The big names in the air-conditioning industry gathered together to explore how to fight the air-conditioning "value upgrade war"

  Southern Network News (Reporter/Tang Qiaoyan)8month24"Wind-free Aerobic", directed by the China Household Appliances Association and sponsored by China Home Appliances NetworkTANOrigin traceability –2022-2023China Air Conditioning Industry Summit Forum "was held, with representatives of mainstream household air conditioning brands and core component manufacturers, as well as the forum’s exclusive channel partner home appliances and data support agenciesGfKZhongyikang and others gathered together to discuss the innovative development and mission of the air-conditioning industry under the "double carbon" goal.

  High temperature "heating"Air Conditioning Market

  In the "roasting" mode, refrigeration appliances represented by air conditioners ushered in a high-temperature "hot period" in July and August. According toGfKZhongyikang monitoring data,7The monthly retail sales and retail sales of air conditioners in the online market increased year-on-year respectively41.6%,44.6%, enter8In the past two weeks, the retail volume and retail sales of the air conditioner online market increased year-on-year respectively76.0%,79.4%The offline market volume and scale have also exceeded20%The year-on-year growth.

  However, the stellar performance of the air-conditioning market is similar to that of the first half of the year and even the whole2022The cold years in the industry have formed a clear contrast. FromGfKAccording to Zhongyikang data, in the first half of this year, the retail volume and retail sales of the household air conditioner market declined year-on-year, respectively20.1%and14.1%The entire2022In the cold year, the retail volume and retail sales of the air conditioner market were4357Ten thousand units.1505Billion yuan, down year-on-year respectively15.0%,9.2%"The economic downturn and the epidemic directly affect the income level of consumers, so the consumer confidence index fell year-on-year", inGfKPeng Xiandong, General Manager of Zhongyikang Home Appliances DivisionIt seems that consumers’ expectations for the home appliance market and the implementation of purchasing power have decreased, and the corresponding air conditioner has also been affected by a significant decline. In addition, air conditioners have further entered the stock market, and there is less new demand. Based on this, Peng Xiandong judges that the air conditioner industry will enter a low-speed era in the next two years, with incremental scarcity, and the market core will shift from the pursuit of scale to the pursuit of quality.

Peng Xiandong, General Manager of GfK Zhongyikang Home Appliances Division

  for2022The scale of China’s household air conditioner market has declined beyond expectations in the cold year. Wang Lei, secretary general of the China Household Appliances Association, also believes that this is the result of multiple factors. Including the repeated regional epidemics across the country in the first half of the year, which put pressure on the industrial supply chain and also had a negative impact on the demand for air conditioners. In addition, the sluggish real estate is also a factor strongly related to the demand for air conditioners. Moreover, the more important objective factor is that the popularity of household air conditioners has basically reached a high level. According to the National Bureau of Statistics,2020At the end of the year, the number of air conditioners owned by 100 households in the country reached117.7Taiwan, of which 100 households in cities and towns own149.6Taiwan. "At present, the social ownership of air conditioners in the country has reached5.4Million units, the stock update has become the main body of current and future market consumption demand, which has a direct and long-term impact on the size of the air conditioner market. "

Wang Lei, Secretary General of China Household Appliances Association

  Seeking "new" kinetic energy under the stock

  When the industry enters a new development stage dominated by "stock replacement", the external operating environment, as analyzed by Wei Lai, Chief Research Officer of Zijin Tianfeng Futures, accounts for the cost of air conditioning85%The above raw material prices are breaking away from the traditional cyclical framework and reshaping into a new cycle, corresponding to the reshaping of the cyclical characteristics of air conditioners at both ends of the cost and consumption. Under the new cyclical characteristics, the market prospects for air conditioners are still broad, but new growth drivers need to be sought inward.

Zijin Tianfeng Futures Chief Research Officer Wei Lai platform data shows that in the first half of the year, the turnover of platform fresh air conditioners was the same period last year5.5Times, while the fresh air conditioner also showed a higher than the overall market32%The characteristics of; "618 "During the period, the turnover of fresh air conditioners on the platform increased year-on-year460%; Home Appliances "815 "Anniversary high tide28Hours, the turnover of fresh air conditioners increased by more than4Double. " platform always takes consumer demand as the first starting point," said Zhang Yiming, marketing director of’s home appliance air conditioner business department. Through active market research, home appliances and various air conditioner brands work closely together, with the same perspective. They all believe that fresh air conditioners in new products may be the next growth point in the industry. "Combined with the trend of purification and health, the increase in fresh air volume will be more suitable for the needs of life scenes."

Zhang Yiming, Head of Marketing, Home Appliance Air Conditioning Business Department,

  At the enterprise level, it can be seen that more air-conditioning companies are also launching products with corresponding functions or even composite functions through technological innovation to meet the diverse, personalized and quality consumption needs of consumers. At the meeting,Yan Bo, General Manager of Casarte Air ConditioningDue to the different air pain points faced by different climates and seasons, Casarte innovatively launched the luxury version of Yunding Air Conditioning, "This product is positioned as an’original ecological air maintenance expert ‘, hoping to achieve the maintenance of people, the maintenance of the environment, and the maintenance of high-end lifestyles through air conditioning. As a whole, what we want to do is to pass on the high-end, comfort and wisdom of Casarte Air Conditioning to consumers."

Yan Bo, General Manager of Casarte Air Conditioning

  The product evaluation dimension built on factors such as energy conservation, health, and comfort is becoming the core driving force for the reform and upgrading of China’s air-conditioning supply side. Therefore, the2023The three major product trends in the cold year air conditioning industry are"Energy efficient" product trends;"Comfort" product trends;"Health" product trends

  "Dual Carbon "Engine Drives Green and High-Quality Development

  The green and low-carbon development of the air-conditioning industry still faces no small challenges. "For the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, under the trend of’dual carbon ‘, the biggest challenge isHFCsThe reduction of conventional refrigerants may lead to corresponding quota issues, which may directly affect the operation of an enterprise. "Li Tingxun, Associate Professor of Sun Yat-sen Universitythink, the futureYeah.HFCsControl of consumption, production, or quota managementOr will directlyImpact on the air conditioning industryDevelopment. So, how can the air-conditioning industry achieve carbon emission reductions?Lee Ting HoonIt seems that on the one hand, it is necessary to improve energy efficiency. At present, the energy efficiency of air conditioners has been improved15%The future is coming2030The year may rise again15%On the other hand, based on the carbon emissions directly caused by the refrigerant, it is necessary to choose the development of more environmentally friendly refrigerant alternatives to achieve, in this regard, the only sure chance is lowGWPRefrigerants will have a large application in the future. In addition, materials, production, transportation, storage and other links will also directly or indirectly lead to carbon emissions, so air-conditioning related enterprises also pay attention to the carbon emission reduction of the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products.

Li Tingxun, Associate Professor of Sun Yat-sen University

  "Compared with other manufacturing industries, I personally think the energy saving and carbon reduction of the home appliance industry has advantages. "Xie Nanan, director of the environmental and dual-carbon business department of the General Technology Inspection and Testing Group, analyzed that the reason is that the home appliance industry has implemented the trade-in policy more fully, and the improvement of energy efficiency of home appliances is to reduce energy consumption from the source. In addition, the intelligence of home appliance products is a system improvement, which is considered from an overall perspective. In addition, there is more room for expansion in the green and low-carbon transformation of the home appliance industry, such as the control role of the supply chain, energy consumption in the production process, energy structure adjustment, andHFCsThe emission reduction of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases such as refrigerants is worthy of attention and active promotion by home appliance companies such as air conditioners.

Xie Nannan, Director of Environment and Dual Carbon Division, General Technology Inspection and Testing Group

  Meeting, attendingofAir-conditioning-related enterprises and industry guests issued a "green energy-saving air-conditioning replacement initiative" to the air-conditioning industry – actively responding to the national "double carbon" strategy and2022The national household appliance consumption season activities will promote the improvement of quality, variety and brand of green intelligent air conditioners; industry organizations and upstream and downstream industries will give full play to their respective advantages to promote a new round of "trade-in" and "home appliances to the countryside" work, and promote the upgrade of air conditioner consumption in an orderly manner. Continue to lead the trend of quality, greening and intelligence of air conditioner consumption.This move is undoubtedly furtherBlowair conditionerThe clarion call for industrial green and low-carbon transformation.