Annual sales 3 billion, but the kiln still can’t afford the flag of domestic soda

AuthorWhat is it?Lele

Editor: Zhu Tian

Review:Single, ZZ

Source:New Consumer Intelligence Tank

It was as if the large kiln drink had gone viral overnight.
Walking into the hot barbecue stall, hot pot restaurant, and street food stall, the flower arm brother held the big kiln and stepped on the box to drink. Next to the freezer, rows of big kilns with ice mist were neatly displayed; in the subway and on the elevator, its advertisements were everywhere, "Big soda, drink big kiln", which had the same level of magic brainwashing as "You love me, I love you, Mixue Bingcheng sweet", like a virus "spread".
In February 2022, the big kiln soda smashed money to win the actor Wu Jing. Wu Jing held the image of the big kiln soda and held a lot of northern tough guys.This small sweet water, which came out of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, has successfully "broken through the circle" in the beverage market.
Image source:Dayao official Weibo
Relevant data show that in 2022, the size of our country’s beverage market reached 2478.0 billion yuan, of which carbonated beverages accounted for 55.0%. In China’s carbonated beverage market, Coca-Cola and Pepsi occupied most of the share.
In recent years, the rise of domestic products and the national tide has injected a trace of vitality into the domestic soda brands that survive in the cracks, but almost all domestic beverages have not been nationalized. Under such a difficult situation, the large kiln has successfully broken out of Inner Mongolia.
In 2022, Dayao handed over a rather eye-catching report card, with 3.20 billion annual sales, killing a number of domestic soda brands in seconds, and becoming the invisible king of the track.
Killing the crazy kiln, conquering the city and territory in just a few years, relying on the wild road of "killing others". ButThe new consumer think tank believes that although the large kiln is successful, it should not be touted yet. The large kiln with obvious ceilings still cannot afford the banner of domestic soda.

Radical expansion, Dayao made a few moves "wild chess"
Xu Rong, who opened a barbecue restaurant in Hangzhou, disliked Dayao soda at first.
Her restaurant specializes in barbecued meat and some local dishes, and the price per customer is around 100 yuan. In the summer of 2021, when the store opened, the liquor agent recommended Dayao soda. At first, she thought that the appearance of this beer was similar, and the sweet water without juice content was not easy to sell. The only attraction was the high profit.
"At that time, many customers in the Hangzhou area had not heard of this drink. After trying a few cases, they did not expect to perform surprisingly well. Now Jianlibao, Dayao and Jiaduobao are the three drinks with high sales in the store," Xu Rong told the New Consumer Think Tank.The reason why the kiln sells well is that its "must kill skill" is its 500ml capacity and the price of less than ten yuan.

Image source:Dayao official Weibo

This sentence points out the essence of the expansion of the kiln – first, the price is low and the capacity is huge; second, it is rooted in the catering channel, which keeps the cost very low and benefits dealers and end point merchants at all levels.

According to the data, Dayao was formerly known as Hohhot Bayi Beverage Factory, which was founded in 1983. It was officially renamed Hohhot Dayao Food Factory in 2006 and upgraded to Inner Mongolia Dayao Beverage Co., Ltd on December 21, 2016.
Since then, Dayao has been active in Inner Mongolia for a long time and has a certain reputation in the local area. In 2018, Dayao began its national layout and successively established production bases in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Liaoning, Jilin and other northern regions.Today, its products have covered hundreds of thousands of end points in 31 provinces and autonomous regions.
Out of the northwest to grab the site, the big kiln gives consumers can not refuse the price. Horizontal comparison tea industry, Mixue Bingcheng fire, is that it hit the price of milk tea down, and throughout the market of domestic soda players, there are brand play feelings, brand innovation taste,The loopholes drilled by the big kiln are capacity and price.
The price of 248ml glass bottles in Arctic Ocean varies in most supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants and other channels, with an overall retail price of 5 yuan or more; the price of 275ml soda in Hankou No. 2 Factory in Ole, Hema and other supermarkets is up to 9.8 yuan a bottle.
The price of a 500ml bottle kiln is only around 5-8 yuan. Nowadays, consumers’ sensitivity to price is increasing. Under the same milliliter, a few dollars difference may not feel, but the same price, different milliliters, the contrast is very obvious. The large kiln, which is obviously more atmospheric in capacity, directly preempts the user’s mind of the big soda track.
Some consumers feel this way:The downgrade of adult consumption began when ice peaks and the Arctic Ocean became kilns.
In terms of channel construction, Dayao did not choose the retail channels dominated by the two music giants, but mainly targeted the scenes where big brands disdained to grab – food stalls, snack bars, barbecue restaurants and other mid- and low-end catering markets, to achieve dislocation competition in channels.

Image source:Dayao official Weibo

The founder of Dayao started by selling wine and knew more about catering. At the beginning of the brand’s establishment, he knew that he was grabbing the beer business. Its official report shows that 78.4% of the products are sold by restaurants.

Relevant data show that in 2021, the annual sales of large kilns are about 3 billion yuan, and in 2022, their sales will reach 3.20 billion yuan, which is 10 times that of the ice peak and 3 times that of the Arctic Ocean.
According to media reports, the big kiln is also counterattacking the supermarket channel in the same way.

How long can Little Sweet Water win by "big"?
Behind the eye-catching results and strong profitability, the kiln is also caught in its own dilemma. For example, a single consumption scene, lax product quality control, multiple explosions injuring people, etc.

Image source:Dayao official Weibo

In the opinion of the new consumer think tank, the major tricks of Dayao’s expansion were limited to the initial competition with domestic brands. When it went national and required new growth expectations, the ceiling began to loom.

First, the products of large kilns run counter to the current consumer health concept.The popular barbecue stall in Dayao is mainly in the context of driving and not drinking alcohol. The packaging of beer bottle style makes Dayao a substitute for beer. The author has also drunk Dayao at a party. There is no alcohol, which is more spicy than carbonated drinks such as Coke, and the entrance is a strong flavor. Looking at the ingredient list, it is even more exciting. Cyclamate, acesulfame, and aspartame are the main ingredients.
With the popularity of sugar-free and low-sugar health concepts, the high-sugar characteristics of Dayao beverages are obviously contrary to consumer health concepts. After the news of aspartame’s carcinogenicity, consumers can’t help but have concerns about the ingredients of beverages. It can only be said that it is only for occasional indulgence. Whether it can become a long-term choice for consumers is debatable.
In the second and first few years, the large kiln was able to quickly open up the market by adopting a low-price profit strategy, essentially following the path of a price war.
What is the market barrier of the big kiln? Is it to give the channel a higher gross profit? Is it the formula of "water + white sugar + honey"? Many people know that the most attractive point is the low price strategy. If the big kiln’s play method is "copied" by another new brand and the price is lower, then there can be a new explosion.
For dealers and catering end points, there is only one reason to choose large kilns – high profits.
In terms of price system design, the profit margins of big kiln to dealers and end points far exceed other brands. A dealer in Xi’an County told the New Consumer Think Tank that the CIF price of big kiln to first-level dealers is 17.5 yuan/box, the price of dealers to second-level dealers is 22 yuan/box, the price to end point is 30 yuan/box, and 5 pieces are given as a gift. Finally, 25 yuan/box is calculated. 12 bottles per box, which is equivalent to the purchase price of 2.5 yuan per bottle. Retail sales in restaurants are generally 5-6 yuan per bottle. Some restaurants can even sell for 8-10 yuan, and restaurant owners can net more than 20 yuan per piece.
When asked if a similar brand could be promoted at a higher profit, would the dealer be willing to enter the market? The dealer smiled and expressed his willingness to try.
If there really are later replicators, how to defend their moat has also become a problem that Dayao must solve.
Third, success is also catering, failure is also catering.The reason why the big kiln can break out of the circle is inseparable from its deep cultivation of catering channels. The big kiln is highly dependent on the channels of the middle and low-end catering market.
According to public information, in order to solve the dilemma of a single consumption scene, in recent years, the brand has been actively expanding the supermarket and online sales end point channels outside the catering industry, but in these channels, the big kiln obviously does not have the advantage, "Liangle", Nongfu Spring, Master Kong and other traditional giants have a solid position, and the big kiln with a strong trend in the catering channel has suddenly become hoarse.
This year’s Spring Festival, Dayao attacked the supermarket for the first time in the form of gift boxes, shouting the slogan "Drink Dayao, celebrate the New Year", and created a creative pile in a prominent position in the supermarket, opening up a new consumption scene, but the market response was relatively lukewarm. In its proud catering channel, old rivals and new brands are also actively counterattacking.
Fourth, the product sequence "alternates old and new", and the strategy of attempting to win by more fails.At present, the core products sold by the big kiln are still guests and orange nods. This year, the big kiln made tea, energy drinks, Saibei spring mineral water, big kiln soy milk and other series of beverages with juice gas in one breath, but the performance was mediocre.
Image source:Dayao official WeiboThe layout of the product line in a short period of time is a bit too large, and there may be a certain dispersion of resources and energy when extending from the soda brand to so many categories. The timing of the launch of the new product of the big kiln is also quite embarrassing. When the brand awareness of the big bottle soda has not been firmly established in the hearts of consumers, it has launched new products too early, and even launched 275ML small kiln fruit steam products, which is contrary to the brand positioning of the original "big bottle".
In addition, the more categories a company is involved in, the more competitors it will face, and the more competition it will have to study and deal with in the future.

The kiln needs new growth.But it won’t make the next 3 billion
In addition to product system and channel issues, there are also more critical food safety issues that trap large kilns.
On the Weibo platform, under the terms #Plastic found in unopened kiln soda #, #Visiting the boss said that the kiln soda has foreign objects #, #The kiln soda on the shelf suddenly exploded #, there are many consumer criticisms of the kiln beverage, "The brown bottle of the kiln smells like bubble gum, and you can’t drink it after a sip", "The packaging is defective, and everyone must be careful when opening the bottle when the temperature is too high"…
In the soda market, the big kiln is currently going well, but it is far from a time of peace of mind. Otherwise, its founders would not have spent tens of millions on consulting companies to "come up with ideas" when they reached the volume of sales in 3 billion.Dayao is still seeking new growth expectations.
Zhu Danpeng, a Chinese food industry analyst, said that at present, the volume of the big kiln has certain advantages in the domestic soda water, but the positioning of the brand "big soda" is relatively narrow, and the consumption scene only corresponds to catering or home drinking, which will cause great obstacles to the future development of the big kiln. In addition, the unique flavor of the big kiln does not match the current trend of big health.
Xiao Mingchao, founder and CEO of Zhimeng Consulting, pointed out that there is no shortcut to gaining a foothold in the highly competitive beverage industry, and traditional play may be the best way to play.It is one of the most important tasks for the kiln to do a good job in stabilizing the catering channels and consolidating the results of the current domestic soda breakout battle.
According to relevant data, the future carbonated beverage market will grow at a rate of 8.58%, and by 2027, the carbonated beverage market in our country will reach 162.20 billion yuan.
As the largest subdivision track in the beverage industry, carbonated beverages have always been a must for various brands. In recent years, riding the ****** breeze ** the national tide and domestic products, ******* Arctic Ocean, Shaanxi Bingfeng, Wuhan No. 2 Factory and other domestic sodas that have been quiet for many years have taken advantage ** the trend. Arctic Ocean has entered the live stream to sell goods, develop new products, and play cross-border joint names; Hankou No. 2 Factory soda has turned into a new trendy drink based on its young design, and at the same time has played a combination ** "mid-to-high-end **fline channels + online e-commerce platforms"…
Among the many players, Big Kiln’s catering track, classic products, capacity, etc., are both its advantages and its disadvantages. How can Big Kiln, which does not want to be in a corner, solve the contradictions through brand upgrades, product upgrades, and play upgrades? Can it continue to lead the new journey of domestic beverages? Can more "Big Kilns" tear new gaps from the soda rivers and lakes in the future?
Behind these question marks is the key to whether the kiln can create a second growth curve.
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