Cancel the restrictions on the movement of used cars nationwide, interpreted by the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce-accelerating the release of consumption potential in the used

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  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption", proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in all regions". In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said in an interview with this reporter that after the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country, and the supply of automobile products in various places will be more abundant, which will enhance the adaptability between supply and demand and better meet the demand for automobile consumption.

  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures"), proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in various regions". What is the background for the "Several Measures" to cancel the policy of restricting the movement of used cars? What new measures are there to accelerate the active second-hand car market? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce.

  Second-hand cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country.

  Restricting the removal of used cars has always been a prominent problem that restricts the construction of a unified national automobile market. In the past few years, the State Council has deployed many times, and relevant departments and localities have conscientiously implemented it, and continued to promote the cancellation of the policy of restricting the movement of used cars, and achieved positive results.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, some enterprises and the masses have reported that since the implementation of the national sixth emission standard for new cars nationwide, a few places have "added policy" to used cars, requiring foreign countries to transfer used cars to meet the national sixth emission standard, and vehicles with national fifth emission standards are not allowed to move in. At the same time, there are still some places that violate the existing regulations of the state and restrict the movement of used cars that meet the emission standards of in-use cars, which hinders the free circulation of used cars across regions, restricts the operation of enterprises and inhibits the automobile consumption demand of the masses, which has been strongly reflected by all parties.

  In order to solve these problems, in May, the State Council issued a "package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy", which clearly required that the policy of restricting the movement of used cars be completely abolished. The "Several Measures" have further refined and implemented this to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible. The first is to clarify the scope requirements. That is to say, it is required to implement this policy nationwide, including key areas for air pollution prevention and control, and promote the free circulation of used cars that meet the national five emission standards. The second is to clarify the time requirements. In a few areas, the policy of lifting the restriction on relocation has made slow progress. In order to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible, it is further clarified that this measure will be fully implemented from August 1 this year.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, according to the analysis of relevant institutions, at present, the flow of used cars in China generally presents a regional feature from first-and second-tier cities to third-and fourth-tier cities. After the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize the free circulation throughout the country, promote the rich supply of automobile products in various places, enhance the adaptability between supply and demand, better meet the demand for automobile consumption, satisfy people’s yearning for a better life, and achieve good economic and social benefits.

  The person in charge said that the Ministry of Commerce will closely follow the progress of the implementation of local policies with relevant departments, do a good job of supervision and inspection, and ensure that the policies are fully implemented and effective as soon as possible.

  Thoroughly get through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars.

  Used cars are an important link in the whole life cycle of automobiles. Invigorating the circulation of used cars can revitalize the stock of cars and increase the consumption of new cars, which plays a very important role in promoting the consumption of cars.

  China’s car ownership has exceeded 300 million, ranking first in the world. After the car ownership reaches a certain level, the second-hand car market begins to increase in volume, which is the universal law of automobile consumption in the world. In 2021, China’s second-hand car trading volume reached 17.59 million, less than 6% of the car ownership, far below the proportion of the international mature car market. The problems of cross-regional restrictions on the movement of second-hand cars, unclear commodity attributes, and limited distribution business have seriously hindered the development of the second-hand car market.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, on the basis of systematic combing and extensive investigation, the Ministry of Commerce has put forward a series of measures to comprehensively develop the circulation of used cars, hoping to completely break through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars, so that used cars can gradually standardize transactions, circulate freely and consume with confidence like new cars. These measures cover almost all aspects and fields of second-hand car circulation, from the registration of market entities to filing, to the accounting treatment and invoice issuance of second-hand cars, and then to the cross-regional circulation and transfer registration of vehicles. In addition to the total cancellation of the relocation restriction policy, the "Several Measures" also includes the following aspects — —

  Support the development of distribution business and promote scale development. Enterprise distribution mode is the main circulation channel of the mature international used car market, accounting for about 70%. China’s used car market is dominated by the "broker+individual" model, and the problem of "small and weak" in the industry is prominent. To this end, the "Several Measures" require the abolition of unreasonable restrictions on the development of second-hand car distribution, and it is clear that enterprises with registered residences and business premises outside the second-hand car trading market can carry out second-hand car sales business. At the same time, because natural persons can’t issue sales invoices to the purchasing enterprises as sellers when selling used cars, in order to facilitate the people to sell cars and business operations, used car enterprises are allowed to issue invoices as buyers, that is, "reverse invoicing", and handle the transfer registration procedures accordingly.

  Optimize transaction registration management and promote efficient circulation. The "Several Measures" clarify that the second-hand cars distributed by enterprises should be accounted for as "inventory goods" like new cars, and a separate endorsement should be made when the vehicles are transferred and registered, and a temporary number plate should be issued, which greatly optimizes the transaction registration process; For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that the second-hand cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index, further reducing the operating costs of enterprises and facilitating the circulation of second-hand car transactions.

  Promote the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation

  The "Several Measures" proposes to restrict natural persons from selling three or more used cars that have been held for less than one year in a natural year. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that this measure is more specific, but it plays an important role in promoting the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation.

  This policy meets the needs of the development of used car circulation and the demands of the industry. According to the current regulations, individuals do not have to pay value-added tax when selling used cars, and they are tax-free. However, distribution enterprises should levy value-added tax according to a certain proportion of sales when selling used cars. For this reason, some second-hand car distribution enterprises carry out second-hand car distribution business in the name of brokers, and trade the vehicles under the name of individuals, resulting in the phenomenon of individual "backtracking". At present, the circulation of second-hand cars in China is dominated by "brokers+individuals", which leads to the "small and weak" industry, and has a negative impact on society, resulting in unfair competition and many transaction disputes, which has dampened consumer confidence and become a drawback of the industry. The industry calls for effective policies to effectively regulate this phenomenon.

  This measure also draws lessons from the experience of the mature international automobile market. The Ministry of Commerce has fully investigated the management of second-hand car circulation in developed countries. The circulation of second-hand car transactions in developed countries is very common and there are many mature experiences and practices. For example, if an individual sells a certain number of used cars within a certain period of time, he is recognized as a used car dealer. At this time, he can no longer trade in his own name, and must pay taxes according to law. He must express his car condition information to the next distribution enterprise and consumers, and he must also bear the responsibility of quality assurance. The Ministry of Commerce also draws lessons from these international advanced practices.

  This measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of the majority of car owners. The starting point of this measure is to eliminate the phenomenon of individual "back-selling" and will not affect individual car sales. The number of cars in China has exceeded 300 million, and the number of individual owners is 215 million. Among the 215 million car owners, there are about 2 million car owners who own more than three or more cars. The Ministry of Commerce has conducted in-depth research. Among these 2 million car owners, it is rare to sell more than three cars that have been held for less than one year in one year. Therefore, this measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of individuals. At the same time, this measure also reserved a half-year transition period, which also reserved sufficient time for reasonably guiding market expectations and ensuring a smooth transition of policies.

  People’s Daily (August 18, 2022, 07 edition)

Every festival is a cultural feast.

□ Qin Yanan

Festivals are a kind of folk culture created by people all over the world to meet the needs of production and life, and are an important part of the world folk culture. Every traditional festival in China has poems to sing and recite. Festival poetry is an expression of China traditional literati’s poetic life. At the age of 20, the season triggered the poet’s emotional gate, and put reason into poetry, expressing feelings through poetry.

Without culture, it seems that there is only food in the festival. Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi; Mid-Autumn Festival, eat moon cakes; Lantern Festival, eating Lantern Festival … With culture, the Dragon Boat Festival has the patriotic spirit of "racing for a thousand years, and the loyal soul can be returned when it is gone" (Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Lei’s "Dragon Boat Festival"); The Mid-Autumn Festival has a love blessing of "I wish people a long time and a thousand miles together" (Su Shi’s Mid-Autumn Festival by Bingchen); On the Lantern Festival, there will be the prosperity of "Thousands of doors unlock and thousands of lights shine, and in the middle of the first month, the Imperial Capital will be moved" (Tang Zhang’s "Night Lights on the 15th of the First Month") … China Festival, accompanied by China’s poems, is full of 5,000 years of civilization.

Chen Shuqian, a master tutor and scholar in the College of Literature of Heilongjiang University who is committed to promoting China’s excellent traditional culture, in his new book "Poetry Feast in Festivals", takes China’s traditional festivals as the classics and ancient classical poems as the latitude, rambles about the vicissitudes of ancient and modern personnel, allowing readers to follow the gentle and graceful trajectory of classical poems, walk into the gardens of China’s traditional culture, and feel the smell of fireworks and the beauty of prosperity in China’s traditional festivals.

As a compilation of ancient poems of traditional festivals in China, the book is arranged in the chronological order of 16 traditional festivals, including Yuanri, Renri, Yuanxiao, beginning of spring, Huachao, Shangsi, Cold Food, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, Winter Solstice, Laba and New Year’s Eve, and selects 276 famous works that can reflect distinctive holiday characteristics from the Book of Songs to the Qing Dynasty for more than two thousand years. The lyrics of poems under each festival are arranged in the order of four-character, five-character, seven-character poems, words and songs. In the content, it is divided into comments (or explanations), notes and comments, and related links are noted in chronological order, telling the origin, implication, development and changes of festivals, the festival customs from the Imperial Palace to the market, and the development and changes of customs in different dynasties, which is of great ideological, artistic and inheritance.

Traditional festivals are precious legacies left by ancestors. Each festival has mysterious legends and specific customs, and each festival has been endowed with unique emotional memories and profound cultural connotations by poets. For example, in the Yuan Dynasty, which originated from the Han Dynasty, there were customs such as eating rice cakes, pasting peach symbols and setting off firecrackers. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "Thousands of families always change new peaches for old symbols" made thousands of families happy for the Spring Festival. For example, it is said that there are customs such as cutting ribbons and making smoked cakes on Nu Wa’s creation day. Xue Daoheng, a poet in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, wrote that "after a person falls into a wild goose, he thinks before a flower", which makes the wanderer’s infinite melancholy of homesickness come to life … From traditional festivals, he excavates relevant folk allusions, captures folk customs and seasonal elegance, shares the true lifestyle, and writes the wisdom and beauty of festival cultural inheritance, which not only entrusts the cultural feelings of the descendants of the Chinese people, but also epitomizes the mature civilization of a nation.

Ordinary secular life, with lively festivals, constitutes a complete life time for ordinary people in China, which makes life extraordinary because it is full of expectation and pleasure. For example, "beginning of spring whips cattle", "Spring outing in Qingming Festival", "Laba gives porridge" and "Winter Solstice Worship", etc., festivals are covered with bright coats, which show a touch of novelty in the dull and boring life. "Under the guidance of generations of China people, they show harmonious and harmonious aesthetic taste, the philosophy of harmony between man and nature, and the balance of yin and yang", which edifies people’s diet, manners and customs. "Life is dying with the years, and the body is forgotten; No complex Tu Su Meng, burning the lamp night is still young "(Wen Tianxiang’s" Except Night "). Facing the last New Year’s Eve of life, the poet is fearless, and only wants to get together with his family to make a toast. This kind of "fragility" which is sprouted because of family ties is even more gentle and majestic … Festival poems, life scrolls, and deep feelings not only reflect the meaning of "civilization stops and turns into the world", but also infiltrate the muscles and bones of the Chinese nation.

Every festival is a cultural feast. This book not only allows us to find a way out in the feast of festival culture, but also finds a way out in protecting the ecological environment of folk culture.

[Those things in China] Take you to see the third bomb of China’s most dazzling technology wind in the eyes of "crooked nuts"

  China Daily Online, June 13th (Zhu Yuehong) The rapid development of science and technology in China has amazed the world again and again. Did you, get there? In this issue of "Those Things in China", let’s take a look at how the Long March 11th carrier rocket, 5G technology and the prototype of the high-speed maglev train with a top speed of 600 kilometers per hour interpret the most dazzling technology wind in China, which makes many foreign netizens envy!

  Explosion! The Long March 11th "One Arrow and Seven Stars" was successfully launched at sea for the first time.

  On June 5th, the Long March 11th successfully launched "one arrow and seven stars" on the offshore platform, which was the first space launch in China, filled the gap in the launch of China’s launch vehicle at sea and provided a new launch mode for China to quickly enter space. International public opinion is highly concerned about this.

  Reuters reported on June 5 that just after noon that day, the Long March 11 sea-launched solid launch vehicle ignited and lifted off from a large semi-submersible barge in the Yellow Sea. This small rocket is designed for rapid deployment and can be launched from mobile launch sites such as ships. This rocket carries seven satellites, two of which can accurately measure the information of sea surface wind field, thus forecasting typhoons.

  According to the report, in recent years, China has made its space program a top priority, is striving to catch up with the United States and is committed to becoming a space power by 2030. China plans to start building its own manned space station next year.

  The Asia Times reported on June 6 that some experts pointed out that the advantage of this sea launch is that it can make the launch site closer to the equator, because the launch of the same rocket in the equatorial region can improve the carrying capacity by nearly 20% compared with the launch in high latitudes. For example, China chooses to launch a rocket in the South China Sea near the equator, which can reduce the fuel required by the rocket and thus reduce the launch cost. Another advantage of launching rockets at sea is that it can reduce the harm caused by rocket debris falling on the ground.

  The report also mentioned that the successful launch of the Long March 11th at sea is another example of China’s strength in aerospace and maritime technology.

  According to a report in the Guardian, China is the third country to master the technology of launching at sea after the United States and Russia.

  Foreign netizens are also amazed at China’s scientific and technological achievements.

  Heavy! The 5G commercial license was officially issued, and China officially entered the 5G era

  The 5G commercial license is coming! On June 6th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China officially announced the issuance of 5G commercial licenses, and China officially entered the 5G era!

  Reuters reported the exciting news for the first time. According to the report, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Radio and Television, marking a significant progress in China’s 5G commercial construction.

  According to CNBC, the 5G network standard is regarded as crucial because it can not only support new applications such as driverless cars, but also support the next generation of mobile devices.

  5G is not only widely used, but also covers a large area in China, which is also envied by foreign netizens.

  On the YouTube platform, the video "Remote Ethnic Group Rises Above Poverty in Yunnan, China" released by New China TV on May 28th received rave reviews. Many netizens marveled that such a remote village actually had 5G, expressing their envy.

  "One flower alone is not spring", and China is willing to share the latest achievements of 5G with the world. In the statement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a lot of space was used to show China’s open mind: in the research and promotion of 5G, China has always adhered to the concept of openness, tolerance, cooperation and win-win. In the technical trial stage, many foreign companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm and Intel have been deeply involved, and with the joint efforts of all parties, China’s 5G has a commercial foundation. In the future, China will, as always, welcome foreign enterprises to actively participate in China’s 5G network construction and application promotion, continue to deepen cooperation, seek common development and innovation of 5G, and share the achievements of 5G development in China.

  On June 9th, New China TV released the video of "China ushers in a new era of 5G technology". As mentioned in the video, China welcomes enterprises at home and abroad to participate in 5G construction and share the achievements of 5G development.

  After learning this news, foreign netizens praised China’s achievements in the field of 5G.

  When it comes to 5G, you have to mention Huawei.

  Not long ago, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) used Huawei equipment to complete the world’s first live broadcast of 5G network TV, and its network effect amazed British audiences.

  Before the live broadcast, BBC reporter Rory Salem-Jones excitedly shared the behind-the-scenes tidbits of the live broadcast on his personal social media account. He pointed the camera at Huawei’s equipment and said, "This is it, which can support our first 5G live TV broadcast in the UK!"

  Shocking! China launched the prototype of high-speed maglev train with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour.

  On May 23rd, the body prototype of China’s latest high-speed maglev train project rolled off the assembly line in Qingdao. This marks a major breakthrough in the field of high-speed maglev technology in China.

  On June 8th, YouTube blogger Richard Aguilar published a post entitled "China Innovation! China’s new technological inventions and progress. In the video, he said excitedly that China has always shown us its latest inventions and technological innovations, and this year is no exception. China has also announced new technological innovations, such as the prototype of a high-speed maglev train with a top speed of 600 kilometers per hour. Foreign netizens were very excited after seeing it:

  Foreign media have also reported on this.

  The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported that with the maglev train, in some cases, ground travel may be faster than air travel.

  Australian News Network believes that China engineers will make new breakthroughs. It is reported that the super-high-speed train developed by engineers in China can reach 600 kilometers per hour at present, and it may be faster than an airplane one day.

  Sputnik news agency & radio’s report affirmed China’s efforts in maglev train. According to the report, to a large extent, maglev train is still a future technology. However, as early as 2002, China and Shanghai had already launched the world’s first high-speed maglev railway commercial operation line, using German technology, with a speed of 430 kilometers per hour.

  CNN also lost no time in reporting this news.

  The continuous emergence of scientific and technological achievements in China has made the world sit up and take notice. What surprises will China science and technology bring to the world in the future? Let’s wait and see!

Interview with Director Zheng Xiaolong | Creation should tell the story of "people"

The closing battle report of TV series The Story of Xingfu came one after another. After Empresses in the Palace, who has been tossed and turned for 11 years, Zheng Xiaolong brought an excellent work with both reputation and popularity.

Few directors can expand the audience to all ages like Zheng Xiaolong, so that groups of different generations can find sympathetic emotions and characters in his works. Similarly, few directors can make their works last forever, constantly adding new audiences to the original basic disc, and their works are always new, always keeping the pulse and temperature of the same rhythm with the times.

Zheng Xiaolong, born in 1953, has been directing since the early 1990s. His works in different periods, such as Peking Man in new york, Golden Wedding, Empresses in the Palace, legend of miyue, Red Sorghum, Emergency Doctor, Meritorious Service, etc., have almost covered audiences after 60, 70, 80, 90 and 00, and he is a well-deserved national director. At the same time, he is also a literary and art worker who is very concerned about how individuals survive in the changes of the times. Under the focus of the camera, they are all concrete "people", and the "play meat" filled in the drama framework is also concrete and subtle details. He always believes in a foothold. "Emotion and truth are common, and I mainly tell the story of’ people’."


The Story of Xingfu: Dead Water and Breaking.

The realistic TV series The Story of Xingfu, directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Zhao Liying and Liu Wei, has closed recently. As a long-lost rural theme work in the domestic drama market, the first broadcast of the drama set off a viewing craze. The prime-time TV live broadcast attracted the top two attention, and the online broadcast was less than an hour. The market share of the whole network drama reached the top, and the real-time broadcast market accounted for 11.46%. At the same time, because of the portrayal of realistic contradictions and the exposure of human weaknesses, it has repeatedly caused heated discussions on social platforms such as Weibo. In the whole broadcast process in The Story of Xingfu, it occupied the top spot in the lighthouse TV drama feature broadcast market for 22 consecutive days, and ranked third in the 2022 TV drama feature broadcast before closing. These steady and steady data all show the amazing national popularity of this work.

The Story of Xingfu was adapted from Chen Yuanbin’s novel The Legend of Autumn Chrysanthemum. At the beginning, Zheng Xiaolong took a fancy to this story. "It mainly tells the awakening of a woman’s self-awareness and legal awareness. Under the environment of emphasizing the rule of law, literary and artistic creation is of certain significance to the construction of the awareness of the rule of law. I think it is very good." Wanjiazhuang, as a famous star village with ten miles and eight townships, has reached a certain level in material accumulation. However, due to its inherent small-scale peasant ideology and clan consciousness, this village has become a "stagnant water" and gradually has the trend of "one word at a time". "So the theme of our story is to hope that people will pay more attention to the construction of spiritual civilization and legal civilization after the completion of material civilization construction. Because there is no progress in spiritual civilization and the rule of law, this’ rich’ will not grow. "

And the heroine’s happiness is the "breaker" of Wanjiazhuang’s stagnant water.

In the initial casting stage, Zheng Xiaolong decided to let Zhao Liying play He Happiness. "We worked together in the filming of Golden Wedding in 2006, and she played many rebellious third daughters in it. She was so stubborn. Moreover, she is born in the countryside and is no stranger to rural life and the state of farmers. "

Zheng Xiaolong believes that the character He Happiness comes with a "halo". Of course, "halo" is not an illogical protagonist halo, but "He Happiness has a basic personality, and she has a simple sense of justice, fairness and equality." As a rural woman with a low education level, she was so happy that her sister was married. She insisted on an apology and was pointed at by the villagers. However, Wanjiazhuang, whose clan consciousness is solidified, needs such a foreigner to break the deadlock. "Because she doesn’t understand the process of the village construction and the prestige of Wanshantang, the village party secretary, she just thinks that I can apologize if I am wrong, but you have to admit it if you are wrong. You have to apologize."

He Xingfu threw a bench over and smashed the head of Wan Chuanjia, the son of the village party secretary, which prevented the marriage and caused trouble. His in-laws were anxious to apologize to the village party secretary, and her husband, brother-in-law and sister-in-law were also wronged and anxious. On the other hand, Zheng Xiaolong used a series of long shots to show the attitude of He Happiness as a new wife. She changed her clothes, tied up her long hair, skillfully picked vegetables, and packed things for cooking. When her husband questioned that she was still in the mood to eat, her attitude was also obvious: the sky fell and she had to eat, and then she went to seek justice after eating.

"Maybe the audience will be more worried about saying that female stars or famous actresses can’t get down and dress up ugly, but in reality, it can’t be glamorous. You work in the countryside and your daughter-in-law is running a family. You have to be energetic, right?" Zheng Xiaolong admired Zhao Liying’s energy. "If she didn’t understand it, she couldn’t shoot it. She didn’t rely on skill, but brought her true nature in, so you will feel particularly comfortable when she performs."

Since the launch of The Story of Xingfu, many viewers’ comments and barrage have been related to "grieve" and "bring your own antihypertensive drugs when watching the drama". The initial marriage-making incidents, land disputes and compensation for land expropriation, including the protagonist’s experience from rural to urban, are all full of realistic entanglements. The material construction of Wanjiazhuang Star Village is indeed rich enough, but the popularization of rule of law awareness and spiritual civilization construction seems to be uncivilized. The main line of the story is how to build the rule of law on the basis of material construction. Happiness is the main thread of this torrent, and her personal progress and growth is also a metaphor for the follow-up of rural spiritual civilization and the rule of law. The anger of netizens, to a certain extent, is also an affirmation that the content of the series is close to real life. Zheng Xiaolong also recognized this point. "We must conform to this creative attitude of realism. Now telling rural stories is to conform to the changes and cognition in the countryside and have a life atmosphere."

At the end of the story, He Xingfu promoted the construction of ecological civilization in Wanjiazhuang, developed environmental protection tourism industry, controlled sewage treatment, broke the original clan pattern, popularized the concept of legal system, and became a new generation of rural revitalization leaders. Behind the destruction of this stagnant pool is not only Zheng Xiaolong’s thinking about the current rural spiritual civilization and legal system construction, but also his inherent sense of responsibility as a literary and art worker. "Creating this thing makes me feel that I can say something and express something that I think is meaningful." He wants to tell the story of a rural woman’s growth, and reflect the fate and struggle of thousands of ordinary people in Qian Qian. This concern and gaze on the little people has always been a humanistic feeling of Zheng Xiaolong’s social responsibility.


"Feminine consciousness" not only represents women.

The Story of Xingfu has been at the forefront from the beginning to the end, and the whole network urged him to get a happy divorce and start a career. In addition to the characters and plots in the play, there is also director Zheng Xiaolong who was brought to the hot search by real-time comments.

In fact, it’s not long since he was widely discussed by netizens and audiences last time-during the period when the epidemic was banned at the beginning of the year, Empresses in the Palace became a drama and background sound for many people. Since its launch 11 years ago, the ideological trend has changed, the concept has been updated, and the audience has iterated. However, the popularity and discussion of this drama have lasted for a long time. Under the "study" of the younger generation of netizens, an independent "Zhen Xue" has even been derived, which is specially used to analyze characters, plots and subtle scenes, including the production of expression packs and network hotspots.

However, in the eyes of Zheng Xiaolong, who is nearly 70 years old, these new things and fragmented interception analysis are all "distant" and he doesn’t understand them. In the 22nd year of the new century, he still maintains his own work rhythm and relatively "old-school" habits. Only when talking about creation will the chatterbox open, "What are the 100 questions? I can’t even answer it. TV plays and movies are montage art, and they are flowing pictures, not watched frame by frame. When I shoot, I will not think that this drama will have such a big impact in reality. "

From Empresses in the Palace’s "Red Sorghum" and "legend of miyue" to The Story of Xingfu, several representative works of Zheng Xiaolong are all based on the clue of women’s growth and awakening, and are completed by the whole construction of the characters, so as to criticize and convey his inner thoughts and voices. However, the growth of women, or the awakening of gender-limited consciousness, is not that he deliberately caters to the creative standards of the market. Instead of telling the story with a specific group, he chose a reference sample to tell the story of everyone in the society, age and living environment where the sample is located. "Emotion and reason are common, and I mainly tell the story of’ people’."

Empresses in the Palace stills

For example, Empresses in the Palace criticized the feudal and backward marriage system. Zheng Xiaolong said, "I discussed this matter repeatedly before filming, and I told the media that it was critical. But after it was broadcast, many people said that it was a matter of the workplace. I was so dizzy. I never thought that the workplace would be like this." He recalled that mentality more than ten years ago. "At that time, for a long time, it seemed that everyone thought the harem was beautiful and luxurious. Many girls wanted to cross into the harem and run to be concubines for the emperor." "The emperor is a big stallion, marriage in this case, how can you have a single-minded emotion? Impossible. "

The realistic theme does not mean that you must shoot modern dramas, which is also Zheng Xiaolong’s consistent thinking. "You can also shoot historical stories with a realistic attitude. The theme and your attitude are two different things." What Empresses in the Palace conveyed was his criticism of the feudal and backward marriage system, while legend of miyue is another kind of realism-historical materialism, which contains the awakening of women, the germination of the consciousness of family and country and the concept of equality. "Miyue is a concubine of Chu. She gradually developed a sense of home and country around the king of Qin, and she also had a critical awareness of the hierarchical bloodline theory and hereditary system, so she would take risks and return to Qin to pacify civil strife and lay the foundation for Qin Shihuang to unify China. Including the Qin Dynasty’s award for military merits, rather than hereditary, these are also the seeds of equality. "

"legend of miyue" stills

He doesn’t think it is necessary to convey specific ideas through specific themes, and there is no need to limit the gender or identity background of the protagonist. "In fact, people who engage in literary and artistic creation do image, and there is a saying that image is greater than thinking." Zheng Xiaolong is a person who came from the initial period of China TV series, and his attitude is still simple and plain. "After you have done your image well, many people will give it something to think about. For example, when Cao Xueqin wrote A Dream of Red Mansions, he didn’t think so much, he just truly reflected the society. Later, Comrade Mao Zedong said that A Dream of Red Mansions was a mirror of feudal society, and it became a mirror of feudal society, which was the understanding given by later generations. A lot of thinking things don’t mean that we have thought it through in the early stage of creation. We just do a good job in the image. As for the interpretation, how big the subsequent impact is, this is not something that can be thought of at the beginning. "

After being created, the female images in Zheng Xiaolong’s works began to have a lot of interpretations, some of which were even quite different from his original creative ideas, which he had never expected in his creation. However, whatever Zhen Xuan, Mi Yue or happiness, behind their awakening of female consciousness and independent consciousness is actually the awakening of human nature-an awakening of equality, struggle and the rule of law. This has nothing to do with gender, but belongs to everyone’s right consciousness. There’s a line in The Story of Xingfu, which Zheng Xiaolong especially picked out and spoke it again. "Distinguish right from wrong through law, clarify truth through law, and popularize social fairness and justice through law. I think it is very important, because we want to build a society ruled by law. This is also what I want to convey through this drama. "

As for the arguments, contradictions and conflicts intercepted by the fragments, and the remarks urging a happy divorce, they all belong to the endowed "thinking", which is the part that literary and artistic creators can’t control after the completion of their works. Zheng Xiaolong tried to digest the gap between himself and the young audience. "I think literary works still need a little nutrition, and there must be emotional things in them. If the general direction is right, you can."


The significance of realism

After decades of film and television drama, Zheng Xiaolong, which has become a benchmark in the industry, has maintained a stable output, but it is not a "high yield". For the production and polishing of the script, including the preparation before starting, he has to spend a lot of thought and effort to dig the details. Even at this age, the vitality of creation and strong desire for expression are still shining on him.

The Story of Xingfu finalized Zhao Liying, and it also experienced some twists and turns in the middle. Because the actor was pregnant and the script was revised, it was almost more than a year before and after. "After the script was revised, the actor also gave birth to the child and sat down for a month. This is settled."

In the era of fast food, Zheng Xiaolong’s process of polishing the script and preparing the details can be said to be very "burning money". "I have to collect ideas and make field trips. I am particularly concerned about this matter and go to see Anhui local Huizhou architecture. For example, when drilling a well, I have to ask if there was such a photo at that time. The arrangement of the wedding venue for the couple, were they like this at that time? Is the construction of rural houses like this? Moreover, I have to ask the original owner (many details), because a lot of the photos we took are real scenes, and the interior is also real scenes. I am afraid that the art will be wrong. "

At the beginning, in the interview during the broadcast of Golden Wedding, Zheng Xiaolong also mentioned the "obsession" of scene restoration. After the script was polished, it was the preparation of the group, from a food stamp to a bus, which was arranged exactly according to the set points of that era. "Realism" is the key point he has always stressed. Only when the literary image reaches a certain level can the audience’s thinking be attached. "As long as you make a good image, it will have an impact on reality. As long as you make it true and reasonable, it will have an impact on reality."

Stills of "Golden Wedding"

"Influence on reality" is the sense of social responsibility that Zheng Xiaolong’s generation of literary and art workers insisted on. When a work is filmed, it is not just for fun, but for the audience to laugh. It has to be meaningful and effective in reality. As for how long and how wide this role can be played, it is uncontrollable, but at the very least, it must have a little effect.

Even now, there are some records of old reports in the evaluation of Zheng Xiaolong by Zhihu and other platforms: "The broadcast of" Desire "triggered an unprecedented upsurge of national audiences, and actors such as Li Xuejian, Zhang Kaili and Huang Meiying also became popular throughout the country. At that time, in order to watch "Desire", people with TV sets were crowded into the station almost every day. Even the Ministry of Public Security said that thieves did not come out to commit crimes because they were waiting to watch "Desire". "

Zheng Xiaolong couldn’t help laughing when he mentioned these sensational influences. This is the pride of literary and art workers and the great affirmation of a director who has devoted his life to it.

Speaking of Empresses in the Palace’s overseas export and cultural communication, Zheng Xiaolong once again emphasized the importance of realism. "Truthfulness, telling a good story about China’s history, telling a good story about China now and telling a good story about the daily life of China people, I think this is all possible. In particular, telling the story of the daily life of ordinary people must be authentic and have universal typical significance. "

Of course, we also asked Zheng Xiaolong what he thought of the current shoddy and suspended film and television dramas. He replied very quickly, "I don’t watch it. I don’t think it looks good. I don’t watch it. I can’t watch it, and I’m not affected."

This national director, who is nearly 70 years old, just wants to tell his own story-a story about every specific "person".

Written by Gu Xiang


Guo Shilang starred in the new drama "The Story in Time" as the teaching director.

The Story in Time is a TV series produced by Xu Dong, directed by Li Tian, starring young actors Jelly Lin and Gao Zhiting, and featured by Li Hongtao, Guo Shilang, Wang Haiyan and Bao Dazhi.

The TV series Story in Time is set in Qingdao from 1990s to early 2000. It tells the twists and turns of Chen Yiduo and Bi Laifu, who lived in the same apartment with Chen family, for 10 years, and depicts the inspirational story of a group of passionate young people who grew up and struggled in the changing times, lived up to their youth and pursued a better life.

This time, Guo Shilang’s performance as the dean in The Story of Time impressed the audience deeply. Guo Shilang’s performance as the role of "Lao Guo" in the TV series Basic Law of Genius starring Lei Jiayin, Zifeng Zhang and Zhang Xincheng has also been widely concerned and recognized by the public. Guo Shilang is even called "an actor who is good at acting" by people in the film and television circle. As an acting actor, his acting skills are both positive and negative, and it is a great appreciation for him to win this title.

It is reported that Guo Shilang has appeared in hundreds of film and television works since his debut. In 2021, the cinema film "Peacock Flying from the Outer Space" starring Guo Shilang is currently in a state of waiting to be broadcast, expecting Guo Shilang to bring more new works to the audience.

According to Li Tian, the director of the play, the script structure of Story in Time is not designed to satisfy the audience’s curiosity and set up a ups and downs plot. "The story begins with a group of children’s world, from an extremely ordinary little thing to countless seemingly unremarkable life details." Li Tian said that the reason why the background of the play was set in the 1990s was mainly because that era was a very profound period in everyone’s memory. "With the introduction of the market economy, people have ushered in a lot of changes in their lives, and with the influence of reform and opening up, many new things and thoughts have also intensively affected people’s way of thinking. It was a golden age, an era when we traced back memories. " The Story in Time is just like this, depicting this group of teenagers who grew up in the 1990s and their ordinary families. The creator hopes that through this story, two generations can resonate: "Let the post-80s and post-90s trace the growing memories, and let the post-80s and post-60s find the imprint in their minds. It is our original intention to review everyone’s stories in time through this drama."

The Story in Time is a story with a linear structure that records time. The whole play revolves around Bilaifu’s growth perspective and focuses on everyone’s responsibility and responsibility in family and society. Bi Laifu was fostered in the home of his adoptive father Chen Dadong since he was a child. He saw the dribs and drabs that the family paid for him and the pressure that the family had because of his arrival. So he resolutely gave up the college entrance examination and went to work in the factory. This seemingly naive decision has caused a storm in an ordinary family. A childish but determined decision symbolizes a boy’s determination to take responsibility and become a man. All the stories in the play are started because of this seemingly immature decision, but the protagonists in the play have also chosen different ways to realize their life ideals.

The drama takes the youth stories of a group of strugglers as the main axis, and combines the changes of the times with personal changes. Games played in childhood, snacks eaten, toys that accompanied everyone in childhood … … It will be presented in the play, "We will watch cartoons we liked as children again in our spare time, relive childhood movies and TV dramas, listen to childhood favorite songs, or go back to our alma mater to have a look … … Perhaps there are many sticking points in today’s society, and an antidote can be found in that era. " Li Tian said. Therefore, in order to fully interpret that era, the producers also made great efforts. It is reported that more than half of the filming locations in this drama are Qingdao tube-shaped buildings that are not open to the public. The long and narrow corridors connect multiple rooms in series, instantly evoking memories that belong to the 1990s. At the same time, in order to further fit the scene at that time, the costumes, make-up and props of the play also highly re-engraved that era. Feixiang brand bicycles, old cars, blue, white and red school uniforms, and early stalls at the school gate are all perfectly restored in the play.

[Look-there is a story on Friday] This is a question about choice and rights. Three women told their stories.

  July 11, 2019 is the 30th World Population Day, with the theme of "25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development: accelerating the process and fulfilling the promise", which advocates making persistent efforts on the basis of the framework of the International Conference on Population and Development and raising awareness of how the choices and opportunities of girls and women have changed since the Conference.
  Twenty-five years ago, the Third International Conference on Population and Development was held in Cairo. More than 15,000 delegates from 182 countries and regions attended the conference. The Programme of Action adopted at the end of the conference made a commitment: "To formulate a new action agenda for empowering women to ensure their full participation in the social, economic and political life of their communities at all levels."
  The pursuit of rights and choices is a continuous process. Twenty-five years ago, due to the lack of contraceptives and economic and institutional obstacles, hundreds of millions of women could not enjoy the reproductive choices brought by contraceptives, and they could not choose whether to get pregnant, when to get pregnant, how often to get pregnant and who to get pregnant. Today, women’s social status has improved, and more and more women have truly realized their reproductive choices. They pay more attention to their personality independence and become an indispensable force to promote social development.
  "I’m glad I helped so many women."

  Tafta • Sharjah is one of the six women mentioned in the 2019 edition of the State of World Population Report. Her experience has witnessed the change of women’s rights in her country.
  Tafta • Sharjah is from Albania. When she was a teenager, she always wanted to go to university to study and become a doctor. However, due to various reasons, it did not happen. After graduating from high school, she attended a one-year course to train nursing midwives, which really changed her life track.
  After the training, Tafta was assigned to a remote village lacking medical facilities, medical personnel and medical supplies. Despite the difficult conditions, she is always full of enthusiasm for pre-natal care, delivery and baby care … … "I helped a lot of people, because many deliveries were carried out at home — — There were not so many medical centers at that time. I am very happy that I have helped so many women. "
  Tafta has two children. She bluntly said that if it weren’t for family economic reasons, she would have given birth to more. Later, when she was pregnant again, like the eastern European women of that era, she chose to have an abortion.
  The chaos in the early 1990s also had its positive side. A large number of Albanians have flooded into Italy and Greece and come into contact with new ideas and new ways of working and living. Tafta said: "We started to contact with another world and diverse perspectives. Before that, all we heard was the argument that everything outside Albania was bad."
  Now, life in Albania is improving, she said. She believes that her daughter and grandchildren will have more choices and opportunities. On the one hand, today’s contraceptives have been supplied free of charge on a large scale; On the other hand, her little daughter has become a police officer — — This fully reflects the changing of the old concept of gender equality.
  Tafta has been fighting cancer, and she is determined to watch her granddaughter grow up and stick to it. "I don’t want the tumor to take away my best things," she said. "As long as I have energy, I will try my best to help others."
  "In colleges and universities in China, I hope more students can participate in youth and healthy peer education."

  Young people provide endless creativity for social development, but with the early sexual maturity and the delay of marriage age, young people are facing the challenges brought by severe reproductive health problems. According to a national survey released in 2010, 22.4% of people aged 15-24 in China have had sex, and more than 20% of young women who have had premarital sex have experienced unwanted pregnancy. More than 50% of young people have unmet needs for reproductive health services to varying degrees. The reproductive health of young people is becoming one of the important factors affecting the healthy development of young people in China.
  Young people are more accustomed to getting knowledge about sexual and reproductive health from friends and classmates who have similar experiences and background knowledge. In mid-2004, a national youth organization — — China youth network was founded under the initiative and organization of China Family Planning Association (CFPA). It became the first youth volunteer organization in China to carry out peer education on sexual and reproductive health for young people aged 10-24 and advocate sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  He Shanshan, a student in Tsinghua University, is one of the core members of china youth network. She has been a volunteer for five years. When she was just a volunteer for adolescent health, He Shanshan encountered many difficulties. "Sometimes when we carry out activities at school, we will encounter situations where no one participates or the school does not support it. Some college students have misconceptions about sex and reproductive health. It is also difficult to change. I was impressed once when we talked about the specific use of condoms in a university. Some students stood up and slammed the door because they didn’t understand us. "
  When talking about people’s misunderstanding of sex education, He Shanshan said: "We advocate comprehensive sex education and provide suitable sex education for children of all ages from 5 to 18. For young people, not only talk about sex, but tell them how to know their bodies and deal with intimate relationships. Gender equality is equality between men and women, and men’s rights also need to be protected. We must break the stereotype of gender. "
  Speaking of the changes in these five years, He Shanshan said: "In the past, the content of sex education was to teach girls to say ‘ No ’ Now we are more telling girls how to protect themselves and communicate with their partners if they don’t want children or get sick. Every girl should have the right to choose the size of her family and the interval between giving birth to children, rather than becoming a fertility tool. "
  Last October, as a youth representative of the IPPF Asia Region, He Shanshan went to Kuala Lumpur to attend the regional council and met Joshua from Tonga, an Oceania island country. He was the representative of the last IPPF Asia Region, and He Shanshan took the baton from him. He brought good news. In June 2018, he was awarded the "Queen Young Leader Award" by Queen Elizabeth II. When Joshua was in high school, because his friends had suffered from sexually transmitted diseases, he realized that sexual and reproductive health was affecting the healthy lives of young people in Tonga, so he began to participate in the training of comprehensive sex education. Since then, he has been doing his best until he handed over the baton to He Shanshan. There are still many global youth health volunteers with similar experiences. They have been subtly influencing everyone around them with their understanding, care and sense of responsibility.
  "We not only represent the youth and the country, we are working hard for the whole cause, and the international environment is very friendly, which has always encouraged our young people to speak out." He Shanshan said.
  "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" gathers the power of upward growth.

  Hu Lan (third from left) is at the event site.

  "How do women protect themselves in the face of partner pressure? Let me tell you a story that happened around me … …” In the auditorium of a factory in Longgang District, Shenzhen, a "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project is going to the "story sharing" link. The narrator of the story is Xiaoxue, a volunteer of the youth health project and a working girl who came to Shenzhen from Hunan.
  The lights gradually dimmed, and the crowd gradually became quiet. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue’s thoughts returned to the unforgettable experience of her best girlfriend eight years ago with soft music: in her early twenties, at the best age of her life, Xiaoxue’s girlfriend suffered an unexpected pregnancy. Her so-called boyfriend chose to escape because he was at a loss. Xiaoxue accompanied her best friend to a small clinic and had an induced abortion. Less than a year later, the same situation was staged again. Because she was afraid of the eyes of the people around her, her best friend chose to go to a small clinic with poor medical and health conditions, and repeated surgical injuries caused great harm to her body and mind, which also laid a hidden danger for Xiaoxue’s best friend’s marriage and childbearing life.
  When the story was finished, the music stopped and the scene was quiet. Xiaoxue broke the silence: "At that time, we were very young, and no one taught us about sex. We didn’t know how to protect ourselves. The fluky psychology and partner pressure when getting along with close partners all caused great harm to many women like my best friend. After listening to the story, I believe everyone should have their own answers." This is a fragment of the "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project entering the factory to carry out activities.
  “‘ Dance of youth and healthy life ’ It is an international youth project jointly introduced to China by the China Family Planning Association and the United Nations Population Fund. It is a youth project with music and dance as the carrier, psychological model activities as the foundation, and sexual and reproductive health as the core of knowledge to guide young people to establish positive sexual concepts and attitudes towards life. " Hu Lan, the organizer of this activity, is the deputy stationmaster of Fuchengao Community Workstation in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, and she is also the trainer of the international headquarters of the "Dance of Youth and Healthy Life" project. She told CCTV reporters that she is interpreting comprehensive education in a way that young people like, affecting not only women but also men.
  A factory doctor once took Hu Lan’s hand and said, "I really hope your activities can be carried out for a long time. There are too many female workers, and they need to strengthen their awareness of self-protection." Hu Lan said that some factory leaders hope to add the content of sex and reproductive health education to the induction training of new employees. She saw that more and more people in society realized the importance of sex education.
  The activities organized by Hu Lan not only entered the community factory, but also reached the middle school students. "In the past, when talking about gender topics in physical health classes in primary and secondary schools, teachers would say: ‘ Look at these two pages for yourself ’ . Now we have the opportunity to enter the school, not only to talk about knowledge points, but also to transmit an idea, which is welcomed by students. "
  In recent years, news such as "teenage pregnancy" and "children being sexually abused" have been exposed in the media. Parents and schools generally recognize the necessity of sex education, but there are still ambiguous attitudes about the way and degree of sex education, and even take evasive actions.
  At present, Hu Lan’s community still enters primary and secondary schools with short-term and decentralized themes, such as "welcoming adolescence", "preventing sexual harassment" and "staying away from AIDS", or carries out project activities in schools that are very supportive of project activities as a whole class.
  At the same time, Hu Lan also expressed his confusion. With the adjustment of the national population policy and the shift of the focus of local government work, the grassroots youth health education team is unstable. Many social workers can no longer engage in youth health education because of job adjustment, so they can only participate in it in their spare time.
  Take the area where Hu Lan is located as an example. In 2016, there were 225 young pioneers in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen for rotation training, and a core youth pioneer team of 30 people was formed to carry out youth health education activities in streets with a population of about 500,000. After the institutional adjustment, 80% of the staff are currently diverted to other departments. At present, only the members of the core team of the project are relatively stable, and the data is just a microcosm of the loss of local basic youth health education personnel. Although there is a constant inflow of fresh blood, the cost of time and technology has affected the development of youth health education.
  In sharp contrast to the sharp drop in personnel, schools, enterprises and community service centers that have conducted youth health education have a rising practical need for youth health education.
  As a person who has served in the front line of the community for a long time, Hu Lan and his colleagues have seen too many real cases. They carefully prepare and carry out every activity with enthusiasm and expectation. Instead of flowery words and many grand slogans, what they have is a heart full of sincerity and social responsibility. Hu Lan said that the children’s "seeking help" when they encounter troubles, the trust of community residents and the support of teachers and leaders who care about the cause of youth health education have all given them great motivation to work. "A single spark can start a prairie fire." Hu Lan said that she would like to be that little flame, hot and strong. (Text/Feng Songyi)