E Road has you, Gongfu "Increase" Road E Road Extended Range Edition Factory Test Drive Meeting ended successfully

Embracing the tide of the times and full of thousands of expectations, Jiangling E-Luda Extended Range Edition came on demand, walked into the intelligent manufacturing factory, and had an in-depth test drive tasting. On June 2, 2024, the Jiangling E-Luda Extended Range Edition factory test drive tasting meeting with the theme of "E Road has you and mutual wealth" was successfully held in Nanchang, Jiangxi. More than 30 dealers and friends from all over the country were invited to start a different kind of factory test drive tasting journey.E Road has you, Gongfu "Increase" Road E Road Extended Range Edition Factory Test Drive Meeting ended successfully

Xiaolan Factory Test Drive Tasting In-depth Experience E Luda Extended Range Edition

In order to allow dealers from afar to fully understand, understand and experience the E-Luda Extended Range Edition, this Jiangling Light Truck Factory Test Drive Tasting Activity conducted a comprehensive static tasting, conducted a detailed interpretation of the vehicle product force, and organized a centralized display of core components such as engines and range extenders. Not only satisfied the curiosity of dealers about the E-Luda Extended Range Edition technology, but also showed everyone the strength and advantages of Jiangling Light Truck.E Road has you, Gongfu "Increase" Road E Road Extended Range Edition Factory Test Drive Meeting ended successfully

The venue test drive of this event was arranged at Jiangling Automobile’s Xiaolan factory, and the dealers conducted the inner and outer ring test drive in groups. The whole process involved straight acceleration test, 5km ring road energy consumption test, continuous speed bump shock absorption comfort experience, ramp braking safety test and curve stability test and many other links. The dealers who were invited to participate in the factory test drive tasting experienced the Jiangling E-Luda Extended Range Edition for the first time, and gave high praise to its various performance tests. The event also held a promotion and exchange seminar with the dealers to jointly discuss the products, scenarios and promotion of the E-Luda Extended Range Edition.E Road has you, Gongfu "Increase" Road E Road Extended Range Edition Factory Test Drive Meeting ended successfully

The birth of Jiangling E Luda Extended Range Edition is destined to be of extraordinary strength

Jiangling E-Luda Extended Range Edition is the last piece of the puzzle to complete the Qingyun architecture product lineage. It can be powered by oil and electricity, and it is a movable "energy fortress". It has the advantage of urban right of way, can hang new energy green cards, and has a more excellent driving experience. The E-Luda Extended Range Edition is naturally destined to be extraordinary in strength.E Road has you, Gongfu "Increase" Road E Road Extended Range Edition Factory Test Drive Meeting ended successfully

The E-Luda Extended Range Edition has a full load of up to 140km pure electric cruising range, with a total cruising range of up to 750km; in terms of energy consumption, ultra-low energy consumption, the more you use it, the more economical it is. The range extender is only responsible for "power generation" and does not directly participate in the drive. The whole process is electric drive, and the pure electric driving is as low as 30 cents per kilometer. The cost of using a car is only half of the light fuel of the same level; in terms of fast charging, the E-Luda Extended Range Edition is faster to replenish energy. It comes with a water-cooled battery pack as standard, and the charging is super fast. It can be charged from 30% to 80% in 30 minutes. In terms of power, the E-Luda Extended Range Edition adopts a high-efficiency motor drive system, with a maximum horsepower of 183PS and a torque of 370N · m. It is still full of power for full-load travel, low temperature, and high altitude, and the energy is online. In terms of volume, the E-Luda Extended Range Edition has an optimized layout of the whole vehicle. The inner length of the cargo compartment is 4.2 meters, which can be called the largest volume in the industry. At the same time, the E-Luda Extended Range Edition also supports the selection of 2.3-meter height cargo compartments. In order to meet different vehicle scenarios, the E-Luda Extended Range Edition has three energy modes: pure electric priority, high-speed mode (hybrid oil and electricity), and fuel priority to achieve the best energy consumption economy and power output. At the same time, the E-Luda Extended

The Jiangling E-Road Extended Range Edition brought surprises and satisfaction to the dealers at the factory test drive tasting meeting. The surging power, ultra-low energy consumption, and comfortable driving made all the experiencers praise it. This oil and electricity "energy fortress" has entered the countdown to its launch. I believe it will be a dazzling new star in the new energy light truck industry. The market performance is worth looking forward to!