for about 70%. China’s used car market is dominated by the "broker+individual" model, and the problem of "small and weak" in the industry is prominent. To this end, the "Several Measures" require the abolition of unreasonable restrictions on the development of second-hand car distribution, and it is clear that enterprises with registered residences and business premises outside the second-hand car trading market can carry out second-hand car sales business. At the same time, because natural persons can’t issue sales invoices to the purchasing enterprises as sellers when selling used cars, in order to facilitate the people to sell cars and business operations, used car enterprises are allowed to issue invoices as buyers, that is, "reverse invoicing", and handle the transfer registration procedures accordingly.

  Optimize transaction registration management and promote efficient circulation. The "Several Measures" clarify that the second-hand cars distributed by enterprises should be accounted for as "inventory goods" like new cars, and a separate endorsement should be made when the vehicles are transferred and registered, and a temporary number plate should be issued, which greatly optimizes the transaction registration process; For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that the second-hand cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index, further reducing the operating costs of enterprises and facilitating the circulation of second-hand car transactions.

  Promote the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation

  The "Several Measures" proposes to restrict natural persons from selling three or more used cars that have been held for less than one year in a natural year. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that this measure is more specific, but it plays an important role in promoting the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation.

  This policy meets the needs of the development of used car circulation and the demands of the industry. According to the current regulations, individuals do not have to pay value-added tax when selling used cars, and they are tax-free. However, distribution enterprises should levy value-added tax according to a certain proportion of sales when selling used cars. For this reason, some second-hand car distribution enterprises carry out second-hand car distribution business in the name of brokers, and trade the vehicles under the name of individuals, resulting in the phenomenon of individual "backtracking". At present, the circulation of second-hand cars in China is dominated by "brokers+individuals", which leads to the "small and weak" industry, and has a negative impact on society, resulting in unfair competition and many transaction disputes, which has dampened consumer confidence and become a drawback of the industry. The industry calls for effective policies to effectively regulate this phenomenon.

  This measure also draws lessons from the experience of the mature international automobile market. The Ministry of Commerce has fully investigated the management of second-hand car circulation in developed countries. The circulation of second-hand car transactions in developed countries is very common and there are many mature experiences and practices. For example, if an individual sells a certain number of used cars within a certain period of time, he is recognized as a used car dealer. At this time, he can no longer trade in his own name, and must pay taxes according to law. He must express his car condition information to the next distribution enterprise and consumers, and he must also bear the responsibility of quality assurance. The Ministry of Commerce also draws lessons from these international advanced practices.

  This measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of the majority of car owners. The starting point of this measure is to eliminate the phenomenon of individual "back-selling" and will not affect individual car sales. The number of cars in China has exceeded 300 million, and the number of individual owners is 215 million. Among the 215 million car owners, there are about 2 million car owners who own more than three or more cars. The Ministry of Commerce has conducted in-depth research. Among these 2 million car owners, it is rare to sell more than three cars that have been held for less than one year in one year. Therefore, this measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of individuals. At the same time, this measure also reserved a half-year transition period, which also reserved sufficient time for reasonably guiding market expectations and ensuring a smooth transition of policies.

  People’s Daily (August 18, 2022, 07 edition)

Every festival is a cultural feast.

□ Qin Yanan

Festivals are a kind of folk culture created by people all over the world to meet the needs of production and life, and are an important part of the world folk culture. Every traditional festival in China has poems to sing and recite. Festival poetry is an expression of China traditional literati’s poetic life. At the age of 20, the season triggered the poet’s emotional gate, and put reason into poetry, expressing feelings through poetry.

Without culture, it seems that there is only food in the festival. Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi; Mid-Autumn Festival, eat moon cakes; Lantern Festival, eating Lantern Festival … With culture, the Dragon Boat Festival has the patriotic spirit of "racing for a thousand years, and the loyal soul can be returned when it is gone" (Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Lei’s "Dragon Boat Festival"); The Mid-Autumn Festival has a love blessing of "I wish people a long time and a thousand miles together" (Su Shi’s Mid-Autumn Festival by Bingchen); On the Lantern Festival, there will be the prosperity of "Thousands of doors unlock and thousands of lights shine, and in the middle of the first month, the Imperial Capital will be moved" (Tang Zhang’s "Night Lights on the 15th of the First Month") … China Festival, accompanied by China’s poems, is full of 5,000 years of civilization.

Chen Shuqian, a master tutor and scholar in the College of Literature of Heilongjiang University who is committed to promoting China’s excellent traditional culture, in his new book "Poetry Feast in Festivals", takes China’s traditional festivals as the classics and ancient classical poems as the latitude, rambles about the vicissitudes of ancient and modern personnel, allowing readers to follow the gentle and graceful trajectory of classical poems, walk into the gardens of China’s traditional culture, and feel the smell of fireworks and the beauty of prosperity in China’s traditional festivals.

As a compilation of ancient poems of traditional festivals in China, the book is arranged in the chronological order of 16 traditional festivals, including Yuanri, Renri, Yuanxiao, beginning of spring, Huachao, Shangsi, Cold Food, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, Winter Solstice, Laba and New Year’s Eve, and selects 276 famous works that can reflect distinctive holiday characteristics from the Book of Songs to the Qing Dynasty for more than two thousand years. The lyrics of poems under each festival are arranged in the order of four-character, five-character, seven-character poems, words and songs. In the content, it is divided into comments (or explanations), notes and comments, and related links are noted in chronological order, telling the origin, implication, development and changes of festivals, the festival customs from the Imperial Palace to the market, and the development and changes of customs in different dynasties, which is of great ideological, artistic and inheritance.

Traditional festivals are precious legacies left by ancestors. Each festival has mysterious legends and specific customs, and each festival has been endowed with unique emotional memories and profound cultural connotations by poets. For example, in the Yuan Dynasty, which originated from the Han Dynasty, there were customs such as eating rice cakes, pasting peach symbols and setting off firecrackers. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "Thousands of families always change new peaches for old symbols" made thousands of families happy for the Spring Festival. For example, it is said that there are customs such as cutting ribbons and making smoked cakes on Nu Wa’s creation day. Xue Daoheng, a poet in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, wrote that "after a person falls into a wild goose, he thinks before a flower", which makes the wanderer’s infinite melancholy of homesickness come to life … From traditional festivals, he excavates relevant folk allusions, captures folk customs and seasonal elegance, shares the true lifestyle, and writes the wisdom and beauty of festival cultural inheritance, which not only entrusts the cultural feelings of the descendants of the Chinese people, but also epitomizes the mature civilization of a nation.

Ordinary secular life, with lively festivals, constitutes a complete life time for ordinary people in China, which makes life extraordinary because it is full of expectation and pleasure. For example, "beginning of spring whips cattle", "Spring outing in Qingming Festival", "Laba gives porridge" and "Winter Solstice Worship", etc., festivals are covered with bright coats, which show a touch of novelty in the dull and boring life. "Under the guidance of generations of China people, they show harmonious and harmonious aesthetic taste, the philosophy of harmony between man and nature, and the balance of yin and yang", which edifies people’s diet, manners and customs. "Life is dying with the years, and the body is forgotten; No complex Tu Su Meng, burning the lamp night is still young "(Wen Tianxiang’s" Except Night "). Facing the last New Year’s Eve of life, the poet is fearless, and only wants to get together with his family to make a toast. This kind of "fragility" which is sprouted because of family ties is even more gentle and majestic … Festival poems, life scrolls, and deep feelings not only reflect the meaning of "civilization stops and turns into the world", but also infiltrate the muscles and bones of the Chinese nation.

Every festival is a cultural feast. This book not only allows us to find a way out in the feast of festival culture, but also finds a way out in protecting the ecological environment of folk culture.

27. Set up vendors’ standard points to develop stall economy. Netizen: It’s so smoky.

  Seimi Zhang, June 4 (Xinhua) Recently, the word "stall economy" has been completely popular, and the number of related Weibo topics has exceeded 600 million. Many places have set up vendors’ standard points to encourage the development of stall economy.

  Set up vendors’ standard points in many places to develop stall economy

  According to incomplete statistics, up to now, there are at least Shanghai, Jinan, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei, Xiamen, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Gansu, Changchun, Hangzhou, Changsha, Shijiazhuang, Nanning, Qingdao, Yichang, Huanggang, Deyang, Panzhihua, Guang ‘an, Nanchong, Ziyang.

  Data map: stall economy. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro-regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei client that the stall economy has always been a "gray zone" in China’s urban economy, and its existence has certain rationality, which has alleviated the employment pressure to a certain extent, promoted the development of the tertiary industry, and at the same time activated the market and stimulated economic development.

  Zhang Zhixin, an associate professor at the School of Urban Economics and Public Administration of Capital University of Economics and Business, told the client of Zhongxin Jingwei that liberalizing the development of stall economy can meet people’s consumption demand, especially during the epidemic period, stall economy brings convenience to people’s shopping, and at the same time increases the fireworks in the city, which also meets the current requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

  The first Shanghai Nightlife Festival was launched on June 6th.

  On June 3rd, the press conference of Shanghai Municipal Government revealed that Shanghai will hold the first Shanghai Nightlife Festival from June 6th to June 30th. Create a new image of night Shanghai with fireworks, Shanghai flavor, fashion trend and international style.

  In addition, recently, Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions of Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau on Optimizing the Business Environment, and Shanghai will support the development of new consumption formats. Promote the economic development of the night market, cooperate with local governments and relevant administrative departments to scientifically set up the night market, guide the night market to implement the management subject and implement merchant autonomy. Support specialty stores to carry out "external placement" operation, and implement refined management of external placement time and placement scope.

  Jinan proposes to develop "small store economy"

  On June 2nd, Liu Yanqiu, director of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said at the press conference held by Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government that Jinan would rationally release the street stall economy, and vigorously develop the night economy, promote consumption transformation and upgrading, and increase jobs by upgrading the IP brand of the night economy, cultivating the theme blocks of the night economy, holding special activities of the night economy, and building the brand of the night economy and culture.

  Jinan also proposed to develop "small store economy", optimize the access process of "small stores", shorten the time limit for examination and approval, and guide various formats to extend business hours; Support catering stores to increase snack categories and rest places to increase consumers’ stay time; Moderately allow businesses to make personalized shop signs, shop signs, beautiful Chen and street artists to sing, and increase the employment opportunities of urban residents.

  Nanning makes it clear that minor violations of urban management laws and regulations will not be punished.

  On June 2nd, the headquarters office of "Beautiful Nanning Clean, Smooth and Orderly Action" issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Services such as Occupation Management, Road Market and Mobile Vendors", which came into effect on the 2nd and is valid until December 31st this year.

  The "Opinions" clarify that in order to protect the economy, temporary stalls are allowed to be opened near residential concentrated areas to guide self-produced and self-sold farmers and mobile vendors to regulate their operations; Encourage the use of idle areas inside and outside the community, set up temporary stalls, and where conditions permit, set up the morning market and night market. The "Opinions" also make it clear that enterprises and operators will not be punished for minor violations of relevant laws and regulations on urban management due to their production and business activities. In principle, no booth fee, booth rent and other fees will be charged to operators and mobile vendors who occupy the roads in permitted areas.

  Demonstrative zones of night economic agglomeration are arranged around Zhengzhou.

  On June 2nd, Zhengzhou issued "Opinions on Implementing People-Centered Development Thought and Doing Better Work for the People", in which it was mentioned that each county (city, district) and development zone should rationally arrange one or two demonstration zones of "night goods, night shopping, night appreciation, night tour and night health" and hold one or three night economic theme activities. To carry out the selection of night economic activities in counties (cities, districts) and development zones, the municipal finance will reward the top three with 1 million yuan, 800,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan respectively.

  On the evening of June 2, Zhengzhou Jiankang Road Night Market was very lively. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In addition, all counties (cities, districts) and development zones in Zhengzhou should clearly plan their distribution, implement management measures, make full use of public places such as squares and parks and idle land, and set up bazaars and characteristic flea markets according to the principles of fixed time, fixed place, fixed format, fixed expenses and fixed management.

  Nanjing added 1,410 temporary outside stalls.

  On May 1st, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Service Management of Temporary Outside Stalls during Epidemic Prevention", requiring that obvious signs should be set up in temporary outside areas, stalls should be numbered, business items, business hours and safety tips should be publicized, and garbage should be collected separately at the site.

  On the basis of the existing 3,400 temporary stalls, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau added 134 temporary external stalls in the city this year. The area, scale and time period of setting up temporary external stalls in this opening need to be reviewed by the urban management departments of all districts. The urban management law enforcement department will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as occupying roads and unlicensed mobile stalls.

  Chengdu plans a more elaborate stall policy version 2.0

  On March 14th, Chengdu issued "Chengdu Urban Management Five Permits and One Persist in Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control to Help Economic Development". On the premise of ensuring safety, not occupying blind roads and fire exits, not infringing on the interests of others, and doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, cleaning and sanitation, it is allowed to set up temporary stalls, allow street shops to operate outside the door, allow large shopping malls to carry out occupation promotion and allow mobile vendors to sell. As of May 28th, Chengdu has set up 2,230 temporary road stalls and stalls, allowing 17,147 temporary crossing points and 20,130 mobile vendors, increasing employment by more than 100,000 people.

  According to the Chengdu Urban Management Committee, Chengdu is planning a more precise and precise version of the policy 2.0, so as to realize the organic unity of standardized and orderly occupation of roads, clean and tidy city environment, convenient and fast life for citizens, more active urban consumption and stronger market atmosphere.

  Hefei stalls are divided into "forbidden areas" and "diversion areas"

  The setting area of Hefei stalls is divided into "forbidden area" and "diversion area". Among them, the "forbidden area" refers to the main roads, window units, squares, bridges (including footbridges), underground passages, the periphery of office areas, the entrance and exit of the campus within 100 meters, and other areas where stalls are not allowed to be set up as stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the forbidden areas, the areas outside the forbidden areas shall be demarcated by the district governments and development zone management committees and announced to the public without affecting the lives of citizens and traffic, and shall be standardized and managed according to the standards.

  There are 37 stalls in the "grooming area" to provide convenience for the public. In addition to 37 temporarily defined stalls, there are some seasonal or temporary convenience stalls in Hefei, mainly including temporary watermelon sales outlets, breakfast carts, kiosks and so on.

  Xiamen has been trying out the "booth" since 2019.

  Since June last year, the trial of "booth" has been carried out, and 50 "booth" of various types have been built in Xiamen, providing 1150 booths. In addition to the autonomy of business households, urban management and law enforcement departments also cooperate with relevant responsible units to do a good job in food safety and environmental sanitation management at these "stalls".

  Xiamen Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that it will further communicate and coordinate with relevant departments, make full use of idle venues, roads with few cars, beaches, etc., and establish flea markets, gourmet streets, fruit markets, etc. in a time-limited manner to bring more mobile vendors into orderly management.

  For the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province, the "four permits" on the occupation of roads were put forward.

  On May 27th, Shaanxi Province issued a notice, proposing that "street shops in urban areas should be allowed to operate without affecting pedestrian access and ensuring safety, large shopping malls should be allowed to occupy the road for promotion, temporary stalls should be opened in residential areas, and mobile vendors should be allowed to occupy the road for operation at a certain time and area". This is the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province that the "four permits" on the occupation of roads have been put forward.

  At the same time, Xi ‘an plans to set up 100 vegetable morning markets, 100 night market barbecue centralized management areas and 100 temporary food stall sites this year.

  Spreading economic related topics into hot search professional households

  Source: Weibo screenshot

  In the past few days, Weibo topics such as # Street Economy # # Urban Management called vendors to set up stalls # # Street Cars # have been on the hot search list. As of 23: 30 on June 3, the reading volume of # Street Economy # Weibo topic has exceeded 630 million, with more than 100,000 discussions.

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  Spread the economic fire all over the country, all over the network. Netizens have said: "It is suggested that every city should leave some places for stalls, not sneaking stalls but civilized stalls, which will not affect traffic and the environment, but also increase income." "Stalls, night markets, so fireworks, like it." "The stall is really convenient and affordable and gives the community a sense of life."

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  At the same time, netizens have also given advice to the economic development of the stalls: "The bottom line of maintaining hygiene, exclusive areas and food safety should also be adhered to." "It is allowed to set up stalls, but it can’t be arbitrarily placed, and a new harmonious and win-win economic order will be established." "Don’t overdo it, don’t be across the board."

  Expert: Letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of responsibility.

  During the development of stall economy, it is inevitable to cause some urban management problems, such as sanitation and pollution, traffic congestion, noise disturbing people, insecure commodity quality and safety, social security and tax evasion.

  The essay suggests taking this opportunity to solve the long-standing problem of standardizing stall economy in one fell swoop. The first is to register and manage the practitioners in the stall economy. The second is to limit the space and time of operation to avoid affecting traffic. The third is to strengthen the control of health pollution and establish an emergency management system for epidemic prevention. The fourth is to set up a service quality supervision mechanism to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The fifth is to improve management efficiency with the help of Internet thinking, such as online application, registration and tax filing.

  Zhang Zhixin said that letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of the responsibility, nor does it mean giving up the law. In terms of food safety, environmental pollution and other aspects related to the vital interests of the people, urban law enforcement departments must investigate reports, investigate violations and enforce the law strictly. But at the same time, we should avoid overcorrection and one size fits all. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

Southwest Bureau issued the first aircraft disassembly and maintenance license in Sichuan.

  Recently, Southwest Bureau issued A319/320/321 aircraft disassembly and maintenance license to Sichuan Saifuwei Aircraft Maintenance Service Co., Ltd. (referred to as Saifuwei Company), marking that the first maintenance unit engaged in aircraft disassembly in Sichuan has officially obtained the qualification for disassembly.

  Saifuwei Company is located at No.456, Shore Road, Xihanggang Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu. At present, the company is mainly engaged in the 4C inspection of A320 series aircraft and regular maintenance of large aircraft routes at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport. This application for A319/320/321 aircraft disassembly and maintenance license business enables the company’s business to extend to the downstream of the industrial chain.

  With the rapid development of civil aviation in China, the number of retired aircraft has increased year by year. How to deal with retired aircraft, while avoiding damage to the ecological environment, and developing its surplus value, and turning waste into treasure has attracted great attention from the competent departments of the industry. The Civil Aviation Administration of China, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the General Administration of Customs have formulated corresponding laws and regulations to regulate the dismantling of aircraft.

  Southwest Administration and Sichuan Supervision Bureau shall examine the conformity of the system construction and maintenance capacity of the applicant in strict accordance with the requirements of the Advisory Notice AC-145-FS-2019-017 Aircraft Disassembly and FSOP Maintenance Permit Examination and Record Sheet Inspection. Mainly for the maintenance management manual, program manual, training outline, related tools, equipment, consumables, seaworthiness information, personnel training, and the establishment of hazardous source library, etc., a detailed compliance review was conducted. During the review process, the applicant’s waste disposal, aircraft parts disassembly and protection, disassembly parts registration management system, etc. were reviewed, and a summary list of found problems was issued for the problems found during the review, and corrective measures were evaluated and verified.

  In the next step, Southwest Bureau will further encourage professional dismantling units for commercial recycling and reuse of retired aircraft and their components to enter the civil aviation maintenance industry, strengthen supervision, strengthen and enlarge the last link of the complete industrial chain of civil aircraft in Southwest China from design, manufacturing to use and retirement, and convert the residual value of retired aircraft into other uses with high added value except civil aviation, so as to reduce the impact and damage to the ecological environment.


Cannes films will be sold online! What are the advantages and disadvantages of online market?

In this report, we try to answer these questions:

1. How is the Cannes Film Market held this year?

2. Can the online movie market accommodate all the transactions during the film festival?

3. Can film producers buy this year’s competition films online?

4. What is the impact of online market on movie trading?

5. What else can Cannes film market do besides trading?

Special feature of 1905 film network What to do in Cannes this year should be the topic that fans are most concerned about during this period. May every year not only means how more than 100 films will meet the audience, but also means that those films will become the focus of discussion by the audience in the coming year, and what kind of films will be displayed at major film festivals.


Cannes Film Festival not only provides a few months’ talk for fans, but more importantly, it is one of the largest film markets in the world. In May, together with directors, actors, producers and the media, there were also representatives of film companies, agents, distributors, film foundations and other people in the industry from all over the world.


The market set a record in 2019 How to face difficulties in 2020?

2019 is the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival film market, which has welcomed more than 12,000 participants in an unprecedented way. This year, when the selection of three parallel units was cancelled and the date of the official screening unit was ambiguous, the future of the film market and the screening markets in many countries behind it became a topic of more concern to the industry.


Now, the film market has decided to hold it online this year. In its official statement, this year’s online film market will fully simulate every function offline, from the agent booth to the film agency exhibition hall; From online video conferencing to online watching movies; There will even be online forums.

But at the moment, will the online movie market still maintain the vitality of offline every year?


"In our platform, the film market accounts for about 10%." David, a reporter from a film media who has reported the Cannes Film Festival for many years, said, "This year, I don’t think the impact will be great, and maybe there will be a lot of transactions."


The person in charge of the film market said that 80% of the publishers they consulted were willing to try the online market; 66% still have the ability to buy films including films, post-production and script creation.


The person in charge stressed that this year’s online film market will provide an efficient and cutting-edge platform for film screening, trading and financing. The online movie market has been scheduled for May 22nd for a week.


Online movie market Can you replace the seaside luxury hotel?

Walk into the movie palace and go down the stairs directly to the basement. These hundreds of planes and the two floors above them are the movie market in Cannes. Film companies and agents from various countries distribute thousands of film copyrights to all parts of the world here.


But among other movie people, there is an invisible "market" in Cannes, which is located in hotels lined up by the sea. Larger film companies often negotiate cooperation here. Someone from a film company once said: "The films in the movie palace market are basically films that no one wants after the copyright is robbed."


When the film market appears online this year, will there be "two markets"?


"I don’t quite agree with this statement." Li Yihua, the person in charge of Nianhua outside the window, said. In recent years, she has bought the China rights of many films in Cannes and other film festivals. "The so-called hotel is the second market, which may be a relatively large company and needs more freedom. I think the difference between talking about business and not talking about business is not so big, but the conditions and timing of negotiation. "


Li Yihua believes that the film market of the Film Palace actually plays an important role for sales companies to develop new customers and buyers. This is also the necessity of the existence of the official film market in Cannes.

But this year, the market turned online, and she felt that it might not be so friendly to new buyers. When selling films, sales companies may have concerns in the face of buyers they have never met.


In the Cannes film market transactions in the past few years, even many familiar companies talked about their cooperation intentions long in advance in order to improve the efficiency and success rate of the transactions during Cannes. Li Yihua mentioned that for new buyers, online film festivals may also bring difficulties. Not knowing the sales company and not meeting in advance will reduce the success rate of the transaction.

Advantages and disadvantages of online market Can a film dealer buy a competition film?

The official statement of the film market of Cannes Film Festival seems to be a reassurance to film practitioners. Perhaps the only worry is what kind of films can be bought this year.


Recalling the experience of buying films, an industry insider who went to Cannes Film Festival all the year round revealed that every time, he had to sit down at the booth of the Film Palace market, listen to the seller’s introduction, and then spend two or three minutes watching a film. If a company has 10 films, it may take 30 to 40 minutes to watch it, and then he can start to talk about conditions, and basically he will not decide whether to buy a film immediately. Actually, it’s a waste of time

This year’s film festival was held online. In the eyes of this industry, it actually saved a lot of time for purchase and negotiation. "The same work can be done online, and there are written materials in advance, which can make better decisions. If there is a link to the demo, everyone in the company can watch it. More flexible. "


Li Yihua, who buys copyright for her company at major film festivals every year, agrees with this view. She said that she has to fly to four or five film festivals every year to hold meetings, watch films and sort out materials in a few days. The time is particularly tight: "If you are online, the time on the road and the time difference will be omitted. It will be more efficient for everyone to watch films directly."


Li Yihua told us that at this year’s Berlin Film Festival, she chose to watch the film online at home and then make a decision to buy the film: "Some foreign companies anticipated this problem and sent us the link when they showed it in Berlin. I watched a lot of competition films, and the last film I bought won this year’s Golden Bear. "


David, a film journalist, is generally optimistic about the online market this year. He thinks that in this year’s environment, the copyright transaction volume of online broadcasting may reach a new high. But at the same time, he is worried that because the market is held before the film festival, filmmakers may not be able to buy any "explosive" movies.

"The online market will not have much impact on procurement." Li Yihua said, "But if there is no nomination, or a stunt like a competition unit, I think it will be very difficult to buy a film." She mentioned that more than 100 films in the official and parallel units of Cannes will be concerned by the domestic media because of the name of "Cannes", but this year’s changes will make her more cautious in buying films.


The online transaction is solved. Where is the offline activity going?

"The film market is a more specific, practical and functional trading platform extended by the film festival. It will include market screening, forum activities and so on, and its diversity and inclusiveness are also very important." According to Liu Lei, the operation director of China Film Foundation’s Wu Tianming Youth Film Special Fund, this is a very important part of the offline activities of Cannes Film Festival.


Liu Lei mentioned that the world filmmakers attracted by Cannes Film Festival will help young filmmakers understand the necessary practical skills such as film promotion skills, joint production, international finance, market strategy, market distribution and international sales.


Therefore, for filmmakers, the film market is a platform for buying and selling film copyrights. But at the same time, the establishment of this market is also helping young people in the industrial chain to stand on the international stage faster.


Liu Lei gave us an example: Xiao Gancao, our producer, was greatly encouraged after he came to Cannes. Before that, he never thought that famous actors could be used in this project, but after returning to China, he found Duan Long, and after many conversations, he "knocked him down" and became the star of the film.

When the movie market moves online, what will happen to these projects and forums outside the copyright?

Liu Lei did not disclose whether there will be relevant arrangements for this year’s Wu Tianming Youth Film Special Fund. But he said: "Some of the things that the Foundation can do is to help filmmakers in need to answer their doubts. Of course, switching to online also represents a lot of workload for Cannes film market staff. If there is anything we can do, we are also willing to contribute. "

Whether it is the Cannes Film Festival or the international film festivals in Beijing and Shanghai, for them, the work is not only a screening, but also an important part of the global or regional film industry system. The film market turnover of Beijing International Film Festival is increasing year by year; The venture capital unit of Shanghai International Film Festival has become a climate. At this time, it is even more necessary for filmmakers to support each other and make the film industry develop continuously in a new form.


In the interview, Liu Lei said: "Under such a global crisis, we can use this time to reflect on the future development of the film, the film itself, its commercialization, cultural attributes and so on. The film has never stopped for more than 120 years, everything will pass, and we will eventually get back on the road. "

Chen Kexin’s mobile phone shooting "Three Minutes" touched people’s hearts.

  These days, a short film "Three Minutes" has exploded the circle of friends, which tells an unusual reunion in Spring Festival travel rush. The story is very simple. The mother in the film is a train attendant on the "Nanning to Harbin" line. It is the busiest time to work overtime during the Spring Festival, and her son Ding Ding, who is about to go to elementary school, misses his mother, so he asks his aunt to take him to the train station next to his home and meet him while his mother’s train stops on the platform for 3 minutes. This Spring Festival travel rush-themed short film was shot by Hong Kong director Chen Kexin, and the content of the short film was based on a true story. After the short film was launched, it was played more than 13 million times on Youku in one day. Enthusiastic netizens also found the prototype of the story.

  The story is based on true events.

  The joy in the compartment or the joy of meeting relatives on the platform are the most familiar memories of the Spring Festival. This can’t help but remind people of the mainland realistic film "Dear" filmed by Chen Kexin a few years ago. The strong local flavor and sense of reality in the film will also surprise people that the film was produced by a Hong Kong director.

  Outstanding storytelling ability, keen perception of details, concern for reality and strong humanistic feelings are Chen Kexin’s consistent styles. Chen Kexin said that although he has no experience in Spring Festival travel rush, the Spring Festival and reunion are the themes he has been paying attention to for many years. "I can fully imagine the joy and happiness when Spring Festival travel rush comes home." When "Three Minutes" was filmed in Chongqing, Chen Kexin saw the crowds surging on the platform. Although there were all extras in front of him, he was still infected by this feeling of returning home. When the audition actors sang the song of returning home for the New Year, he said that he was also moved to tears.

  The short film touches the audience, not only because the flight attendants are busy on the train every Spring Festival, but also because the most critical structural design of the plot is that after the train stops at the platform, the mother and son meet for only 3 minutes. Three minutes, the sense of time limit brought by this reunion is the tension of the plot. The short film specially emphasizes this sense of time with the creative idea of 3-minute countdown. In the film, the countdown number is displayed at the top of the screen, which reminds the audience that the separation time between mother and son is approaching from the time the train enters the station. When entering the station, my mother saw her son on the platform through the window, but when the door opened, she had to help the passengers get on and off first, so she couldn’t find her son at the first time. Because there were too many people on the platform, my son couldn’t find his mother at the first time. When the child found his mother through the crowd on the platform, the time of 3 minutes has become 2 minutes. When the mother and son met and hugged, the mother waited for her son to speak with eager eyes. An interesting scene happened. After a moment of silence, the son began to recite the multiplication formula loudly. It turned out that my mother had joked with her son who was about to go to elementary school, "If you can’t recite the multiplication table, you can’t go to school, let alone see your mother." On the platform, my son didn’t recite the formula fluently, and at this time, the countdown on the screen was changing rapidly. The mother didn’t know what to do, and she couldn’t bear to interrupt her son. The tense countdown contrasted with the child’s stuttering recitation, which touched the audience’s mood. When my son recited the multiplication formula, the train started. The brief reunion of mother and son left the audience with endless aftertaste without a few words of dialogue.

  During the Spring Festival travel rush season, many people are close to their relatives because of their work, but they can’t stay. The short film "Three Minutes" is based on such a real thing. After the short film was screened, some enthusiastic people found the prototype of the story in the film. She is Liu Zhong, the conductor of the Shenzhen-Urumqi team of Guangzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. of China Railway. On January 24, 2017, the media reported the story that Liu Zhong met his son Chen Hongjin (nicknamed Ding Ding) during the four minutes when the train stopped at Hengyang Station after passing through his hometown in Hunan. At the premiere of Three Minutes, director Chen Kexin said that when he first saw the story, he decided to shoot it. In the short film, Tintin recited "99 Multiplication Table" to his mother. In reality, Tintin showed his mother "ma ma wo ai ni" written in pinyin.

  For Chinese people, Spring Festival travel rush is a journey to return home or find their own roots. The director Chen Kexin from Hong Kong has never experienced Spring Festival travel rush, but he has touched countless audiences with simple pictures, regardless of Spring Festival travel rush in the short film.

  Mobile phone shooting movies has its own advantages.

  This 7-minute short film continues Chen Kexin’s narrative style of paying attention to reality and storytelling. What’s more special is that it is a short film shot with a mobile phone all the time, and it is also the first time that Chen Kexin was invited by Apple to shoot a short film with a mobile phone. When sharing his own shooting experience, Chen Kexin said that "Three Minutes" gives the audience some perspectives that traditional films can’t touch. The current mobile phone photography technology has reached a very high level, which can not only record people’s daily life, but also serve as a lens supplement to traditional film photography. In "Three Minutes" shot by mobile phone, the vision of the characters in the picture is more realistic. In the short film, the subjective shot of the little boy crossing the platform to find his mother is completed by putting his hand in front of the little actor, which shows the rhythm and height of the movement, which is closer to a child’s perspective.

  Nowadays, more and more young people without professional training are shooting their own works with their mobile phones. As a daily tool, mobile phones are far beyond the reach of cameras in portability. When shooting in a narrow indoor space, in fact, a considerable space is needed behind the camera to set up the machine, and with such a small device as a mobile phone, you can freely take pictures even in a narrow and crowded train compartment. For the advantages of mobile phone shooting, Chen Kexin greatly praised: "Compared with bulky cameras, mobile phone shooting can try the effect of dynamic camera movement, and it also brings many unique and different shooting angles. For example, you can put your hand frame very close to the actor to capture the true feelings of the characters without making the actors feel disturbed, which is an advantage that traditional large cameras do not have when shooting at close range. "

  After "Three Minutes" was broadcast online, many netizens were surprised that the picture texture taken by the mobile phone could actually achieve the effect of big screen broadcast, but some knowledgeable netizens reminded: "Don’t think that there is only one iPhoneX between you and Chen Kexin’s" Three Minutes ",but it is actually several times more expensive than the mobile phone. Stabilizer, adapter, lens, drone and palm photographer & HELIP; …” In Chen Kexin’s view, all auxiliary equipment is just a tool to help the director establish an emotional link with the audience. The most important thing in filming is not technology, but creativity. Technology is just a tool, and more and more convenient and practical tools provide the possibility for realizing creativity. The short film "Three Minutes" not only impressed the audience, but also clearly conveyed that the future may enter an era in which everyone is a photographer. The development of science and technology is giving more ordinary people and video lovers the opportunity to complete their dreams about images.

  Our reporter Qiu Wei 

[Those things in China] Take you to see the third bomb of China’s most dazzling technology wind in the eyes of "crooked nuts"

  China Daily Online, June 13th (Zhu Yuehong) The rapid development of science and technology in China has amazed the world again and again. Did you, get there? In this issue of "Those Things in China", let’s take a look at how the Long March 11th carrier rocket, 5G technology and the prototype of the high-speed maglev train with a top speed of 600 kilometers per hour interpret the most dazzling technology wind in China, which makes many foreign netizens envy!

  Explosion! The Long March 11th "One Arrow and Seven Stars" was successfully launched at sea for the first time.

  On June 5th, the Long March 11th successfully launched "one arrow and seven stars" on the offshore platform, which was the first space launch in China, filled the gap in the launch of China’s launch vehicle at sea and provided a new launch mode for China to quickly enter space. International public opinion is highly concerned about this.

  Reuters reported on June 5 that just after noon that day, the Long March 11 sea-launched solid launch vehicle ignited and lifted off from a large semi-submersible barge in the Yellow Sea. This small rocket is designed for rapid deployment and can be launched from mobile launch sites such as ships. This rocket carries seven satellites, two of which can accurately measure the information of sea surface wind field, thus forecasting typhoons.

  According to the report, in recent years, China has made its space program a top priority, is striving to catch up with the United States and is committed to becoming a space power by 2030. China plans to start building its own manned space station next year.

  The Asia Times reported on June 6 that some experts pointed out that the advantage of this sea launch is that it can make the launch site closer to the equator, because the launch of the same rocket in the equatorial region can improve the carrying capacity by nearly 20% compared with the launch in high latitudes. For example, China chooses to launch a rocket in the South China Sea near the equator, which can reduce the fuel required by the rocket and thus reduce the launch cost. Another advantage of launching rockets at sea is that it can reduce the harm caused by rocket debris falling on the ground.

  The report also mentioned that the successful launch of the Long March 11th at sea is another example of China’s strength in aerospace and maritime technology.

  According to a report in the Guardian, China is the third country to master the technology of launching at sea after the United States and Russia.

  Foreign netizens are also amazed at China’s scientific and technological achievements.

  Heavy! The 5G commercial license was officially issued, and China officially entered the 5G era

  The 5G commercial license is coming! On June 6th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China officially announced the issuance of 5G commercial licenses, and China officially entered the 5G era!

  Reuters reported the exciting news for the first time. According to the report, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Radio and Television, marking a significant progress in China’s 5G commercial construction.

  According to CNBC, the 5G network standard is regarded as crucial because it can not only support new applications such as driverless cars, but also support the next generation of mobile devices.

  5G is not only widely used, but also covers a large area in China, which is also envied by foreign netizens.

  On the YouTube platform, the video "Remote Ethnic Group Rises Above Poverty in Yunnan, China" released by New China TV on May 28th received rave reviews. Many netizens marveled that such a remote village actually had 5G, expressing their envy.

  "One flower alone is not spring", and China is willing to share the latest achievements of 5G with the world. In the statement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a lot of space was used to show China’s open mind: in the research and promotion of 5G, China has always adhered to the concept of openness, tolerance, cooperation and win-win. In the technical trial stage, many foreign companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm and Intel have been deeply involved, and with the joint efforts of all parties, China’s 5G has a commercial foundation. In the future, China will, as always, welcome foreign enterprises to actively participate in China’s 5G network construction and application promotion, continue to deepen cooperation, seek common development and innovation of 5G, and share the achievements of 5G development in China.

  On June 9th, New China TV released the video of "China ushers in a new era of 5G technology". As mentioned in the video, China welcomes enterprises at home and abroad to participate in 5G construction and share the achievements of 5G development.

  After learning this news, foreign netizens praised China’s achievements in the field of 5G.

  When it comes to 5G, you have to mention Huawei.

  Not long ago, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) used Huawei equipment to complete the world’s first live broadcast of 5G network TV, and its network effect amazed British audiences.

  Before the live broadcast, BBC reporter Rory Salem-Jones excitedly shared the behind-the-scenes tidbits of the live broadcast on his personal social media account. He pointed the camera at Huawei’s equipment and said, "This is it, which can support our first 5G live TV broadcast in the UK!"

  Shocking! China launched the prototype of high-speed maglev train with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour.

  On May 23rd, the body prototype of China’s latest high-speed maglev train project rolled off the assembly line in Qingdao. This marks a major breakthrough in the field of high-speed maglev technology in China.

  On June 8th, YouTube blogger Richard Aguilar published a post entitled "China Innovation! China’s new technological inventions and progress. In the video, he said excitedly that China has always shown us its latest inventions and technological innovations, and this year is no exception. China has also announced new technological innovations, such as the prototype of a high-speed maglev train with a top speed of 600 kilometers per hour. Foreign netizens were very excited after seeing it:

  Foreign media have also reported on this.

  The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported that with the maglev train, in some cases, ground travel may be faster than air travel.

  Australian News Network believes that China engineers will make new breakthroughs. It is reported that the super-high-speed train developed by engineers in China can reach 600 kilometers per hour at present, and it may be faster than an airplane one day.

  Sputnik news agency & radio’s report affirmed China’s efforts in maglev train. According to the report, to a large extent, maglev train is still a future technology. However, as early as 2002, China and Shanghai had already launched the world’s first high-speed maglev railway commercial operation line, using German technology, with a speed of 430 kilometers per hour.

  CNN also lost no time in reporting this news.

  The continuous emergence of scientific and technological achievements in China has made the world sit up and take notice. What surprises will China science and technology bring to the world in the future? Let’s wait and see!

"Adventure Life" was well received: variety shows are not only entertainment, but also social care.

  Douban 9.1 points, the star documentary reality show "Adventure Life" updated in Tencent video every Tuesday is a rare "explosion" in recent domestic variety shows. Although there are stars’ blessings, this program does not have the impetuousness of game variety, nor does it have a cursory tour of travel variety.

  The audience saw the other side of the star in the program. For example, the hostess Xiao S shed tears in the face of the hunted elephant, and the literary actress showed her early wisdom in the process of pursuing the tornado in spring and summer. The singer Pu Shu showed her sensitivity and casualness in the program. Behind the show, there is also an unconventional team. They have never produced variety shows before, and they are more focused on the creation of documentaries. It is precisely this unconventional operation that has brought a clean stream to the domestic original variety show.

  Program settings cannot be defined.

  Rejected by many stars

  As the producer of the documentary "The Train on the Way Home" and "A Hard Work", Zhao Qi, the general director of "Adventure Life" and his studio have been making documentaries before, and it is actually a coincidence that they contacted the project of "Adventure Life". Aya, the host, wanted to do a unique variety show and find Zhao Qi’s team. After repeated discussions, the two sides came up with the planning scheme of Adventure Life. When the plan was shown to Tencent, I also encountered the question "What kind of program is this?". After all, according to the original setting, Aya just made 10 trips with 10 star friends on the show.

  According to the operating experience of past travel reality shows, flowers and teenagers, for example, focus on showing the relationship between stars when they travel overseas, while Fast Forward launches a game reality show overseas with the nature of competition, but Adventure Life does not travel or compete, and no one can imagine what form it will be. "Including when communicating with artists, many artists wondered what we were going to do, and some people refused our invitation because of this uncertainty." Zhao Qi revealed that the guests invited by the current program are actually very adventurous and willing to make such an attempt under the premise of uncertain program form.

  "We believe that people will start to change at a certain moment because of a special opportunity. This change may be because you went to a certain place, or because you met someone. In our view, this change is a kind of life ‘ Adventure ’ 。” Zhao Qi said that based on this presupposition, the film crew also prepared various experiences for artists, such as chasing tornadoes in the United States, climbing mountains, watching elephants in Africa, and experiencing music therapy in hospice care institutions. To sum up, it is "don’t go to tourist attractions, communicate and communicate with local people as much as possible". This arrangement also had a wonderful chemical reaction with artists. For example, Pu Shu, who is sensitive and introverted, repeatedly refused to shoot, but opened himself after riding a motorcycle, and the contrast between before and after also revealed his true personality.

  Documentary team shooting

  Present the artist’s true feelings

  Adventure Life includes 10 artists and 10 destinations in advance, and each journey is also estimated to be an overseas trip of 6 to 7 days. According to the configuration of conventional variety shows, this is a large variety team that needs 100 people. However, Zhao Qi revealed that the filming still continued the configuration of the documentary film crew, and with the photographer team, there were more than 20 people.

  In terms of shooting methods, the team also insists on adopting the documentary mode of small machine and small team. Compared with the habit of shooting dozens of cameras in variety shows and often clearing the field, the shooting of Adventure Life is still "small and beautiful" in the form of workshops. "The documentary team hopes to reduce the involvement of the camera as much as possible. Even when shooting outside, we will not let the camera follow too close, so as to make the artist’s state more relaxed and natural." Zhao Qi said that according to the experience of documentary shooting, if the artist can finally ignore the existence of the lens, it will be considered as a qualified shooting effect.

  When communicating with the artists’ team, the film crew will also ask the artists to reduce the number of staff accompanying them when shooting overseas as much as possible, and at the same time require a shooting cycle of at least 6 to 7 days. "The smaller the number of artists, the more likely an artist is to step out of his comfort zone. If he returns to his small circle as soon as he finishes filming, it is actually difficult to really form a close relationship with the shooting team." Zhao Qi revealed that if the team protection is relatively weakened, artists will have a stronger dependence on the film crew and their presentation in the film will be more realistic. A shooting cycle of about a week also helps to accelerate the establishment of trust between artists and the film crew. "It is obviously difficult to really experience the so-called life and there will be no special feelings when you leave by plane just for two or three days like a general variety show."

  Focus on social public sphere

  Want to touch the audience

  In the title of "Adventure Life", there is such a passage, "The earth, 510 million square kilometers; Humans, 7.04 billion. When we stare at the world, the world stares at us. When we met them, we also met ourselves. Only starting is the beginning of everything. " The audience "Sister Dog Flower" said that it was this passage that made her feel that this program was different, "Haruki Murakami said, ‘ This happens from time to time in my life, and something happens. The light of that moment is like a flare, which vividly illuminates the surrounding scenery that is usually invisible to the naked eye. ’ When I watched Adventure Life, my feelings were nothing more than this. "

  "This program shows the three-dimensional sense of the world and the multifaceted nature of human nature. The guests of the program are trying new explorations and feeling new adventures every moment, and as an audience, the same is true." For Zhao Qi, this kind of program feedback is exactly what he pursues. "We always think that variety shows are entertainment, but there are other possibilities besides entertainment." In his view, as an extremely important social resource, stars’ leading participation in activities will naturally generate attraction. "Wouldn’t it be better if we used this attraction to focus on social public areas and attract people’s attention to those areas with more social significance and value?"

  He made such an attempt in "Adventure Life", in which the singer Mao was not easy to participate, and the program group arranged for Mao to go to a hospice care institution in Taiwan Province to experience the help of music therapy to dementia patients and severely disabled people. "We have all heard of hospice care, but few people know what kind of institution this is and how the old people live in it. After the broadcast of this program, I believe that many young people can learn about this institution, perhaps because of this program to start contact with hospice care. " Zhao Qi said that the film crew doesn’t set specific goals, but they are more concerned about touching the audience through the artist’s experience, which may help the society pay attention to related topics.

  "We are really not a traditional variety show team, but this is not our disadvantage and shortcoming." Zhao Qi bluntly said that as a documentary team, they have their own image creation methods that they are good at, and they have more cultural expectations different from variety shows, which is also the root of the completely different features of Adventure Life. "This may be the insistence of a documentary, but someone has to do this kind of thing." (Reporter Li Xiazhi)

Australia’s SBS TV station announced that it would stop broadcasting CGTN programs. CGTN responded: We have not authorized SBS to broadcast, and we hope relevant parties will act in strict accordance

  [Global Network Report] On March 6th, the CGTN spokesperson replied as follows: After receiving the confirmation letter from the French regulatory authorities that the jurisdiction of CGTN channel is owned by France, Vodafone Germany resumed broadcasting CGTN English news channel and record channel at 7: 00 a.m. Beijing time on March 5th. So far, the legal issue of CGTN’s landing broadcasting license in relevant European countries has been solved. We appreciate this.

  Another media said that SBS TV in Australia decided to suspend broadcasting CGTN and CCTV news from overseas, namely, 15-minute CGTN English programs and 30-minute CCTV Chinese programs after evaluating the relevant situation.

  According to our preliminary verification, in 2006, CCTV signed a cooperation agreement with SBS to broadcast some Chinese programs of CCTV for free, but we did not authorize SBS to broadcast English programs of CGTN. CGTN will learn the truth from relevant parties and hope that relevant parties will act in strict accordance with the law.

  Previously reported:

  Australian SBS TV station jumped out! Suspend CGTN and CCTV programs under the pretext of so-called "human rights"

  [Global Network Report] After the UK, this time it was the Australian media. According to the latest news from Reuters on the 5th, Australian SBS TV station suspended the broadcast of China International Television (CGTN) and CCTV on the grounds of so-called "human rights".

Screenshot of Reuters report

  SBS issued a statement saying: "In view of the great concern caused and the complexity of the materials involved, we have decided to suspend the news briefings of CGTN and CCTV from overseas while evaluating the relevant services."

  SBS spokesman also claimed to Reuters that the agency would not broadcast CCTV and CGTN programs on Saturday (6th) and was reviewing "complaints from human rights organizations".

  According to reports, SBS program originally included CGTN15 minutes English news and CCTV30 minutes Mandarin program. Reuters said that a message on SBS news website said that after the British media regulator revoked CGTN’s landing permit in Britain, a human rights organization named "Safeguard Defenders" sent a letter to SBS, accusing CCTV of broadcasting content from 2013 to 2020.

  In February this year, OFCOM revoked the landing license of China International Television (CGTN) in the UK. At that time, China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying responded that China has repeatedly stressed that as an international professional media organization, CGTN’s dissemination in the UK strictly abides by British laws and regulations, abides by journalistic professional ethics, and carries out news reporting with the principles of objectivity, impartiality, truthfulness and accuracy, and its professionalism is recognized internationally. In the 18 years since it spread in Britain, CGTN has abided by professional ethics and cooperated well with the British side. Its business conforms to the law of communication and has played an important role in enhancing understanding and communication between the Chinese and British people and promoting cultural exchanges between the two countries. However, in February, 2020, OFCOM suddenly started the investigation procedure to revoke the landing license of CGTN’s English news channel in the UK on the grounds of its "overall control" and political attributes. Although this move was unknown, during the investigation, CGTN fully cooperated with OFCOM’s requirements and sought to solve the problem in a constructive manner, which showed great sincerity.

  Hua Chunying said that it is outrageous that OFCOM repeatedly rejected the Chinese proposal, and on February 4th this year, it arbitrarily revoked the landing license of CGTN English news channel in Britain. Facts have proved that this behavior of the British side is not a so-called technical problem from beginning to end, but a political suppression out of strong ideological prejudice.