China’s Beidou in the New Era

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 4. The State Council Information Office released the white paper "China’s Beidou in the New Era" on the 4th. The full text is as follows:

  China’s Beidou in the New Era

  (November 2022)

  People’s Republic of China

  State Council Information Office



  First, the development of Beidou has entered a new era

  (1) Stepping out of China’s path of independent development

  (2) Better serve the world and benefit humanity

  (3) Building the spirit of Beidou in the new era

  (IV) Looking forward to a new vision for the development of Beidou

  Second, China’s Beidou ranks among the world’s first-class

  (1) Independent research and development of core technologies

  (2) System composition innovation leadership

  (III) High-quality and diverse system services

  III. Improve the level of system operation management

  (1) Ensure the stable operation of the system

  (2) Enhance system service performance

  (III) Publish system dynamic information

  IV. Promoting the sustainable development of the application industry

  (I) formulating and implementing an industrial development strategy

  (2) Lay a solid foundation for industrial development

  (III) Optimizing the industrial development ecosystem

  (IV) Strengthening the industrial development format

  V. Enhance the level of modern governance

  (I) Innovating organizational management systems and mechanisms

  (2) Driving technological innovation through institutional innovation

  (III) Advancing the rule of law in satellite navigation

  (4) Thickening the development of talent advantages

  VI. Helping to build a community with a shared future for mankind

  (1) Promote multi-system compatibility and sharing

  (2) Extensive international cooperation and exchanges

  (3) Promote participation in the international standards system

  (IV) To promote the benefits of development outcomes globally

  concluding remarks


  The Beidou Satellite Navigation System (hereinafter referred to as the Beidou System) is a satellite navigation system that China has built and operated independently in order to meet the needs of national security and economic and social development. After years of development, the Beidou system has become an important new type of infrastructure that provides all-weather, all-day, high-precision positioning, navigation and timing services to users around the world.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Beidou system has entered a new era of rapid development. On July 31, 2020, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader announced to the world that the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system was officially opened, marking the Beidou system entering a new stage of globalization development. From the new era of reform and opening up to the new era of China’s development, from Beidou-1 to Beidou-3, from double-star positioning to global networking, from covering the Asia-Pacific to serving the world, the Beidou system resonates with the development of the country and goes in the same direction as national rejuvenation.

  China’s Beidou in the new era will benefit both the Chinese people and the people of all countries in the world. The Beidou system adheres to the development concept of "China’s Beidou, the world’s Beidou, and the first-class Beidou", realizes wide application on a global scale, empowers all walks of life, integrates into infrastructure, and enters the mass application field. It has profoundly changed people’s production and lifestyle, and has become the time and space cornerstone of economic and social development. It has contributed Chinese wisdom and strength to the satellite navigation system to better serve the world and benefit mankind.

  The new era of China’s Beidou demonstrates China’s ambition and backbone to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance, the spirit and will of the Chinese people to be independent, self-reliant, hard-working, and overcome difficulties, and the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics to concentrate on major affairs. It also demonstrates China’s responsibility to be responsible for the world and its own talents.

  To introduce the development achievements and future vision of China’s Beidou in the new era, and to share the development concept and practical experience of China’s Beidou, this white paper is hereby issued.

  First, the development of Beidou has entered a new era

  Entering a new era, with the historic achievements and changes in China’s development, China’s Beidou has embarked on the road of high-quality development, and the mechanism system, speed and scale have continuously achieved new breakthroughs and taken new steps, creating a miracle of China’s Beidou shining in the sky.

  (1) Stepping out of China’s path of independent development

  China is based on its national conditions and strength, adheres to independent innovation, step-by-step construction, and gradual development, continuously improves the Beidou system, and embarks on a path of building a satellite navigation system with Chinese characteristics from scratch, from existing to excellent, from active to passive, and from regional to global.

  Implement the "three-step" development strategy. In 1994, China began to develop and develop an independent satellite navigation system. By the end of 2000, the Beidou-1 system was completed, and the active positioning system was adopted to serve China, becoming the third country in the world to have a satellite navigation system. In 2012, the Beidou-2 system was completed, providing passive positioning services to the Asia-Pacific region. In 2020, the Beidou-3 system was officially completed and opened, providing satellite navigation services to the world, marking the successful completion of the "three-step" development strategy of the Beidou system.

  Accelerating towards the global era. In December 2012, the Beidou-2 system was completed and provided services, which is a new starting point for the development of the Beidou system. In March 2015, the first Beidou-3 system test satellite was launched. In November 2017, the first batch of 2 medium-circle earth orbit satellites of the Beidou-3 system were deployed in orbit, and the Beidou system global network pressed the fast-forward button. In December 2018, the basic constellation deployment of 19 satellites was completed. In June 2020, the complete constellation composed of 24 medium-circle earth orbit satellites, 3 geostationary orbit satellites and 3 inclined geosynchronous orbit satellites was deployed. In July 2020, the Beidou-3 system officially opened global services, and "China’s Beidou" truly became "the Beidou of the world".

  (2) Better serve the world and benefit humanity

  In the new era, China’s Beidou, with the aim of better serving the world and benefiting humanity, further enhances the level of integration of various technical means, continuously enhances its diverse and characteristic service capabilities, vigorously promotes the development of Beidou’s application industry, and strengthens international exchanges and cooperation in an all-round way, so as to better meet the needs of economic and social development and people’s better life, and better achieve shared and win-win results.

  - Open and compatible. Provide free and open satellite navigation services to continuously improve global public service capabilities. Actively carry out international cooperation and exchanges, and advocate and strengthen multi-system compatibility and sharing.

  - Innovation Transcendence. Adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy, achieve innovation leadership, and enhance independent development capabilities. Continue to promote system upgrades, integrate new generation communications, low-orbit augmentation and other emerging technologies, and promote the integrated development of non-satellite navigation technologies.

  - High-quality service. Ensure the continuous and stable operation of the system, give full play to the advantages of unique services, and provide high-quality satellite navigation services to global users. Improve the system environment construction of standards, policies and regulations, intellectual property rights, publicity and promotion, and optimize the Beidou industrial ecology.

  - Sharing and win-win. Deepen the application and promotion of the Beidou system, promote the high-quality development of the Beidou industry, integrate into thousands of industries, and empower production and life. Share the achievements of China’s satellite navigation system construction and development with the world to achieve mutual benefit and win-win.

  (3) Building the spirit of Beidou in the new era

  In the face of the unknown and arduous exploration, China’s Beidou builders have overcome obstacles and continued to struggle, cultivating the Beidou spirit of "independent innovation, openness and integration, unity, and pursuit of excellence" in the new era, vividly interpreting the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, enriching the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communist Party.

  Independent innovation is the core competitiveness of China’s Beidou. The Beidou system has always adhered to independent innovation, independent design, independent construction, and independent control, and firmly grasped the key core technologies in its own hands. This is China’s Beidou’s active choice to deal with various challenges and overcome various difficulties.

  Openness and integration is the global mindset of China’s Beidou. The Beidou system conforms to the general trend of the open era and the development trend of integration, and practices the promise of "allowing people of all countries to share development opportunities and fruits", demonstrating a long-term pattern and a shared vision of beauty and beauty.

  The Beidou system is the result of all Beidou builders working together, cooperating and contributing, and the result of the support from all over the country and the cooperation of all parties. It vividly illustrates the fine tradition of unity and hard work of the Chinese nation and the deep feelings of the Chinese people for their country.

  The pursuit of excellence is the eternal goal of China’s Beidou. The Beidou system is world-class, "do the best", and achieve excellence in engineering technology, operation services, and engineering implementation management, becoming a shining brand in China in the new era.

  (IV) Looking forward to a new vision for the development of Beidou

  Facing the future, China will build a Beidou system with more advanced technology, more powerful functions, and better service, and build a more ubiquitous, more integrated, and more intelligent integrated space-time system. It will provide high-flexibility, high-intelligence, high-precision, and high-security positioning and navigation timing services, which will better benefit people’s livelihood and well-being and serve human development and progress.

  To strengthen the Beidou satellite navigation system and build an intelligent operation and maintenance management system of the Beidou system with Chinese characteristics, highlighting the unique service advantages of short messages, ground-based enhancement, satellite-based enhancement, and international search and rescue, continuously improving service performance and expanding service functions, forming a global dynamic decimeter-level high-precision positioning and navigation and integrity assurance capabilities, and providing high-quality services to global users.

  We will promote the scale, industrialization, and internationalization of the Beidou system, provide better and more diverse public service products, further tap market potential, enrich application scenarios, expand application scale, build new mechanisms, cultivate new ecosystems, improve the industrial system, strengthen international industrial cooperation, and create a more complete and resilient industrial chain, so that the development results of the Beidou system can better benefit the people of all countries.

  Build a national comprehensive positioning and navigation timing system, develop a variety of navigation methods, achieve cross-cutting innovation of cutting-edge technologies, energy gathering and efficiency enhancement by various means, and multi-source information integration and sharing, promote the extension of services to underwater, indoor, and deep space, and provide comprehensive spatiotemporal information services with unified benchmarks, seamless coverage, flexible intelligence, safety, reliability, convenience, and efficiency. To promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and build a better world.

  Second, China’s Beidou ranks among the world’s first-class

  The construction and development of China’s Beidou has always been anchored to the world-class goal, adhering to innovation and leadership, pursuing excellence, and constantly achieving self-transcendence. China’s Beidou, with advanced technology, leading design and powerful functions, is a world-class global satellite navigation system.

  (1) Independent research and development of core technologies

  China proceeds from its own actual situation, responds to the development trend of satellite navigation in the world, innovates system design in terms of constellation configuration, technical system, service function, etc., and overcomes a number of core key technologies such as hybrid constellation, inter-satellite link, and signal system design, achieving first-class capabilities globally.

  Innovative constellation configuration. The first medium and high orbit hybrid heterogeneous constellation, high orbit satellite single satellite coverage area is large, anti-occlusion ability is strong, medium orbit satellite constellation global operation, global coverage, is the core of global service, each orbit satellite complementary advantages, can achieve global coverage, but also strengthen regional capabilities.

  Build inter-satellite link. For the first time, the integrated network operation between satellites and satellites and between satellites and the ground is realized through the inter-satellite link, and high-precision measurement and data transmission between satellites are realized. Global operation services are provided based on domestic station deployment conditions.

  Optimize the signal system. Break through key technologies such as modulation, multiplexing, and channel coding, and take the lead in realizing full constellation three-frequency services. Realize the fusion design of navigation and positioning functions and communication data transmission functions, basic navigation information and differential enhancement information. The performance of signal ranging accuracy, anti-jamming and anti-multipath has reached the world’s first-class level. Realize compatibility and sharing with other satellite navigation systems and support diverse characteristic services.

  (2) System composition innovation leadership

  The Beidou system consists of a space segment, a ground segment and a user segment. Among them, the space segment consists of 30 satellites in three orbits: medium circular earth orbit, geostationary orbit, and inclined geosynchronous orbit; the ground segment consists of an operation control system, a measurement and control system, an inter-satellite link operation management system, and an international search and rescue, short message communication, satellite-based augmentation, and ground-based augmentation. Various service platforms; the user segment consists of various end points and application systems compatible with other satellite navigation systems.

  The Beidou system is the first space system in China to achieve global network operation, which has significantly enhanced China’s aerospace scientific research capacity and effectively promoted the leap-forward development of China’s aerospace technology.

  Excellent batch capacity. Innovate the development of satellite-to-ground products and the manufacture of satellite arrows, develop the upper stage of launch vehicles and a special platform for navigation satellites, realize the mass production of satellite arrows, intensive launch, and rapid networking. Complete the global constellation deployment at the speed of 18 arrows and 30 stars in China in two and a half years, and create a new record for the world’s navigation satellite networking.

  The key components are autonomous and controllable. The domestic development of aerospace-grade memory, on-board processor, high-power microwave switch, traveling wave tube amplifier, solid state amplifier and other components has been realized, and the core components of the Beidou system are 100% autonomous and controllable, laying a solid foundation for the wide application of the Beidou system.

  (III) High-quality and diverse system services

  Beidou system has excellent service performance and powerful functions, and can provide a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of users. Among them, it provides three global services such as positioning and navigation timing, international search and rescue, and global short message communication to global users; it provides four regional services such as regional short message communication, satellite-based enhancement, precision single-point positioning, and ground-based enhancement to the Asia-Pacific region.

  Positioning and navigation timing service. Through 30 satellites, services are provided to users around the world free of charge, with global horizontal positioning accuracy better than 9 meters, vertical positioning accuracy better than 10 meters, velocity measurement accuracy better than 0.2 meters per second, and timing accuracy better than 20 nanoseconds.

  International search and rescue service. Through 6 medium-circular earth orbit satellites, it aims to provide global users with distress alarm public welfare services that meet international standards. Innovatively designed return link to provide distress search and rescue request confirmation services for rescuers.

  Global short message communication service. The Beidou system is the world’s first satellite navigation system with global short message communication service capability. It provides global random access service for specific users through 14 medium-circular earth orbit satellites, with a maximum single message length of 560 bits (40 Chinese characters).

  The Beidou system is the world’s first satellite navigation system to provide regional short message communication services to authorized users. It provides data transmission services to users in China and surrounding areas through three geostationary orbit satellites. The maximum single message length is 14,000 bits (1000 Chinese characters), with text, picture, voice and other transmission capabilities.

  Satellite-based enhancement services. Innovative integrated design of satellite-based enhancement services, through three geostationary orbit satellites, aims to provide users in China and surrounding areas with Class I precision approach services that meet international standards. It supports two enhanced service modes of single-frequency and dual-frequency multi-constellation, which can provide security for the transportation field.

  Precision single-point positioning service. Innovative integrated design of precision single-point positioning service, through 3 geostationary orbit satellites, provides free positioning accuracy level better than 30 cm, elevation better than 60 cm, and convergence time better than 30 minutes to users in China and surrounding areas.

  Ground-based enhancement services. A national network of ground stations has been built to provide real-time meter-level, decimeter-level, centimeter-level and post-millimeter-level high-precision positioning enhancement services to the industry and public users.

  III. Improve the level of system operation management

  As a responsible aerospace power, China has continuously improved the operation and management level of the Beidou system, ensuring the continuous and stable operation of the system, maintaining the steady improvement of system performance, ensuring the openness and transparency of system information, ensuring the continuous, healthy and rapid development of the system, and providing high-stability, high-reliability, high-security and high-quality spatiotemporal information services.

  (1) Ensure the stable operation of the system

  Stable operation is the life infra of the satellite navigation system. China’s Beidou adheres to system thinking and builds a Beidou system operation management system with Chinese characteristics featuring joint management and multi-party joint insurance as the organizational feature, system control between stars, earth and stars as the system feature, and soft and hard collaborative intelligent operation and maintenance as the technical feature. It integrates "normal guarantee, smooth transition, monitoring and evaluation, and intelligent operation and maintenance", providing a basic guarantee for the continuous and stable operation of the system.

  Strengthen the normal guarantee. Improve the multi-party joint guarantee, operation status consultation, equipment inspection and maintenance and other systems and mechanisms, establish a smooth collaboration, information sharing, efficient decision-making workflow, and continuously improve the normal operation management and support capabilities.

  Ensure a smooth transition. From the space section, ground section, user section, etc., the smooth transition from Beidou-2 to Beidou-3 will be implemented in an orderly manner to ensure that users do not need to replace equipment and enjoy system upgrade services at minimal cost.

  Strengthen monitoring and evaluation. Coordinate and optimize the allocation of Beidou system global continuous monitoring and evaluation resources, conduct all-round and normalized monitoring and evaluation of system constellation status, signal accuracy, signal quality and service performance, and timely and accurately grasp the system operation and service status.

  Improve the level of operation and maintenance. Make full use of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to build a Beidou system data resource pool, promote multi-source data integration such as system operation, monitoring and evaluation, and space environment, and realize information sharing on demand. Improve the level of intelligent operation and management of the system.

  (2) Enhance system service performance

  Higher precision and more stable operation are the unremitting pursuit of the Beidou system. China Beidou insists on making progress while maintaining stability, and continues to make efforts in system status, time and space benchmarks, application scenarios, etc., to promote the continuous improvement of system service capabilities, the continuous expansion of service fields, and the continuous upgrading of service quality.

  Upgrade system status. Implement ground equipment upgrades, update on-orbit satellite software as needed, dynamically optimize satellite-ground processing models and algorithms, continuously strengthen the operation capability of the inter-satellite satellite-ground integrated network, and continuously improve the accuracy and quality of space signals to achieve steady improvement in service performance.

  Strengthen the spatiotemporal reference. Establish and maintain a high-precision time reference for the Beidou system, continuously monitor the time difference with other satellite navigation systems, broadcast in navigation messages, and strengthen the interoperability with other satellite navigation system time systems. The Beidou coordinate system is aligned with the international geodetic reference frame, and the interoperability with other satellite navigation system coordinate systems is strengthened.

  Expand the service field. Carry out multi-means navigation capacity building, and realize flexible positioning and navigation timing service functions. Carry out exploration and testing of Beidou Earth-Moon space service applications, and promote the extension of Beidou services to deep space. Breakthrough the key technologies of navigation and communication integration, and improve the service capabilities of complex environments and areas with intensive human activities.

  (III) Publish system dynamic information

  Publishing system information is the basic way for satellite navigation systems to improve user perception and trust. China Beidou adheres to openness and transparency, builds a publishing platform, improves the publishing mechanism, and dynamically publishes authoritative and accurate system information to provide responsible services to global users.

  Build a multi-channel information release platform. Release system construction and operation, application promotion, international cooperation, policies and regulations and other relevant information through Beidou official website (, monitoring and evaluation website ( and, official WeChat official account (beidousystem) and other channel platforms.

  Release the system service file. Update and release the Beidou open service signal interface control file, define the interface relationship between the Beidou system satellite and the user end point, standardize the signal structure, basic characteristics, ranging code, navigation message and other content, and provide input for the global research and development of Beidou application products. Update and release the open service performance specification to clarify the coverage and performance indicators of the Beidou system open service.

  Release system status information. Release system status information such as satellite launch into the network, on-orbit testing, monitoring and evaluation results, and satellite retirement and withdrawal from the network in a timely manner. Before taking planned operations that may affect user services, issue announcements to domestic and foreign users in a timely manner.

  IV. Promoting the sustainable development of the application industry

  In the new era, China’s Beidou insists on application in development and development in application, constantly solidifies the product foundation, expands the application field, improves the industrial ecology, continues to promote the large-scale application of Beidou, promotes the deep integration of Beidou application into the overall development of the national economy, promotes the healthy development of Beidou application industry, and injects strong impetus into economic and social development.

  (I) formulating and implementing an industrial development strategy

  China’s Beidou insists on promoting construction and construction simultaneously, systematically designing the development of the Beidou application industry, engineering to promote the Beidou industry and regional applications, and continuously deepening the promotion and application of the Beidou system to promote the high-quality development of the Beidou industry.

  In the face of the new era, new situation, and new requirements, we will adhere to the overall thinking of focusing on ecological protection, common foundation, and application industry, and gather the strength of all parties to form a joint management and joint efforts to promote a new situation.

  Strengthen industrial development planning and design. Formulate and implement the "Overall Plan for Comprehensive Strengthening the Industrialization and Application Development of the Beidou System" and the special project plan for the development of the Beidou industry. All industries and regions have successively introduced and implemented the Beidou industry special project plan and special project actions, and continuously improve the industrial innovation system, integrated application system, industrial ecosystem, and global service system.

  Implement major Beidou industrialization projects. In accordance with the principles of overall planning and intensification, highlighting key points, and promoting by classification, focus on ensuring safety, promoting innovation, and strengthening industries, give play to the strategic traction role of major projects, and accelerate the formation of a market-led and enterprise-dominated Beidou industrial development pattern.

  (2) Lay a solid foundation for industrial development

  China Beidou focuses on application infrastructure, application-based products, and application-based software, strengthening the construction of application-based platforms, increasing support for application technology research and development, and continuously solidifying the foundation for the development of Beidou’s application industry.

  Improve the application infrastructure. Fully build Beidou characteristic service platforms such as international search and rescue, short message communication, satellite base enhancement, and foundation enhancement, strengthen the integration of Beidou characteristic services with various communication means, expand the breadth and depth of applications, and provide users with more efficient and convenient services.

  Develop basic products for application. Develop a series of basic products such as chips, modules, antennas, etc., to achieve a mass production scale of 100 million Beidou basic products. Develop basic products that integrate satellite navigation with inertial navigation, mobile communication, visual navigation and other means to enhance application elasticity.

  Research and develop application basic software. Increase independent research and development efforts, strengthen the software and tooling of common basic technologies such as positioning solution, model development, data analytics, and design simulation, and promote the availability and use of application basic software.

  (III) Optimizing the industrial development ecosystem

  China’s Beidou focuses on standards, intellectual property rights, testing and certification, and industrial evaluation, etc., to create a complete, innovative, and healthy industrial ecosystem, and to achieve the resonant coupling of the supply chain, industrial chain, innovation chain, and policy chain, so as to promote the development of applied industrial clusters.

  Promote standardization construction. Give full play to the basic and leading role of standards, update and publish the Beidou satellite navigation standard system, and accelerate the formulation (revision) of Beidou application standards. Continue to promote the formation of an interconnected, comprehensive, scientific and reasonable application standard system including group standards, industry standards, national standards and international standards, and promote industrial optimization and upgrading.

  Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. Improve the quality and efficiency of patent examination in the field of Beidou satellite navigation, and provide support for the patent layout of the Beidou system. Stimulate the motivation and vitality of Beidou innovative application entities in the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property rights, and enhance China’s satellite navigation patent base reserve and application transformation capabilities.

  Improve the product testing and certification system. Strengthen the top-level design of Beidou satellite navigation product testing and certification, build a testing and certification public service network platform, carry out testing and certification of Beidou products in key industries and fields, improve product quality, and ensure the safety and reliability of applications.

  Build an industrial evaluation system. Facing key industries, key areas, major regions, mass applications and international applications, improve the application information feedback mechanism, establish a Beidou application industry evaluation mechanism, and ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

  Improve the level of cooperation in industrial development. Encourage the construction of the Beidou Industrial Alliance, strengthen the collaboration between production, university, research and application, and strengthen the connection with market demand. Give play to the role of relevant industry associations and societies as government-enterprise bridges to promote exchanges and cooperation and industry self-discipline.

  Create industrial clusters. Promote key regions and cities to integrate national strategies and their own characteristics, comprehensively layout the application of Beidou industries, consolidate the unique advantages of regional development, and form Beidou industrial clusters with R & D institutions, backbone enterprises, and characteristic parks as the main body.

  (IV) Strengthening the industrial development format

  China’s Beidou is widely used in various industries and fields of economic and social development, and is deeply integrated with emerging technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, giving birth to "Beidou +" and "+ Beidou" new business models, supporting economic and social digital transformation and improving quality and efficiency, and making people’s lives more convenient and exciting.

  Demonstration leads and drives. Aiming at important industries with large application scale, significant social and economic benefits, combined with national development strategies, implement industry and regional demonstration applications, form comprehensive application solutions, and drive large-scale application of Beidou.

  Integrate into key areas. Rapidly integrate into important areas that affect the national economy, people’s livelihood, and social welfare, involving national security, public safety, and economic security, and achieve more reliable and safe applications.

  Empower all walks of life. Deeply integrate into new infrastructure buildings such as information infrastructure, integrated infrastructure, and innovative infrastructure, and widely enter key industries such as transportation, energy, agriculture, communications, meteorology, natural resources, ecological environment, and emergency and disaster reduction to achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

  Enter thousands of households. Widely enter the fields of mass consumption, sharing economy and people’s livelihood. Through smart phones, car end points, wearable devices and other application products, we fully serve all aspects of people’s lives such as green travel, takeaway food delivery, healthy elderly care, child care, medical education, etc.

  Xinhua News Agency

  V. Enhance the level of modern governance

  In the new era of China’s Beidou, we will adhere to institutional innovation, mechanism innovation, and development innovation, improve policies and regulations, optimize organizational management, strengthen talent advantages, drive technological innovation through reform and innovation, give full play to the role of effective markets and promising governments, and continuously improve the level of modern governance.

  (I) Innovating organizational management systems and mechanisms

  China is based on the development needs of the Beidou system, scientifically plans and optimizes the mechanism, gives full play to the advantages of the national system, concentrates on major events, and brings together the forces of the government, the market, and society to form a strong joint force for the development of the Beidou cause.

  Innovate the organization and management of engineering construction. Give full play to the role of the Beidou system engineering construction leading institution, build an organization and management system with multi-department coordination, clear responsibilities, clear division of labor, and hierarchical implementation, and create a "three-in-one" collaborative promotion mechanism for engineering, application, and international cooperation to ensure the smooth operation, coordination, efficiency, and standardization of Beidou engineering construction management.

  Establish an overall coordination mechanism. Strengthen the systematic planning and coordinated advancement of infrastructure building, application promotion, international cooperation, satellite frequency orbit resource management, intellectual property protection, standard formulation, and talent team building, and build a new pattern of full linkage and great coordination.

  (2) Driving technological innovation through institutional innovation

  China has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, adhered to the "two-wheel drive" of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, established and improved the satellite navigation science and technology innovation power mechanism, and accelerated the promotion of scientific and technological innovation.

  Establish original integrated collaborative innovation mechanism. Adhering to the development principle of independent innovation and open exchange, cultivate the birthplace of original innovation of satellite navigation technology, deploy strategic, basic and forward-looking scientific and technological research in advance, and build an advanced technical research system and Product Research & Development system. Adapt to the requirements of the deep integration and development of Beidou and the new generation of information technology, organize in stages, incrementally develop, and integrate in multiple functions, establish an interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and cross-field collaborative innovation mechanism, gather innovation resources and elements, and stimulate the fusion effect of innovation and development.

  Improve the incentive mechanism for competitive selection. Based on the principles of openness, transparency, fair competition, and mutual learning, create a competitive mechanism of multiple participation, product comparison, comprehensive evaluation, and dynamic selection of the best, which not only maintains competitive pressure, but also fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of all parties to achieve high-quality, high-efficiency, low-cost, and sustainable development.

  Improve the scientific research and production organization system. Strengthen the guidance of new technologies such as digital engineering, and build an intelligent test verification and evaluation system. Optimize the "development, evaluation, improvement, and re-verification" iterative evolution of scientific research and production processes, create a new model that adapts to multi-star, multi-arrow, and multi-station simultaneous R & D and batch production, and improve the ability of star-earth integrated rapid networking.

  (III) Advancing the rule of law in satellite navigation

  China coordinates development and security, the current and long-term, domestic rule of law and foreign-related rule of law, builds China’s satellite navigation rule of law system in an all-round way, actively participates in the global governance of satellite navigation, and creates a good internal and external environment for the sustainable and healthy development of the Beidou system.

  Accelerate the advancement of satellite navigation legislation. Study and formulate the "Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Satellite Navigation", standardize and strengthen the management of satellite navigation activities, improve satellite navigation system construction, operation services, application management, international cooperation, security and other supporting systems, and continuously improve the satellite navigation legal system.

  Continuously optimize the business environment. Adhere to the principles of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, standardize the order of the satellite navigation market, continuously purify the market environment, protect the rights and interests of market players, optimize government services, create a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment, and stimulate market vitality and development momentum.

  Regulate satellite navigation activities. Submit Beidou satellite information in a timely, accurate and complete manner in accordance with space object registration regulations. Handle relevant radio frequency use licenses, space radio licenses, and satellite earth station licenses in accordance with the law. Protect the use of the Beidou system spectrum in accordance with the law, strictly prohibit the production, sale, or use of satellite navigation illegal interference equipment, and investigate and punish illegal interference in accordance with the law.

  Participate in the global governance of satellite navigation. Implement the global governance concept of consultation, joint contribution and sharing, handle satellite navigation international affairs under the framework of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), participate in the formulation of satellite navigation international rules, and promote the development of the satellite navigation international order in a more just and reasonable direction.

  (4) Thickening the development of talent advantages

  Talent is the first resource for development and innovation. China Beidou insists on cultivating talents, uniting talents, leading talents, and achieving talents with its undertakings. It continuously expands the talent team and gives full play to its talents’ advantages, injecting inexhaustible impetus into the development of satellite navigation.

  Strengthen the talent team. Improve the talent training system in the relevant fields of positioning, navigation and timing, improve the talent training, exchange and incentive mechanism, build a talent training platform, promote the construction of a national key laboratory, and strengthen the interdisciplinary, compound and international talent team.

  Promote academic prosperity. Facing the cutting-edge technology and industrial development needs of positioning and navigation timing, deepen the basic theory and application research of positioning and navigation timing, strengthen academic exchanges of positioning and navigation timing, and take multiple measures to improve the ability and level of scientific and technological innovation.

  Promote popular science education. Continue to promote the construction of popular science education bases, focus on creating experiential popular science scenes, carry out popular science activities, publish popular science books, enrich popular science content, promote the popularization and popularization of positioning, navigation, timing knowledge, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole people to explore science and space.

  VI. Helping to build a community with a shared future for mankind

  Satellite navigation is the common wealth of all mankind. China adheres to openness and integration, coordination and cooperation, compatibility and complementarity, and sharing achievements. It actively carries out international cooperation on the Beidou system, promotes the internationalization process of Beidou applications, and allows the Beidou system to better serve the world, benefit mankind, and help build a community with a shared future for mankind.

  (1) Promote multi-system compatibility and sharing

  China actively advocates and continues to promote the compatibility and interoperability of satellite navigation systems, actively carries out frequency and orbit coordination and consultation, and jointly improves the service level of satellite navigation systems to provide global users with more high-quality, diverse, safe and reliable services.

  Advocate compatibility and interoperability cooperation. Continue to promote the compatibility and interoperability of the Beidou system with other satellite navigation systems and satellite-based augmentation systems, promote the compatibility and sharing of satellite navigation systems, and achieve resource sharing, complementary advantages, and technological progress. Establish a multi-bilateral cooperation mechanism for satellite navigation, continue to carry out compatibility and interoperability coordination, and carry out cooperation and exchanges with other countries on satellite navigation systems and satellite-based augmentation systems to promote the common development of satellite navigation systems.

  Carry out frequency and orbit position coordination and consultation. Follow the rules of the International Telecommunication Union, maintain the international order of satellite network declaration and coordination, and carry out satellite navigation frequency and orbit position coordination and consultation through multilateral and bilateral friendly consultations. Actively participate in the research and formulation of technologies and standards led by international organizations, and jointly maintain, use and expand satellite navigation frequency and orbit position resources with relevant countries.

  (2) Extensive international cooperation and exchanges

  China has deepened the international cooperation mechanism, jointly expanded international cooperation channels, created an international cooperation platform, established an international cooperation window, continued to expand the international "Moments" of the Beidou system, and continuously improved the global application level of satellite navigation.

  Deeply participate in the international affairs of satellite navigation. Participate in a series of activities under the framework of the United Nations, hold the conference of the International Committee on Global Satellite Navigation Systems, participate in topic research, develop cooperation suggestions, launch cooperation initiatives, and discuss and promote the development of the world satellite navigation industry.

  Carry out multilateral and bilateral cooperation and exchanges. Carry out cooperation and exchanges with regional organizations such as ASEAN, the Arab League, and countries in Africa, Latin America and other regions, hold the Beidou/GNSS cooperation forum, publish application scenarios, promote solutions, and improve the international application level.

  Deepen testing and evaluation cooperation. Jointly conduct Beidou and other global satellite navigation system positioning and navigation timing, short message communication, international search and rescue service performance testing and evaluation, and issue test evaluation reports to enhance users’ understanding of satellite navigation system status and service performance, enhance user confidence, and improve cooperation.

  Build an international education and training platform. Continue to carry out academic education for international students in satellite navigation-related majors, especially master’s and doctoral education. Relying on platforms such as the United Nations Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China), the Beidou/GNSS Center, and the Beidou International Exchange and Training Center, actively carry out satellite navigation training, train satellite navigation talents for the international community, especially developing countries, and promote international satellite navigation capacity building.

  Extensively carry out international academic exchanges. Strengthen exchange platforms such as the China Satellite Navigation Annual Conference and the Beidou Scale Application International Summit, and continue to enhance international influence. Actively participate in academic exchange activities in the field of international satellite navigation to promote the progress of international satellite navigation technology.

  (3) Promote participation in the international standards system

  China continues to promote the Beidou system into international standards organizations, industry and professional applications and other standards organizations, so that the Beidou system can better serve global users and the development of related industries.

  International civil aviation standards. The relevant technical indicators of the Beidou system have passed the verification of the International Civil Aviation Organization, meeting the requirements of international civil aviation standards, and have the ability to provide positioning, navigation and timing services for global civil aviation users.

  International maritime standards. The Beidou system has become an important part of the world’s radio navigation system and has achieved international legal status for maritime applications. The Beidou Shipborne Receiving Equipment Testing Standard has been officially released, providing design, production and testing basis for international maritime equipment manufacturers. The Beidou Short Message Communication Service has been steadily advanced in joining the IMO Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.

  International standards in the field of search and rescue. Issue international standards for emergency positioning indicators for search and rescue satellites. Promote the inclusion of Beidou return links in the organization standards of the global search and rescue satellite system, and carry out international compatibility and sharing coordination of return links.

  International standards in the field of mobile communications. The 3rd Generation Partnership for International Mobile Communications plans to develop and release technical standards, performance standards and conformance testing standards to support Beidou signals, providing important support for 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile communication systems and end points using Beidou network-assisted positioning and high-precision positioning functions.

  International Data Exchange Standard. Promote Beidou to enter the international common data standards for receivers such as high-precision differential services, common data exchange formats, and positioning information output protocols.

  (IV) To promote the benefits of development outcomes globally

  China continues to promote the depth and breadth of international application of Beidou products, services and industries, accelerate the internationalization process of Beidou’s large-scale application, contribute to global economic and social development and improvement of people’s livelihood, and enhance the well-being of people around the world.

  Enhance the international contribution of Beidou products. Promote the integration of chips, modules, end points and other Beidou products into the international industrial system, connect with international needs, benchmark international standards, give play to unique advantages, integrate into local industries, serve transformation and upgrading, and promote economic and social development.

  Promote the overseas landing of Beidou services. Establish an international application service system for satellite navigation, cooperate to build a satellite navigation service platform, and jointly promote the international application of special services such as international search and rescue, short message communication, satellite-based enhancement, and ground-based enhancement to meet the diverse application needs of international users.

  Deepen international cooperation in the application industry. Carry out satellite navigation application technology research and development and industrial cooperation, establish an overseas Beidou application industry promotion center, and cultivate the foundation of satellite navigation industry. Increase cooperation with ASEAN, the Arab League, the African Union, CELAC and other regional organizations, release smart city, public safety, precision agriculture, digital transportation, disaster prevention and mitigation and other Beidou application solutions, and focus on demonstration applications in Asia, Africa, Latin America and other regions.

  concluding remarks

  Exploring space and time in the universe is a millennial dream of the Chinese nation. From watching "Beidou" at night to building "Beidou", from looking up at the stars to the warp and latitude space and time, China’s Beidou has a promising future. China will unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation. With the next generation of Beidou system as the core, build a more ubiquitous, more integrated and more intelligent comprehensive space and time system, and write a new chapter in human space and time civilization.

  The universe is vast and can accommodate the joint development and utilization of all countries; the galaxy is vast and requires the cooperation and exploration of all mankind. China is willing to share the achievements of the construction and development of the Beidou system with other countries, jointly promote the vigorous development of the world’s satellite navigation industry, and join hands to move towards a broader sea of stars, so as to make new and greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind and a better world.