Gamblers "disguise" late-night theft, video surveillance restored

  CCTV News: Not long ago, a mobile phone store in Kaili City, Guizhou Province, welcomed an unusual person in the early morning. This person was wearing a long white dress and carried an umbrella throughout the store. He looked rather strange. So what was the purpose of this person coming to the store? Surveillance video recorded the whole process.

  Surveillance video from the store showed that at 1:26 a.m. that day, a person with long hair and a white dress appeared in the mobile phone store. Inexplicably, the person had been holding an umbrella after entering the mobile phone store.

  The umbrella that opened the whole time completely blocked the face of the mysterious visitor. After the shutter door in the store was closed again, she took out a flashlight and began to observe around the store. So what did the visitor want to do when he came to the mobile phone store late at night with such an image?

  After carefully observing the store for a long time, the person in the picture walks to the mobile phone counter, then she puts on the gloves she has prepared, and begins to put the mobile phone inside the counter into her own bag.

  He didn’t panic when he committed the crime, only stole expensive mobile phones

  The suspect was well-prepared and showed no sign of panic during the crime. At 1:46, the suspect, who had been in the store for a full 20 minutes, finally left the mobile phone store. It took nearly half an hour for the alarm device in the store to go off. The police rushed to the mobile phone store immediately after receiving the alarm.

  After retrieving the surveillance video in the store, the police learned about the suspect’s crime process. But the crime scene was already in chaos, and the mobile phone counter was empty.

  After the suspect entered the mobile phone store, he stayed in the store for nearly 20 minutes, but why didn’t the alarm device on the rolling shutter door go off?

  The police investigation found that the power switch key of the alarm device was only available to the female clerk of the mobile phone store, and the female clerk happened to be on duty that night. Could the suspect in the video be the female clerk?

  Umbrellas stand out, suspicious figures captured in video

  Through investigation, the suspicion of burglary by the female clerk was ruled out. The police speculated that the alleged offender must have taken some method to destroy the alarm device of the rolling shutter door. So what was the identity of the suspect who hid behind the umbrella, and did she have other accomplices? Through the striking umbrella, the investigators successfully found the suspect wandering around the crime scene, and the case also took an unexpected turn.

  The police retrieved surveillance video from the intersection near the crime scene and soon found the suspect’s figure.

  The suspect did not take any means of transportation after the crime, but left the scene on foot with an umbrella. But what the police did not expect was that the suspect disappeared completely after turning at this intersection.

  The cunning suspect walked all the way into the shantytown transformation area without surveillance probes in the middle of the night. The investigators had to gather all the surveillance video around the crime scene, but the suspect in a long dress never appeared in the surveillance video again.

  The suspect couldn’t have disappeared out of thin air, but where did she go? If the police found the route she came from, could they follow the trail? After investigation, the police found that the suspect’s earliest appearance was still at this intersection.

  The suspect arrived at the intersection near the crime scene an hour before the crime, so what was he doing when he showed up early?

  The suspect wandered around the intersection for two full laps, and in these few wandering videos, the careful investigators made an unusual discovery.

  From the appearance, the suspect is obviously dressed as a woman, so apart from his feet, what other characteristics of the suspect make the investigators suspicious?

  So is it possible that the suspect is a man in disguise, and is the investigator’s judgment accurate?

  The police conducted repeated research and judgment based on the surveillance video at the crime scene, and more doubts gradually emerged on the suspect.

  Investigators analyzed that although the suspect was wearing a long dress, he was wearing a wig and his posture did not resemble that of a woman. Coupled with the suspect’s series of daring actions in the middle of the night, the police’s questions were gradually answered.

  Dress up as a woman to confuse the investigation

  Based on the analysis of a large number of details, the police suspected that the suspect was probably a man who disguised himself as a woman to hide his true identity and divert the attention of the investigation. Following this line of thinking, the police soon discovered something.

  The police turned their attention back to the vicinity of the crime scene and found something strange. Shortly after the suspect disappeared, a suspicious man appeared.

  The man suddenly appeared near the crime scene during a suspicious period of time, holding an umbrella in the weather when it was not raining. Such an unusual coincidence attracted the attention of the police handling the case, and what was even more puzzling was that the man actually changed taxis.

  What is the purpose of changing taxis in place?

  Surveillance video showed that the man did not leave immediately after getting out of the first taxi. He waited in place for less than two minutes and immediately switched to another taxi. So why did the man do this, and where did he go after changing taxis?

  The police analyzed that the man was most likely the suspect wearing a long dress. After integrating relevant case information, the police also had a general description of the suspect.

  Another mobile phone store was stolen, is it the same person?

  If the suspect was in Cary, would he reappear? A few days later, the police received another report of a theft at a mobile phone store. All 30 mobile phones in the store were stolen in the early morning. Since there was no surveillance video in the stolen mobile phone store, the police could not immediately determine the time of the crime and the physical characteristics of the suspect. So are the suspects in these two cases the same person?

  The police retrieved the surveillance video near the storefront where the crime occurred, and checked backwards from the time the shopkeeper left. After more than seven hours of screening, a suspicious man who appeared at the alley entrance entered the police’s field of vision.

  The police analysis believes that the sneaky man is likely to be the suspect, and the repeated appearance of the man has also made the police handling the case more focused.

  The same disguise method, find the suspect’s whereabouts

  The suspect in both cases had the characteristics of wearing a wig and holding an umbrella. Could they be the same person? The police immediately began tracking the suspect’s whereabouts.

  The suspects in the two cases had the same camouflage characteristics and disappeared in the same location. Faced with the highly overlapping characteristics, the police decided to conduct a combined investigation of the two cases and make every effort to find the suspects’ hiding places.

  After the two cases were combined, the special task force police were divided into two groups and visited nearly 100 shops near the pryed storefronts in the two jurisdictions overnight to retrieve thousands of social video resources. Investigators worked tirelessly day and night to find the tracks of the suspects.

  The investigator pushed the surveillance video all the way backwards, and after three days of continuous investigation, the figure that the investigator had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared.

  The police arrived at the location of the surveillance video overnight, and there was only one residential building in the alley where the suspect appeared. After repeated communication with the landlord, the police retrieved the surveillance video in the building overnight.

  After questioning the police, it was learned that the alleged offender should be in the house at the moment, and the police decided to immediately arrest the alleged offender.

  The alleged offender suspect Yang, 47 years old, Kaili. In the face of the sudden appearance of the police, Yang’s performance is extremely calm.

  Is Yang really an ordinary part-time worker as he said? After the investigator searched the rental house he rented, he made a significant discovery.

  Search for female products, a few pieces of paper reveal secrets

  Faced with some items found by the police, Yang said that all the wigs, high heels and other women’s products in the house belonged to his girlfriend, and he had never used them himself. However, the appearance of a few letter signs soon changed Yang’s attitude.

  The police found that the content written on these sheets of paper was all related to theft, detailing the characteristics of the store where the suspect wanted to steal and the detailed process of planning the crime.

  In the face of a large number of facts, the alleged offender Yang finally admitted to the fact that he stole two mobile phone stores, so how did he embark on this illegal road?

Alleged offender

Alleged offender

  It turned out that in 2009 the alleged offender Yang had been jailed for kidnapping, after he served his sentence and was released from prison, Yang’s mother gave him tens of thousands of yuan to let him go to business, but did not expect that in just a few months Yang became addicted to gambling.

  Yang wanted to double his money by gambling, but not only did gambling fail to make him money, but it also caused him to owe more than 100,000 yuan in gambling debts.

  Under the pressure of debt collection, the alleged offender Yang finally decided to steal the mobile phone store.

  Yang successively visited six mobile phone stores in Kaili City. After grasping the characteristics of the store, Yang wrote down the key information on paper and planned the crime in detail.

  In the process of continuous monitoring, Yang purchased a variety of crime tools one after another, and in order to better disguise himself during the crime, Yang also purchased a large number of women’s products.

  In this way, after a series of preparations, the alleged offender Yang committed two crimes in a short period of time.

  At present, the alleged offender Yang has been approved for arrest, and all the stolen mobile phones have been recovered by the police.